unique visitors counter “This has to be an absolute perfect adaptation”: There Is No One More Loyal Than a ‘Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’ Fan Waiting for Part 7 – soka sardar

“This has to be an absolute perfect adaptation”: There Is No One More Loyal Than a ‘Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’ Fan Waiting for Part 7

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure isn’t a mere Shonen anime but a phenomenon. From cosplays to memes, Hirohiko Araki’s series has made waves on the internet. To say it is popular would be criminal considering its worldwide impact. This also goes for loyalists who await the seventh volume’s animated release.

Jolyne Cujoh powering up in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.
Jolyne Cujoh in a still from the anime | Credit: David Production

Of late, an official source confirmed Steel Ball Run’s anime release which has fans all stoked up. Their excitement and responses are valid considering it’s been three years since the sixth season’s release. To say the least, Steel Ball Run is a riveting and engaging commentary on power.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 anime announced

If Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure were to be summed up in one word, it would be flamboyant. It is anything but a run-of-the-mill Shonen series, especially with its unique power system. There is a sense of nostalgia with the art and animation which is why people gravitate to the series.

But on the whole, it also has to do with its concept of Stand. It is an individual’s spiritual energy and willpower manifested into a figure. The power system is novel and offbeat which makes it more engaging. But the consistency is what ties the story arcs together and makes it conclusive.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Giorno Giovanna in a still from the anime | Credit: David Production

Throughout the series, we witness the Joestar family battling their foes with Stands. But it isn’t merely supernatural as the series has political undertones to it as well. It starts with Dio Brando and later branches out to his son and his involvement in the arcs but Part 7 is where it gets exciting.

The Steel Ball Run takes it up a notch with the references be it political or pop culture. It has been almost four years since the sixth season ended and fans have been waiting with bated breaths for the seventh season. With the recent update, this is what a fan had to say.

To be fair, good things do take time and the fan comment does make sense, especially with the huge gap. The three-year-long break would mean better production quality and visuals. But that isn’t the sole reason it would notch up in popularity.

The series’ commentary on politics and power stands in contrast to previous adaptations. It wasn’t heavily laden with political references as it would be in Steel Ball Race. But the season would be a mush of both and that would have everyone revved up for the better.

Steel Ball Run’s not-so-subtle commentary on power

Steel Ball Run is set in the 1890s and follows yet another Joestar family member. This time it is Johnny Joestar who is a paraplegic ex-jockey player. He sets out on a cross-country race with Gyro Zeppeli oblivious of the powerplay within the game.

The 50 million dollar grand prize symbolizes a sense of purpose for Johnny. His bond with Gyro only grows as the series progresses. But the one pulling the strings is Funny Valentine. His scheming yet jingoistic persona is somewhat based on Benjamin Harrison as some say.

By now, we all know how Hirohiko Araki’s series is about defiance. The strength and power don’t lie merely within their stands but also within their worldview. As Johnny and Gyro are caught up in this web of lies, they hone their skills to defeat the final boss.

From Poco Loco to Sandman, Araki seemingly played the references brilliantly with the characters’ names. It would be a complete treat for fans to witness the seventh season after years of wait.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is available for streaming on Netflix. The manga is available for reading on Shueisha’s Manga Plus app.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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