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Гороскоп для знаків зодіаку на 30 січня 2025 року

Фото: Гороскоп на 30 січня 30 січня 2025 року — це другий день місячного календаря. Зростаючий Місяць перебуває у знаку зодіаку Водолій. Завтра, 30 січня, зірки сприятимуть серйозним рішенням та несподіваним подіям. Це ідеальний день для того, щоб підбити підсумки, зробити важливий вибір або наважитися на зміни. Інтуїція буде загостреною, тож дослухайтеся до своїх […]

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Індія завершила складання космічного корабля: він уперше відправить на орбіту індійців

Фото: ISRO | Індія завершила складання космічного корабля: він уперше відправить на орбіту індійців   Космічний корабель «Гаганьян» має вперше в історії Індії відправити астронавтів цієї країни на орбіту 2026 року. Космічний корабель «Гаганьян», який у найближчому майбутньому доставить індійських астронавтів у космос і поверне їх на Землю, був оснащений ключовими технологіями, необхідними для цього […]

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Експерти розкрили способи, як довести будь-яку жінку до оргазму

Сексологи, психологи та секс-коучи розкрили способи довести будь-яку жінку до оргазму під час кожного заняття сексом. Сімейний психолог Шадін Френсіс вважає, що партнерам не слід зациклюватися на жіночому оргазмі та прагненні досягти його якнайшвидше. “Пам’ятайте, що секс – це задоволення, а оргазм – тільки частина цього задоволення, причому найкоротша”, – заявила вона. Психолог порадила зосередитися […]

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BBC drama thrown into chaos as star reveals filming was halted for ‘really stressful’ emergency

THE BBC was forced to stop filming and production due to a ‘really stressful’ emergency on the set of one of its hit dramas.

Daisy May Cooper‘s series Am I Being Unreasonable? was thrown into chaos as the lead comedy star went into premature labour with her third child.

Two women in sheepskin coats walking and talking.
Am I Being Unreasonable? stopped filming its second series due to the ‘really stressful’ emergency[/caption]
Daisy May Cooper at a BBC screening event.
Daisy May Cooper gave birth to her third child with a premature labour during filming[/caption]

The series was filming at the start of 2024, but quickly had to stop production later in the year as Daisy went into labour early.

Speaking to OK! she explained: “I was pregnant when we started filming and then my son was born seven weeks early, so we had to stop filming right in the middle.”

She added: “I have a brilliant son, but it was really stressful.”

However returning to filming also came with issues as when the production did continue for the second series, Daisy looked totally different.

Daisy explained: “It was a bit mad, because since we filmed the last series and this series, I’ve had my lips done. I’ve lost about ten stone.”

Daisy also revealed the news of her third child to fans via her Instagram, as she shared a video from the neo-natal unit.

She captioned the clip: “What a bloody week…

“You came a bit earlier than we expected and gave me the worst post op constipation that i nearly had to phone the samaratins but my god you are perfect.

“I cannot thank @deliverysuitegrh enough. The way you looked after us through such a scary time was above and beyond. you are all bloody superstars. I am so blessed. Welcome to the world little Benji, ya nutter Born 06/06/24.”

The video also included sweet clips including Daisy meeting her son for the first time as she was pushed by a nurse into the neonatal unit where she broke down in tears when she saw her little one. 

She was seen crying “hi bubba” as she reached into his incubator to touch him.  

Benji is Daisy’s first child with her boyfriend Anthony Huggins, Daisy already has two other children daughter Pip, five, and son Jack, three, with her ex-husband Will Weston.

Filming did resume on Am I Being Unreasonable? to conclude the second series.

The series was the brainchild of Daisy and co-writer and co-star Selin Hizli, with the pair coming up with the storyline during the pandemic.

Daisy previously shared in an interview: “For me I always wanted to write something with Selin because I think she’s the most talented person I’ve ever met, I mean second to me, I am massively talented (laughs) but there’s nobody else who makes me laugh like her.”

Selin added: “I knew you were just at home doing nothing because so was the rest of the world. So I knew you couldn’t come up with a good excuse so I could just force you to be my friend.”

Promotional photo of Nic and Jen from the TV show *Am I Being Unreasonable?*
Am I Being Unreasonable? stars Selin Hizli and Daisy May Cooper[/caption]
Two women in sheepskin coats holding hands, one carrying a watering can, the other holding a cat in a dragon costume.
The show was created during the pandemic between the two lead stars and co-writers[/caption]

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