THRIFTY mums have discovered a way to get a whopping 16 hours of electricity totally for free.
With the costs skyrocketing, millions of cash-strapped households are on the lookout for ways to slash their expenses where possible – and now one cash-savvy woman has come to rescue with the ultimate tip.

Thrifty mums have announced they’ll ‘doing everyone’s washing; after discovering an easy hack to get 16 hours of free electricity[/caption]
The cash-savvy woman shared the hack with Facebook users who thanked her for the tip[/caption]
According to money-smart Facebook user Wendy Manik, you can get up to almost a day’s worth of electricity without spending a penny.
Informing fellow social media users on the popular Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group, she revealed that those with EDF Energy can enjoy free electricity if they cut down their ”peak usage”.
In her post, thrifty Wendy said that households that slash their energy usage in the late afternoon, could be awarded with a huge bonus.
She wrote in her post: ”EDF ask you to cut down your peak usage (4-7pm) and if you do it well, you get either 4, 8, 12 or 16 hours of free electricity on Sunday… if you signed up to Sunday Saver scheme.”
Wendy, from Cambridgeshire, went on: ”This Sunday I have 12 hours, so all my washing will be washed and dried in the tumble!”
According to the money-smart woman, she’s already been gifted the free electricity on two occasions, totalling up to a whopping 20 hours.
Wendy also shared a screenshot of the messages EDF had sent her, with one of them reading: ”Congratulations! By shifting your peak energy usage from 17.7% to 10.6 you’ve earned 12 hours of free electricity to use this Sunday between 8am and 8pm.
”Free electricity earned during this time will be credited to your account on Thursday, 17th April.”
To be able to claim the free electricity, Wendy revealed she is not using any energy between 4pm and 7pm Monday to Friday.
The money-smart woman also added that she uses a Tesco solar lamp to be able to slash the costs even more.
Other easy tips worth following is putting your energy-draining devices on stand-by, drying your washing outside when the weather is sunny, only boiling as much water as you need – and more.
‘I’ll be doing everyone’s washing’
The post, which is sure to come in handy for millions of Brits, has since taken the internet by storm, winning Wendy over 550 likes.
Close to 130 members of the popular page flooded to comments to thank her for the advice.
4 ways to keep your energy bills low
Laura Court-Jones, Small Business Editor at Bionic shared her tips.
1. Turn your heating down by one degree
You probably won’t even notice this tiny temperature difference, but what you will notice is a saving on your energy bills as a result. Just taking your thermostat down a notch is a quick way to start saving fast. This one small action only takes seconds to carry out and could potentially slash your heating bills by £171.70.
2. Switch appliances and lights off
It sounds simple, but fully turning off appliances and lights that are not in use can reduce your energy bills, especially in winter. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use, can save you up to £20 a year on your energy bills
3. Install a smart meter
Smart meters are a great way to keep control over your energy use, largely because they allow you to see where and when your gas and electricity is being used.
4. Consider switching energy supplier
No matter how happy you are with your current energy supplier, they may not be providing you with the best deals, especially if you’ve let a fixed-rate contract expire without arranging a new one. If you haven’t browsed any alternative tariffs lately, then you may not be aware that there are better options out there.
One fellow mum chuckled: ”I got 8 hours free, I thought the exact same thing. I’ll be doing everyone’s washing.”
Another parent said: ”That’s what I do too, minus the solar lamp. We turn everything off between 4-7 and make sure our devices are charged up beforehand.
”Only thing is we have dinner at 6 and our hob is electric, so gotta make dinner fast.”
”Thanks for sharing, will look into this,” someone else commented.
”British Gas half price electricity Sunday 11 to 4 pm and u don’t need to save nothing,” a Facebook user claimed.