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My council house kitchen was cracked & peeling until I upcycled it – now it looks brand new

A MUM-OF-TWO showed off the DIY transformation she gave the kitchen in her council house.

She shared before and after photographs of her handywork, which involved upcycling her cupboards and counter tops.

Man holding a baby in a council house kitchen that has been upcycled on a budget.
TikTok user Chloe showed her followers the DIY transformation she gave her council house kitchen

In her viral video, TikTok user Chloe (@chloeanne) showed her audience how she “upcycled” her council house kitchen.

The TikToker revealed that she was able to complete the project on a budget.

For her first step, she used a screwdriver to remove all her cupboard doors.

Chloe explained the issue she was having with her cupboards that made them unsightly.

“I had to peel all the plastic coating as it had peeled and cracked before we moved in,” she said.

Next, she removed the handles from all the doors, explaining that the process was “time consuming but worth it.”

Once she had done this, Chloe measured out white plastic covering and wrapped it around each door.

She used a hair dryer to seal the cover to each door, trimming it neatly on the interior side.

The TikToker then reattached each of the handles and hung her doors back up.

For the second part of her DIY renovation, Chloe tackled her kitchen counter tops.

She decided to over the off-white linoleum surface with a faux wood vinyl covering.

The DIY enthusiast explained that she “had some help with doing the sides.”

She showed her followers how her partner carefully applied the covering to the counter tops.

Finally, Chloe shared photos of her finished kitchen, which looked instantly brighter.

Her followers shared their thoughts on the transformation in the comments section.

Rules on transforming your council house

According to Gov, the kind of improvements you can make to your council property depends on the type of tenancy you have.

Introductory tenants are usually limited to minor improvements like redecorating inside.

If you’re a secure tenant, you have the right to carry out improvements to your property. These include:

  • installing a new bathroom or kitchen
  • building an extension
  • putting up a garden shed or greenhouse
  • installing a new gas fire or fireplace
  • cavity wall insulation
  • redecorating the outside of a house
  • fitting an aerial or satellite dish

You might need your council’s written permission for work you do. Contact your council if you’re not sure.

“It looks lush! Thanks for the inspiration to do my council kitchen,” wrote one impressed viewer.

“Done a grand job. Looks fab,” agreed another follower.

“Looks absolutely lovely, you did an amazing job,” commented a third person.

“I did this with my kitchen, we went with black units, my kitchen was literally the same as yours,” shared another TikTok user.

“Looks amazing, like a different kitchen altogether, love it, hun,” said one viewer.

White kitchen with wood countertops and appliances.
The TikToker upcycled the doors and handles of her kitchen cupboards as well as transforming the counter top

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‘It’s giving Victoria’s Secret’ cry shoppers as they fall in love with Primark’s new collection

SHOPPERS already love Primark thanks to its gorgeous buys at affordable prices.

And they’ve fallen head over heels with the retail giant’s new Valentine’s collection.

Primark's new lingerie and sleepwear collection.
Primark’s Edinburgh showed off the new Valentine’s Day collection[/caption]
Pink lingerie with heart details on display.
This pretty underwear set is perfect for the occassion[/caption]
Pink striped pajama set.
People say the new range is ‘giving Victoria’s Secret’[/caption]
Black bralettes and shorts with pink hearts, on display in a store.
The satin bralettes and cami tops would even look good paired with jeans[/caption]

The Edinburgh store went viral this week after giving fashion fans a peek at the “cute” pieces up for grabs.

From lacy lingerie to heart-adorned pyjamas, love is sure to look good on you whatever your plans may be for February 14.

The clip shows a stunning baby pink bralette with a love heart pattern and matching thong that is perfect for the occassion.

But if it’s a fun Galentines that you have planned with your besties, nothing beats matching PJs – whether it’s a self-care day or a sleepover with the gang.

There are a selection of heart-printed sets on the rails with prices starting from just £14.

People have even compared the pink striped shorts set to Victoria’s Secret.

The adorable rose satin cami tops, available in two colours, would also look great paired with jeans – and are a steal at £7.

With more than 300,000 people watching the video so far, it’s no surprise that shoppers are racing to their nearest Primark to bag the new range.

One person gushed: “We need to go omg.”

A second insisted: “It’s giving Victoria’s Secret.”

“Omg look how cute”, cried a third.

A fourth said: “I’m honestly keen to buy some for us.”

“We need a trip”, wrote a fifth.

Meanwhile, someone else chimed in: “Obsessed with all the pink.”

It’s not the first Valentine’s range in store that’s got fashion fans in a frenzy.

Shoppers can’t get enough of the high street giant’s nostalgic baby tees inspired by Friends.

The £7 tops, available in sizes 2XS to XL, come in two versions – with a cute cream option featuring the slogan “you’re my lobster”.

The phrase refers to the moment Phoebe Buffay, played by Lisa Kudrow, says “She’s your lobster” to refer to Ross and Rachel as soulmates.

The second, a white tee, is emblazoned with “We were on a break” in block capitals – as a nod to Ross and Rachel’s iconic fallout over his ‘cheating’.

Describing the range on their website, the Primark team said: “Could this BE any more nostalgic?”

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Свічка у ковбасі та жирафи: Даша Кацуріна показала, як донька вдруге святкувала 9-річчя (фото)

26-го січня доньці експродружжя, ресторатора Міші Кацуріна і дизайнерки Даші Кацуріної виповнилося 9. З цієї нагоди батьки, які давно не мешкають разом, влаштували для Саші відразу два свята. І якщо Міша зі своєю дружиною Надею Дорофєєвою вже зробили фотозвіт вечірки з альпаками і повітряними кульками, то мама показала, як минуло свято доньки тільки нещодавно. «За […]

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Dacia Sandero став найпопулярнішим автомобілем в Європі

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Hugh Jackman Wants a ‘Dream Blended Family’ With GF Sutton Foster and Ex Deborra-Lee Furness

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Як досвідчені господині використовують зубну пасту в побуті

  Зубна паста – незамінний предмет гігієни, але мало хто знає, що паста має додаткові суперздібності, які дуже допомогають в побуті. Справа в тому, що паста допомагає у боротьбі з різними плямами та запахами. Наприклад, її можна використовувати для чищення ювелірних виробів. Достатньо нанести невелику кількість засобу на м’яку та вологу щітку. Також паста замінить […]

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Коли йду за вершковим маслом, беру з собою ліхтарик – не здогадаєтеся, навіщо: 1 трюк, який знають одиниці

Перевірити якість вершкового масла в домашніх умовах може бути складно, але існують прості методи, які допоможуть розпізнати підробку. Ділимося одним надійним способом оцінки якості вершкового масла. На сьогодні перевірка якості продуктів харчування в домашніх умовах стала реальністю завдяки доступності ультрафіолетових ліхтариків. Нещодавно одна із досвідчених господинь, натхненна методичними посібниками лабораторій з люмінесцентного аналізу харчових продуктів, […]

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Таємниця 12-річної давнини! Ольга Фреймут працювала в Санкт-Петербурзі: в прямому сенсі – “цирк на дроті”

Дванадцять років тому Ольга Фреймут опинилася в самому серці циркової магії. Вона побувала за лаштунками легендарного Cirque du Soleil (Цирк дю Солей) і навіть приміряла образ одного з головних персонажів. Одного дня, а це було ще у 2013 році, Ольга отримала листа від Цирку дю Солей. Але ні, вона не ходила по канату та не […]

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