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Met Eireann warn of -2C temp drop & sleet TONIGHT as weather expert gives update on ‘Atlantic conveyor belt of storms’

MET Eireann has warned temperatures will plummet tonight, dropping as low as -2C in places.

And some wintry sleet falls will accompany the temperature change in parts of the country.

Map of Ireland showing temperature anomaly.
Temperatures are set to get cold over the next few nights
Map of Ireland with numbered circles indicating data points.
Social Media Collect
Daytime temperatures will also feel chilly before a jump to 12C at the weekend[/caption]

Most areas will remain dry tonight with clear spells, although some showers will form in the north and west.

It is here that some of those showers may turn to sleet.

It will be a cold night as temperatures get right down to between -2C and 1C, with Met Eireann warning frost and ice will form overnight in chilly conditions.

But before things take a turn tonight, temperatures today will sit at a mild 6C to 9C.

A dry day with sunny spells and the odd shower expected after cloud and showers clear this morning.

Mist and fog lingering will also clear as the morning goes on.

However, into the evening, showers will pick back up once more.

They will mainly hit in the north and west.

And Thursday is another mixed day, starting dry early in the day and turning wetter.

Met Eireann’s Linda Huges said: “Tomorrow will start mostly dry with sunny spells and isolated showers, mainly in the north and west.

“Cloud will increase later and outbreaks of rain or drizzle will develop in Atlantic counties by evening. Highest temperatures of 5C to 9C”.

It won’t be as cold tomorrow night with temperatures sitting between 0C and 5C.

And “heavy” rain is a possibility tomorrow night as rain moves eastwards across the country.

Friday is expected to vastly improve, with Met Eireann forecasting the day to be: “Dry with hazy sunny spells.”

While some light rain will develop over the night it will remain settled and temperatures also staying out of the minus numbers at 0C.


After Storm Eoywn and Storm Herminia battered the country back-to-back, a weather expert has weighed in on the chance of another storm in the near future.

Devastating Storm Eoywn hit just a short few weeks after Storm Darragh rattled the country.

With hundreds of thousands still without power and water it will be a relief to know no storms are headed our way for the foreseeable.

Posting on social media Alan O’Reilly of Carlow Weather said: “Pressure forecast to rise over coming days and no significant storms likely over next 5 -7 days at least.

“However the UK Met Office have updated 3 month outlook, mild wet and windy weather is 2.3 to 2.5 times more likely over next 3 months”

And he added: “Thankfully Ireland looks to be spared from the Atlantic conveyor belt of storms for the next week or more as they head Northwest to Iceland and Greenland instead.”


For over the weekend Met Eireann have said a changeable forecast is in store but that it will be milder.

Saturday daytime and night will be breezy and cloudy with some “heavy” rainfall.

Temperatures getting up as far as 12C on Saturday in those milder conditions and lows of just 4C Saturday night.

“Heavy falls of rain” especially in the east on Sunday but clearing to a bright dry day.

And temperatures staying mild at 10C.

Frosty picnic table in a park.
Frost and ice will form as temperatures drop

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Як їздити на велосипеді, щоб не отримати штраф

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