THE principal of a Dublin school has said it will have to close because it can no longer afford to pay basic bills.
Sacred Heart Junior School in the Killinarden area of Tallaght is said to have “suffered massive underfunding for many years” due to cuts from the Department of Education.
In a letter to parents, principal Orla McLoughlin outlined what she described as the school’s “major financial crisis”.
She said the school had informed the Department of Education that it no longer has money “to pay our basic bills” from April 1.
Ms McLoughlin said the school “will have to close” and “teach remotely” if it does not receive emergency funding.
Local People Before Profit-Solidarity TD Paul Murphy said he had spoken to a number of parents about the lack of funding at the school.
He said: “The responsibility for this crisis lies with the government who have massively underfunded our schools, to the point where they are now on the brink of having to close their doors.
“Parents, teachers and the community deserve better. The Government’s priorities are all wrong, they are talking about tripling military spending yet refuse to provide schools with enough funding to keep the lights on and the doors open.
“We need emergency action from the minister now to guarantee funding for the schools.
“I met this morning with the principals and some parents of the school to discuss how we can fight for the funding we need to save our schools.”
Mr Murphy said he will raise the matter in the Dail next week.
The Department of Education said it was committed to “offering all available and appropriate supports to the school”.
However, it said it first requires additional information from the school before assistance can be provided
A spokesman said: “The department will continue to liaise with the school and the patron so that support can be provided as quickly as possible to the school.
“The Financial Support Services Unit (FSSU) can offer support and advice to school boards of management in relation to school accounts and funding generally.”
Local councillor Louise Dunne has also spoken out on the issues facing the school, revealing they have been forced to let staff go and cancel extra-curricular activities over rising costs.
She said: “The Department has cut funding, hasn’t taken into account the rising costs of bills, as you can imagine with this news, the absolute fear and concerns in relation to this.
“We are all still dealing with the effects and the detrimental effects to our children when the schools were closed during the pandemic and this is something we should not be going back to.”
Many parents took to the comments of Dunne’s statement, sharing fears and pleas for essential funding.
One mum said: “I just heard this is not right, this wrong, I will do everything I have to, to do what it takes for our kids schools not to close.”
Another said: “I’m nearly crying ..what are we going to do poor kids.”
A third added: “This is Absolutely disgraceful how the hell can they be close is Absolutely disgraceful hope they get the funds before that.”
Another mum said: “I just can’t get me head around this.”