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Luxury BMW SUV ploughs through Spar shop in Limerick as emergency services race to scene as cause of crash unknown

GARDAI have responded to an incident in Limerick where a car entered a shop premises this evening.

The dark coloured BMW X3 car entered the Spar shop at Father Russell Road, at around 4.50pm this evening.

A black BMW X5 crashed through the front window of a Spar shop.  A Garda car is at the scene.
A BMW car crashed into a the Spar shop in Limerick at around 4.40pm this evening
Press 22

There have been no reports of any injuries.

A Garda spokesman said the alarm was raised regarding the incident shortly by 5pm this evening.

They said: “Gardai attended the scene of a single-vehicle road traffic incident on Father Russell Road in Limerick city today, Wednesday 29th January 2025.

“The incident occurred at around 4.50pm. There were no reports of injuries.”

The circumstances which resulted in the car entering the shop remain unclear.

A number of stunned onlookers took photos and videos on their mobile phones of the aftermath of the shock shop scene.

Separately, a man has been left with “life-threatening injuries” after a horror car crash in Co Monaghan.

Gardai have issued an appeal after the single-vehicle crash which occurred on Monday.

The man, aged in his 20s, was left with serious injuries in the crash.

The crash took place on the R186 on the northern side of Tydavnet village towards Clogher.

A spokesperson for An Garda Siochana said: “Gardai are appealing for witnesses following a serious-injury road traffic collision which occurred in Tydavnet, Co Monaghan, on Monday 27th January, 2025.

“The single-vehicle collision occurred on the R186 on the northern side of Tydavnet village towards Clogher at some time between 12.50am and 3am.

“A male in his 20s was brought to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda with life-threatening injuries. He has since been transferred to Beaumont Hospital in Dublin where he is in a critical condition.”


Asking for anyone with information to come forward, cops said: “Gardai are appealing for any witnesses to this collision to come forward.

“Any road users who may have camera footage (including dash-cam) who were travelling in the area of the R186 north of Tydavnet village, between the hours of 12.50am and 3am, are asked to make this footage available to Gardaí.

“Anyone with any information is asked to contact Monaghan Garda Station on 047 77240, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.”

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Man, 60s, killed in workplace accident in Co Donegal as Health & Safety Authority attend scene

A MAN in his 60s has been killed in a workplace accident in Co Donegal.

The tragedy happened at a premises in Ballyshannon at approximately 1pm.

No details of the incident have been released yet.

Gardai have confirmed the Health and Safety Authority were notified and attended the scene.

The man’s body was removed from the scene and a post mortem will take place.

A file will be prepared for the Coroner’s Court.

A Garda spokesperson confirmed: “Gardai and emergency services responded to a fatal workplace accident at a premises in Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal at approximately 1pm today, Wednesday, 29th January 2025.

“A male in his 60s was pronounced deceased at the scene.

“His body was removed from the scene and a post-mortem examination will take place in due course.

“The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) were notified and attended the scene. A file will be prepared for the Coroner’s Court.”

Separately gardai have sealed off the garden of a house in Co Donegal following reports that human remains may be buried there.

Detectives and forensic officers moved into the grounds of the property in the Oldtown area of Letterkenny at first light this morning.

They began removing a number of items, including a coal bunker, from the garden of the house in question in an attempt to begin a search.

A mini excavator has also been brought into the area and will be moved in shortly to carry out a dig on the site.

Sources have stressed that the investigation has nothing to do with the current owner of the house whose garden is being searched.

The owner of the house has been briefed by Gardai on the matter.

It is understood any human remains which may be on site are of a historical nature.

Gardai have launched the search following a call from a member of the public.

Gardai have been contacted for an official comment on the operation.

Irish Sun File Irish Sun File Irish Sun File Irish Sun File 17/10/15 Garda stock pics Photo Garrett White
Gardai confirmed the fatality
Garrett White - The Sun Dublin

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Як приготувати “пишні” сирники, які будуть пропечені

  Багатьом хочеться приготувати до сніданку пишні сирники, проте завжди є ризик того, що страва не вийде такою смачною, як хотілось би. Часом всередині не пропікається сир, через що страва залишається сируватою. Іноді сирники не можна назвати ідеальними через пригорілу скоринку. Якщо ж вам хочеться приготувати сирники правильно, то варто просто підібрати перевірений рецепт. Які […]

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Audi презентувала потужний електричний позашляховик для найсуворіших умов

Новий Audi Q6 e-tron став основою для екстремального концепта offroad. Електрокросовер підготували до важкого бездоріжжя. Його офіційно презентують 1 лютого подробиці розкрили під час перегонів по льоду в Австрії, а поки на сайті німецького автовиробника розкрили подробиці авто, інформує Фокус. Для доопрацювання взяли купе-кросовер Audi SQ6 e-tron Sportback зі стрімкішим силуетом. Електрокар оснащений стандартною повнопривідною установкою на […]

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7 помилок, яких часто допускаються в вимірюванні артеріального тиску

Люди часто роблять схожі помилки, коли вимірюють власний тиск. Але навіть невеликі помилки призводять до неправильних значень і, отже, часто неправильно дозованим лікам. Це може бути небезпечно. Помилка 1: ви вимірюєте не на тій руці. Це може призвести до помилково низьких значень. В принципі, артеріальний тиск можна вимірювати на обох руках. Як правило, показники тиску […]

