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Гороскоп на 29 січня 2025 року для всіх знаків Зодіаку

  Зірки підготували багато цікавого на цей день для кожного знака зодіаку. Дізнайтеся, що саме Всесвіт радить вам, щоб провести цей день гармонійно, продуктивно та з користю. Більше гороскопів читайте у розділі Астрологія Час-Дій. Овен (21 березня – 19 квітня) Сьогодні вам варто зосередитися на своїй професійній діяльності, адже можливі несподівані перспективи. Дехто з Овнів […]

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Що можна з’їсти вночі без шкоди для здоров’я: 6 правильних перекусів

  Головна хитрість здорового нічного перекусу полягає в тому, щоб вибрати той, який досить поживний для придушення голоду, але при цьому досить легкий, щоб запобігти надлишку калорій, який може призвести до небажаного збільшення ваги. Ми з’ясували, що можна з’їсти вночі, не турбуючись за організм. Бананове пюре з гарбузовим насінням. Вживання бананів підвищує в крові рівень […]

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У Японії створили оригінальний гібрид мінівенів Toyota та Volkswagen

Мінівен Toyota Hiace H200 отримав нестандартну модифікацію. Його перетворили на клон Volkswagen Transporter T3 80-х років. Про це повідомляє сайт Carscoops. Тюнінг Toyota Hiace під старовину виконало японське ательє AMJ. Проєкт назвали Vanace (“вен-ас”). Мінівен Toyota Hiace отримав змінену передню частину. Нові фари, радіаторна решітка, капот та бампер зробили його схожим на Volkswagen T3. Примітно, що […]

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За 5 років мама тричі народила близнюків: лікарі кажуть, що це диво

Джолін і Ендрю МакКі – щасливі батьки, адже у віці 32 і 33 років у них вже шестеро дітей!  За п’ять років Джолін тричі народила близнюків – і лікарі називають це дивом. Її лікар сказав, що за 25 років він жодного разу не бачив, щоб у жінки народжувалися три пари близнят поспіль. «Це таке щастя […]

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Аліна Гросу показала міні-копію себе, але з темним волоссям – завжди чекає на неї в Україні (фото)

Аліна Гросу, яка у грудні 2024 року разом із «загадковим» чоловіком прилетіла зі США, продовжує радувати милими фотографіями з найріднішими людьми. У грудні 2024 року співачка Аліна Гросу разом зі своїм “загадковим” чоловіком російським актором Романом Полянським, обличчя якого вона досі закриває смайликами у вигляді сердець, прилетіла до України. Весь цей час пара проводила у […]

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Emmerdale fans rage soap ‘has lost the plot’ over ‘unbelievable’ new twist in Anthony Fox murder storyline

EMMERDALE viewers have insisted that the soap has “lost the plot” over its latest baffling decision.

Fans of the ITV soap opera could not believe what they we’re seeing when a bombshell reveal showed that one unlikely Dales resident had seemingly discovered the truth about Anthony Fox’s murder.

Anthony Fox from Emmerdale.
Aaron and John’s conversation appeared to be not so private after all[/caption]
Anthony Fox looking out a window.
Manpreet appeared to hear it all through her closed bedroom window[/caption]
Close-up of a distraught older man being comforted.
Anthony was killed by Aaron in shocking scenes[/caption]

During the latest episode, Aaron Dingle and John Sugden could be seen discussing how to move forward after Anthony’s disappearance and death.

Aaron killed him in a fit of rage after discovering he sexually abused his daughter, Ruby.

He later called on boyfriend John to help clear up the mess with the former solider disposing of the body.

In order to make it appear as though Anthony chose to leave the Dales himself, Aaron and John stole his car and began to scrap it as well as removing all the belongings from his home in order to convince everyone in the village that he had upped sticks and left.

However, as the pair discussed what they had got up to – it seemed that someone was listening in to their conversation.

As Aaron and John walked away from the garage, the camera focused in on a closed upstairs window of a nearby house.

Fans then saw Manpreet Sharma peer outside worriedly having apparently overheard the discussion.

But fans were quick to blast the “unrealistic” soap for Manpreet having heard a conversation some distance away outside through her own tightly-shut bedroom window.

One fan penned: “….she’s got brilliant hearing then!?!?  Unbelievable.”

Another added: “Emmerdale has lost the plot with a terrible plot!!”

A third went on to say: “No way she’d of heard them. With the wind – maybe she’s gonna be suspicious of them talking together late at night hope they make something up say they were having a [lovers] tiff.”

