unique visitors counter I Never Expected Invincible Season 3 Finale Will Cure the Trauma ‘Walking Dead’ Inflicted 9 Years Ago – soka sardar

I Never Expected Invincible Season 3 Finale Will Cure the Trauma ‘Walking Dead’ Inflicted 9 Years Ago

Invincible Season 3 was not the first time that Steven Yeun and Jeffery Dean Morgan found themselves on opposing sides. The last time these two had a face-off, funnily enough, was also in a show that owed its origins to Robert Kirkman.

Conquest arriving on Earth || Credit: Prime Video

Negan (Morgan) and Glenn (Yeun) in The Walking Dead had a brutal encounter where the former crushed the skull of the latter, in what was considered one of the most horrific and shocking deaths of the series. This moment, with an ironic twist, came full circle as Jeffery Dean Morgan’s Conquest made landfall on Earth to fight it out with Steven Yeun’s Invincible.

Conquest’s fall in Invincible healed all the trauma from Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead

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Steven Yeun in The Walking Dead || Credit: AMC

Conquest and Mark’s fight in the Season 3 finale of Invincible, was one of the most brutal fights in the history of the show. Unlike Conquest, Nolan and Anissa had reasons to hold back. Conquest, on the other hand, was simply here to reign destruction and fight Mark to the bitter end. And the end is exactly what made the fight cathartic as it was, with Mark caving Conquest’s skull in with his head.

Given that Glenn, Steven Yeun‘s character from The Walking Dead, was killed by Negan (Jeffery Dean Morgan‘s character) by a blow to the head, the end of the fight in Invincible was one of the most satisfying fights that the show has delivered. Fans, who last saw Glenn die in the premiere of the seventh season of The Walking Dead nine years ago, finally have found closure with the table being turned on Conquest instead.

What is Conquest’s fate in the future of Invincible?

Conquest || Credit: Amazon Prime

As comic readers would know, Conquest is not down and out of the narrative just yet. Cecil’s decision to keep the character alive comes back to bite him in the butt, as Conquest, when he awakens, quickly makes short work of his restraints, before escaping into orbit. Cecil, of course, never tells Mark that Conquest is alive, who only discovers it when the duo meet again during the Viltrumite War.

Conquest is an essential character when it comes to looking at Mark’s attitude towards threats that come his way. While his early days as Invincible have him questioning his morality about taking lives, he is very much committed to the fact later, going straight for the kill when he meets the character the next time, despite his shock at seeing him alive and fully healed.

Could Conquest be part of the new Saga that is going to be original to the show?

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Damien Darkblood || Credit: Prime Video

Invincible has decided to take its narrative in a bold new direction, deviating from the comics. Damien Darkblood, whose role was expanded from the comics in the show, seems to be getting a whole arc in the series come Season 4. What is unique about this is the fact that Damien Darkblood is actually a joke character in the comics, but has a largely expanded role in the show.

Darkblood’s aim in the show seems to be to restore The Great Beast to his infernal throne, and the plot is picking up now because there is someone with ‘a blackened heart’ on Earth who can now facilitate it. Given that Mark has decided that he would not hesitate to kill someone who threatens his family, Darkblood could be pointing towards him as the vessel for The Great Beast. However, given that Conquest is currently trapped on Earth, he could also serve as a much more potent host and could play a part in Invincible Season 4.

Invincible is currently streaming on Prime Video.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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