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One Piece: Oda’s Symbolism With Yamato Is Great, but He Risks Going Too Far With His Redemption Theme

Kozuki Oden has inspired many characters in the One Piece universe. His legacy still resonates in Wano, long after his reign was overthrown, and now lives on in his children. Yamato, too, aspires to continue it, wishing to become Oden himself, and it seems Eiichiro Oda is taking the parallels quite seriously.

Yamato with his club over his shoulder in One Piece.
Yamato from One Piece. [Credit: Toei Animation]

After the Wano Country Arc ended, chapter 1109 of the One Piece manga began a side story called Oni Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage. In a series of cover stories, we see Yamato travel across Wano, just as Oden did.

In the latest chapter, he saves Ulti and Page One from Who’s-Who with a single strike of Thunder Bellowing Bagua. There seems to be a pattern in how Yamato’s story parallels Oden’s, some fans believe he might make the Flying Six his retainers. However, do they deserve the same redemption Oden’s Nine Red Scabbards did?

Yamato might make the Flying Six his retainers, but do the Oden parallels need to go that far?

Ever since we were introduced to Yamato, his admiration for Oden was evident. His execution and finding his logbook became the source of his dreams. Despite being groomed as Kaido’s heir, he doesn’t wish to be like him at all. Yamato shares many parallels with Oden, including their thirst for freedom.

Yamato holding Oden's logbook in One Piece.
Yamato from One Piece. [Credit: Toei Animation]

He decided to fully embody Oden, identifying as a man, which even Kaido and the Beast Pirates acknowledged. His gender has become a point of contention for the One Piece fanbase. However, no matter what you believe his gender is, one thing is clear: Yamato is determined to be Oden.

Yamato’s Cover Story has hinted that the Flying Six will be his retainers, especially after saving Ulti and Page One from Who’s-Who. Fans have noticed this parallel between Oden’s Scabbards and the Flying Six.

Yamato’s Cover Story will most likely be entirely about her making the Flying Six her retainers, to parallel how Oden made the Sccabards his retainers, if that’s the case Oda might have Yamato join another pirate crew before she joins the Strawhats, similar to how Oden joined Whitebeard before Roger
byu/JoyBoy24 inOnePieceSpoilers

However, unlike the Scabbards, the Flying Six are irredeemable villains. The Nine Red Scabbards were criminals, but at most, they were rogues. The Six, however, were sadistic and enjoyed violence. Some villains don’t deserve a redemption arc, especially not Kaido’s top six strongest crewmates.

Will Yamato join a different Emperor crew before joining Luffy, just like Oden did?

It’s no secret One Piece fans want Yamato to join the Straw Hat Pirates. He was offered a position, but as much as he admired Oden, he also learned from his mistakes. He couldn’t leave Wano unguarded and rejected the offer.

Yamato with a serious look on his face in One Piece.
Yamato from One Piece. [Credit: Toei Animation]

However, it’s still not too late for Yamato to join, especially if he’s following Oden’s pattern. The former Daimyo was a Whitebeard Pirate before he joined Gol D. Roger’s crew, the Pirate King. Similarly, Yamato might join a different Emperor before ultimately reuniting with the Straw Hats.

The most likely Emperor he will join are the Buggy Pirates or the Cross Guild. He knew Oden in his childhood and Ace too so he might welcome him. Yamato then joins Luffy’s crew, the future Pirate King.

Shanks also ticks off the same boxes, but considering his non-Devil Fruit crew, it’s unlikely he would fit in. Blackbeard is the only one out of the question after what he did to Ace.

Yamato’s story doesn’t end in the cover story. Whether or not he will join Luffy’s crew again is up to Eiichiro Oda, but he will join back the main plot soon.

One Piece is available on Crunchyroll.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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