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The Accountant 2 SXSW Review — A Funnier Sequel With Jon Bernthal at His Best

There has been a sequel in development for Gavin O’Connor’s The Accountant since the original film’s release and moderate success. In the nine years since the first film’s release, no one has exactly been clamoring for The Accountant 2, but this sequel (mostly its cast, really) is charming enough to win over audiences looking for an entertaining B-action picture with an A-list scale.

The Accountant 2 Review

The Accountant 2 sees Ben Affleck’s money launderer and assassin called out of his peaceful retirement when he has to investigate the death of a close friend and how it might connect to a missing person’s case and a human trafficking ring. Bill Dubuque’s script feels generic in such a way that it almost feels as if it could have been a spec script that retroactively had the characters from the first film added to it.

The story of The Accountant 2 is about as generic as they come. It’s a combination of a dozen different tropes you have seen done better before: human traffickers, amnesiac assassins, child hackers who have abilities far beyond the suspension of disbelief. Yet despite all this, the film manages to be consistently charming and entertaining.

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Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) and Brax (Jon Bernthal) in THE ACCOUNTANT 2 Photo Credit: Courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios © Amazon Content Services LLC

One thing that will stand out to audiences about The Accountant 2 compared to its predecessor is that it’s a much more comedic film — at least intentionally speaking. There are several really funny moments in the film that make it feel more like a buddy comedy than the gritty action film of the first, resembling classics of the genre like Midnight Run or Lethal Weapon. Although its depiction of its autistic protagonist is still not the most politically correct, it’s never mean-spirited or mocking of his condition.

Admittedly, there isn’t a ton of action in The Accountant 2. In its 2+ hour runtime, there are two show-stopping set pieces and a few fight sequences interspersed between them. However, even if it is somewhat sparse, the action is exciting and impressively staged. It’s not the most originally choreographed action, with a lot of generic gun fights and hand-to-hand combat, but it does its job and delivers a solidly entertaining action picture.

Ben Affleck’s performance in the lead role seems much more comfortable here than it did in the first film, likely because it allows him to lean into the comedic elements. He has a great screen presence, but he’s able to effectively tone down his usual charisma, playing into the cold and calculated aspects of the character’s personality.

However, the real standout in this sequel is Jon Bernthal, who is supremely charming in his role as Affleck’s brother and sidekick. His role was more flat and antagonistic in the first film, but here, he shows a lot of range and comedic charm. He is clearly having a blast getting to deliver one-liners and hang out with Affleck, sometimes kicking ass along the way.

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Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) in THE ACCOUNTANT 2 Photo Credit: Courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios © Amazon Content Services LLC

As for the cast’s new additions, they aren’t particularly memorable. Cynthia Addai-Robinson plays an investigator who is forced to reluctantly work with Affleck and Bernthal to solve a mystery, and her role simply isn’t very interesting. Daniella Pineda (Jurassic World Dominion) is much more interesting in her role, getting a few really awesome moments of action even if her character isn’t particularly unique.

Is The Accountant 2 worth watching?

That being said, that’s pretty much the charm of The Accountant 2. It’s not an original film by any means, with a story that follows its formula with unwavering dedication and action set pieces that are exciting but don’t have a unique identity. Still, thanks to the ineffable charm of Ben Affleck and especially Jon Bernthal, this sequel ends up being a good time at the movies.

The Accountant 2 premiered at the 2025 SXSW Film Festival, which runs March 7-15 in Austin, TX.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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