Before a fourth added: “Not a chance she could have heard them from there.”

It remains to be seen just how much Manpreet heard and what she will do with the killer information.

Could Aaron and John have been well and truly caught out.”

Soap stars leaving this year

Soap has - or will lose some iconic characters this year - here we've rounded up the latest departures...


Navin Chowdhry


Calum Lill

Bill Fellows

Launa Santos

Helen Worth

Lucy Fallon


Matthew James Bailey

Gregory Finnegan

Stephanie Warring

Annie Wallace


Ryan Maloney

Lucinda Cowden

Anthony Fox from Emmerdale.
John was also unaware that Manpreet was lurking[/caption]
A man assaulting an elderly man.
Anthony’s death had so far remained uncovered[/caption]

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Dancer accused neighbour of gang violence, called cops on yoga studio & attacked worker with tree in shared garden row

Collage of a neighbor, a dancer with her dogs, and their shared house.

A DANCER made her neighbour’s life hell by accusing her of being in a gang and calling cops on her yoga studio in a row over their shared garden.

Sandra Eveno also staged a protest in the dirt when Kristyna Robinson paid for a builder to come and install a fence in a bid to stop the fighting.

Champion News Service Ltd Tel: 07948286566 / 07914583378 Sandra Eveno, who was taken to court by landlords at Camden Council
Sandra Eveno is a dancer and singer who moved in the downstairs flat in 2015
Champion News Service Lt
Champion News Service Ltd Tel: 07948286566 / 07914583378 Yoga teacher Kristyna Robinson
Yoga teacher Kristyna Robinson, moved upstairs in 2002
Champion News Service Lt
Champion News Service Ltd Tel: 07948286566 / 07914583378 The property in Sarre Road where Sandra Eveno lived on ground floor
The house is situated on Sarre Road, West Hampstead in North London
Champion News Service Lt

When the workman arrived, Eveno brandished a tree and began attacking him.

Now Eveno could pay £15,000 in court bills for subjecting Ms Robinson, a yoga teacher, to such “irrational and aggressive” behaviour.

Eveno fell out with her upstairs neighbour shortly after moving into the downstairs flat in affluent West Hampstead, north London, in 2015.

Ms Robinson allegedly held noisy yoga classes upstairs, which prompted Eveno’s “deliberate campaign” of nuisance and annoyance.

Over seven years, Eveno made repeated false allegations of criminality to Ms Robinson’s yoga centre employers and police.

She also subjected her to “almost unremitting shouting and screaming”.

Now, after a long battle through the courts, Eveno’s landlord, the London Borough of Camden, has won an eviction order after a four-day trial before Judge Alan Saggerson.

Giving judgement at Central London County Court, the judge said “irrational” Eveno had developed an “almost phobic” dislike of her neighbour and deliberately targeted her with anti-social behaviour.

Judge Saggerson made a possession order in favour of the council, as well as ordering Eveno to pay up to £15,000 towards its lawyers’ bills.

He said: “For some reason, the defendant has taken an unjustified and strong dislike to Ms Robinson.”

And added that the hatred was “overwhelming, intense and irrational”.

Ms Robinson, a practitioner of Iyengar yoga, had lived in the upstairs flat in Sarre Road since 2002, the court heard.

With Eveno – a dancer, singer and photographer – moving in downstairs in 2015.

The council’s barrister, Desmond Kilcoyne, said there had been a “lack of clarity” about the tenants’ rights over the shared garden, resulting in a dispute.

Despite trying to mediate, the council was unable to solve the neighbours’ row, leading to a decision to divide the plot in half by constructing a fence in April 2019.

However, fencing the garden did not solve the bad blood, with Eveno lying down to prevent it being installed and the council going on to apply for a possession order on the grounds that she had caused years of “nuisance and annoyance” to her neighbour.

The judge maintained that Eveno had behaved in an “uncontrolled” manner over the years, finding she had committed many acts of deliberate nuisance.

He said she was “prone to uncontrolled ranting at her neighbours and the world at large.”

And found it “almost impossible to control her emotions,” partially down to physical and mental health issues.

Shockingly, judge discovered that Eveno had called one of Ms Robinson’s sons an “animal” and made “grunting animal noises” in his direction.

On another occasion, she had “snarled” at one of the sons, before confronting Ms Robinson in a “frighteningly aggressive and uncontrolled manner.”

She had repeatedly falsely accused the Robinsons of being involved in gang violence and drug dealing, calling her a “f***ing disgusting woman”.

