unique visitors counter Heart-breaking Reason Supernatural Fans Are Finally Realizing Jensen Ackles’ Dean is “One of the most beautifully well written tragic characters” in All of Fiction – soka sardar

Heart-breaking Reason Supernatural Fans Are Finally Realizing Jensen Ackles’ Dean is “One of the most beautifully well written tragic characters” in All of Fiction

Supernatural has some very well-written characters that have managed to capture the hearts of audiences. Be it Castiel, Sam, or Crowley, there were always characters that fans were keen on following into the next episode.

Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in Supernatural
Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in Supernatural || Credit: The CW

However, there is one character that fans have realized was quite the tragic figure, which was Dean Winchester. Be it his reservations about letting his younger brother down, or his tragic story across fifteen seasons, the character has a newfound love among fans, which has boosted his already ever-present popularity.

Fans love how Dean’s arc reflected his character

Jensen Ackles in a still from Supernatural
Jensen Ackles in a still from Supernatural || The CW

There are a lot of things that define Dean Winchester when it comes to his story in Supernatural. Jensen Ackles struck gold with how the character was written and managed to elevate his story with a performance fit for the tragedy that befell the character. Fans online are very aware of the fact that Dean Winchester was a tragic figure done right.

Dean’s story managed to resonate with a lot of people who were older siblings themselves, pointing towards how the character has himself pulled in so many directions, specifically because he felt that he was the right thing to do. Whether it be his younger brother, his friends, his romances, or his father, Dean knew that he did not have the luxury to prioritize him when it came down to them or him, which makes his story tragic, given that he never got to live a full life.

Dean’s character was elevated by Jensen Ackles’ performance

supernatural season 10 jensen ackles
Dean Winchester || Credit: The CW

It goes without saying that when it comes to Dean Winchester, the character simply does not exist without the acting caliber of Jensen Ackles. Having proven himself time and time again as a versatile actor, Ackles’ understanding and making of the character is the reason that fans can appreciate Dean Winchester as the tragic figure that he is.

However, given that the actor played an elder son and another sibling, Jensen was able to deliver a character that resonated with audiences that were also elder siblings or first children, which is a testament to how well executed the character of Dean Winchester was. Jensen Ackles, with other roles like that of Soldier Boy from The Boys, has further proven that he is not a one-trick pony, which further cements the fact that the character had a lot of work put into it.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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