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Квентін Тарантіно призупинив кар’єру заради дітей

Фото: Скріншот Тарантіно відійшов від кіновиробництва, щоб присвятити більше часу своїм дітям Режисер тимчасово відійшов від кінематографа, щоб присвятити більше часу своїм дітям. Проте він не полишає творчість і працює над новою п’єсою. Культовий режисер Квентін Тарантіно, який за останні шість років не випустив жодного фільму, вирішив зосередитися на сім’ї. У нещодавньому інтерв’ю він розповів, […]

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Виявляється, розпізнати легковажного чоловіка можна за питаннями, які він задає на першому побачені

  Для цього потрібно лише звернути увагу на те, які питання він задає на першому побаченні. «Скільки у тебе було партнерів до мене?» Такі питання сигналізують, що чоловік невихований, безпардонний. Але, попри це, не варто відразу списувати його з рахунків. Цілком можливо, що він просто шукає жінку, у якої нікого не було до нього. З […]

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Kieran McGeeney & Mickey Harte may have been left miffed but opening weekend of GAA’s new rules showed their value

A BAD weekend for wheelie-bins and trampolines was a good one for football. 

A new era for the game began across the country as the Football Review Committee’s “enhancements” came into force for the first time in competitive action.

25 January 2025; Armagh manager Kieran McGeeney during the Allianz Football League Division 1 match between Galway and Armagh at Pearse Stadium in Galway. Photo by David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile
Armagh manager Kieran McGeeney was left stumped after working off a different rule book from that of the referee’s
26 January 2025; Offaly joint manager Mickey Harte during the Allianz Football League Division 3 match between Offaly and Sligo at Glenisk O'Connor Park in Tullamore, Offaly. Photo by Matt Browne/Sportsfile
Mickey Harte also grumbled about the new rules after getting his Offaly tenure off to an impressive start

Of course, there were plenty of teething problems and confusion. So much change all in the one go was always going to create that, but we will get there. 

The FRC have stressed all along that this is a fluid situation, and everything is under constant review. 

First off, blessed are the kickers – for they will inherit two-point scores. 48 orange flags were raised across the 13 NFL games in all four divisions. 

Not bad given the country was recovering from a storm, and that number will only increase when the ground hardens and the days get longer. 

Galway’s Cillian Ó Curraoin said it all when the rules had him “licking his lips,” and playing Sigerson football for the University of Galway without them ticked him off. 

His monster two-pointer in the second half of their win against Armagh on Saturday night set the ball rolling for Shane Walsh and Paul Conroy to follow suit, and was the turning point in the game. 

But the All-Ireland final rematch was not without confusion either. When Armagh were penalised for not having three players in the Galway half, the Tribes were awarded a free from the 20-metre line. 

Walsh utilised a fresh element to the rule where the kick can be taken from outside the arc – which he converted to put his team 1-9 to 0-7 ahead. 

Unhappy Orchard boss Kieran McGeeney was unaware of the change, and vented his frustration afterwards. 

Take a spin down to O’Connor Park in Tullamore, and new Offaly joint-boss Mickey Harte aired his opposition to kick-outs having to go beyond the new arc after their impressive victory against Sligo. 

He doesn’t see the point of it, but it was introduced to create more contests and help tackle some of the drab, long spells of possession that have blighted games. 

Dublin and Mayo produced a Saturday night cracker, as they always do – but the rules did not have a massive bearing on the game overall. 

But Gavin Sheridan did look good in goal, and often raced forward beyond the half way line to give his team a 12 v 11 advantage, as did Mayo stopper Colm Reape. 

Will we see Stephen Cluxton take the same approach whenever he does surface? At 43, it’s hard to know if he will. 


It will be fascinating to see what Donegal come up with when the Dubs roll into town this Saturday night, given Jim McGuiness’ reputation as a coach – good or bad. 

His ultra-defensive tactics in their infamous 2011 semi-final loss to the Dubs is where a lot of this craic started in the first place, even though swift counter-attacking play saw them land Sam a year later. 

And what about the mighty Kingdom? It’s a long trek to Derry for them this weekend, but you’d think David Clifford will be even more potent under the new laws. 

It’s just crucial to remember things will continue to evolve all the time, and different approaches will unfold every single weekend from teams.

Tweaks and changes will be made by the powers that be along the way and before we know it, the championship will be here on the weekend of April 5 and 6. 

We’ve only had one round of league action, there’s still seven to go and a lot of learning to do. Mattie Donnelly admitted as such after Tyrone’s fine win against the Oak Leaf. 

Old habits die hard, but new ones are essential.

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У Сербії уряд під тиском вуличних протестів йде у відставку

У Сербії більша частина уряду, включаючи прем’єра, йде у відставку через масштабні протести. Швидку відставку Мілоша Вучевича вже підтвердили місцевій газеті «Вечірні новини». Президент Вучич заявив, що звільнено буде більшу частину міністрів, додає Bloomerg. Протести почалися через обвал даху на залізничній станції в північному місті Нові-Сад у листопаді, через загинули 15 людей. Гнів через цю […]

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