Champion News Service Ltd Tel: 07948286566 / 07914583378 Sandra Eveno, who was taken to court by landlords at Camden Council
Eveno has been found guilty of many acts of deliberate nuisance
Champion News Service Ltd
Champion News Service Ltd Tel: 07948286566 / 07914583378 Yoga teacher Kristyna Robinson outside Central London County Court after Sandra Eveno case
While Ms Robinson’s behaviour wasn’t perfect, Eveno’s treatment of her was unjustifiable
Champion News Service Ltd

Eveno even contacted a local yoga centre where Ms Robinson works, repeating the false allegations of criminality about the Robinson family, in 2022.

The dancer would also bang on the ceiling of her downstairs flat “without any justification or purpose other than to annoy Ms Robinson”.

Her claim that it was in response to dog urine coming through the ceiling “irrational and rather ludicrous.”

The judge also said the council’s decision to divide the garden with a fence had only resulted in a violent confrontation, with Eveno objecting and trying to prevent contractors from putting it up.

He said: “It’s quite clear that the defendant lay on the ground to prevent the fence being installed.

“She also brandished a branch of a bush or tree at the contractor and struck the contractor with that branch.”

The behaviour continued for years, said the judge, including an incident last July when Eveno had brandished a stick at her neighbour and “caught her” with it.

In her defence, Eveno had denied that most of the incidents happened, claiming that video and audio evidence had been doctored.

Some of her actions had been deliberately provoked by Ms Robinson, who had held noisy yoga classes upstairs, she also claimed.

But rejecting her defence, Judge Saggerson said that, while Eveno was “prone to paranoia and uncontrolled tearful ourbursts…it needs to be said, we are here dealing with dry tears.

“She is unfocussed and inconsistent and not a reliable historian.”

And while Ms Robinson’s behaviour was not always “impeccable,” it was “nothing like the extreme extent of the behaviour engaged in by Eveno,” he added.

He said 20 specific incidents of nuisance and annoyance brought to court by the council were “examples of a much broader course of conduct undertaken by the defendant and targeted principally, but not entirely, against Mrs Robinson.”

“I am satisfied that the 20 specific incidents were appropriately selected as individual episodes that accurately describe a pattern of behaviour of irrational shouting, screaming, and making false allegations to third parties, such as the police, Ms Robinson’s employers and the world at large.

“I am entirely satisfied that the effect of that conduct has been such as to make the Robinson family’s lives, and particularly Ms Robinson’s life, a complete misery for the last seven years.

“I am satisfied that if this cannot be stopped in some way, such continuing nuisance and annoyance are going to have an appreciable adverse effect on Ms Robinson’s peace of mind and indeed her own mental health.”

He said a possession order was necessary and that to suspend it on condition that Eveno behave properly would be “setting her up to fail” as repeat behaviour was “inevitable,” given that an interim injunction had not stopped her so far.

He made a possession order and ordered that Eveno pay towards Camden’s lawyers’ bills.

Mr Kilcoyne, for the council, confirmed Eveno to pay up £15,000 in Camden’s lawyers’ bills.

He said the council had for several years been offering to rehouse Eveno in another two-bed flat nearby and that she could now go there.

How to resolve a neighbour row

According to GOV.UK, follow these steps to resolve a dispute with your neighbour.

  1. Try to solve the problem informally by talking to them.
  2. If your neighbour is a tenant, you could contact their landlord.
  3. You could use a mediation service if raising the issue informally does not work.
  4. If the dispute involves a statutory nuisance (something like loud music or barking dogs), you can make a complaint to your local council.
  5. Contact the police if your neighbour is breaking the law by being violent or harassing you.
  6. As a last resort you can take legal action through the courts.

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‘I would love to do DWTS’ admits Popular RTE chef as he confesses ‘timing’ is only issue for ‘brilliant’ competition

POPULAR RTE chef Donal Skehan has revealed he would “love” to do Dancing With The Stars – but it seems “timing” is the only issue.

The Dubliner has admitted he is a huge fan of the “brilliant” dance competition and has not ruled out joining the cast in the future.

Three men posing for a selfie.
Donal Skehan poses with DWTS judge Arthur Gourounlian and Brian Dowling
a man in a blue jacket is holding a bowl of food
Donal admitted he would ‘love’ to try out the show

In a quick Q&A segment on his Instagram story, Donal was asked would he ever trade making recipes for the ballroom on DWTS.

To fans delight, the 38-year-old wrote: “I would love to do it, it looks like so much fun.”

However, he confessed: “But, sadly, I would never have the time.”

The dad-of-two highlighted how “brilliant” this year’s contestants were and admitted that he watches it every weekend.

The TV star even told fans that he would be visiting the DWTS studio in a couple of weeks – but this time, as an audience member.

Donal and fan favourite judge, Arthur Gourounlian, have been pals for years and the presenter said he was “looking forward to seeing him in action”.

So, although Donal has narrowed it down to being too busy, it seems the Irish foodie would definitely join the cast if the time was right!

And RTE viewers were recently left in stitches after Donal and Arthur‘s episode of High Road, Low Road aired.

The hit travel show pairs top celebrities and sends them off to popular holiday destinations.

Although both celebrities are headed to the same location, they have very different experiences.

Each star is presented with an envelope: in one, is everything they need for a five-star holiday; inside the other, it’s the holiday from hell.

It’s the luck of the draw who gets what.

Long-time friends Arthur and Donal travelled to Madeira.

On the high road, Arthur enjoyed a luxurious five-star hotel in the heart of Funchal, the island’s main city.

He was put up in a suite that boasted panoramic views of the ocean and was priced at €784 per night.


On the low road, Donal took a bus to his more humble three-star €83 a night hotel room that had a twin bed and en-suite and kitchen.

However, in his latest Instagram Q&A, Donal was asked if himself and Arthur would ever make a show together after the success of High Road, Low Road.

The author hilariously threw a did at Arthur as he responded: “Honestly the amount of messages I got after doing the show with @gourounlian, but I just don’t know if I could.

“It’s like spending time with a human fog horn.”

Donal even referred to Arthur’s husband, Brian Dowling as a “saint” for “putting up with him”

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Danielle Sellers’ secret Love Island heartbreak revealed as she enters villa for second time

DANIELLE Sellers’ secret Love Island heartache has come to light as she enters the All Stars villa.

The bubbly blonde, 29, was confirmed by The Sun for a spot in the spin-off after first starring as a Casa Amor bombshell in season three.

Danielle Sellers on Love Island: All Stars.
Danielle Sellers’ Love Island heartache has come to the fore as she enters the ITV2 spin off as a bombshell[/caption]
Woman in snakeskin bikini sitting indoors.
The former Sun Page Three girl is taking a stab at romance in the All Stars villa[/caption]
Mike Thalassitis and Danielle Sellers at the ITV Gala.
PA:Press Association
Back in 2019, her close connection with late Love Island alum Mike Thalassitis was revealed[/caption]

We were first to report how model Danielle had previously locked horns with now-dumped All Stars contestant Kaz Crossley over a Love Island hunk.

And the former Sun page three girl‘s close bond with the late Mike Thalassitis has now resurfaced.

During her time on the show in 2017, she briefly romanced Jonny Mitchell but was dumped on Day 31 by Marcel Somerville

But after finding fame on the matchmaking series, Danielle and Mike saw sparks fly.

The former couple hinted at romance rumours after they put on a passionate display at an awards ceremony in 2017.

The duo then attended a series of Red Carpet events together and even joined forces to open a kebab shop in Birmingham in 2018.

Yet after Mike died by suicide in 2019, Danielle took to social media to reveal their strength of feeling.

She uploaded a snap showing the pair together and the words: “My heart is broken. Will cherish our memories forever.

“You made me nothing but happy.

“So grateful to have spent the last weekend with you. Can’t believe I’m saying it Rest in peace Mike.”

She added the words: “Ps. Mike you don’t understand how hard it was for me to find appropriate pictures for Insta miss you.”

An inquest heard how Mike committed suicide after a cocaine and booze binge and left suicide notes next to his body.

He was believed to have been grieving the death of his 94-year-old gran and faced mounting debts before his death.


Danielle is now set to stir things up in the All Stars villa in Cape Town.

She is entering the South Africa compound alongside former winner Sammy Root.

Ahead of her return, a source said: “Danielle is smoking hot and is the ideal age for Scott as he’s drifting apart from Tina after the explosive Vegas row with Luca.”

Danielle is now known for her social media antics, where she posts recipes as part of her series Delicious Danielle

Her TikTok account bio reads “it’s never too hot in this kitchen.”

Danielle Sellers at The Beauty Awards cocktail reception.
Shutterstock Editorial
Danielle told how Mike had made her ‘nothing but happy’[/caption]
Couple walking through heart-shaped archway at night.
A source has told how she has her sights set on Scott Thomas
Maya Jama interviewing Love Island contestants.
Danielle’s feud with Kaz Crossley, who has been dumped from the All Stars villa, has also come to light

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