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Irish dad-of-two dies suddenly after falling ill on holiday with wife in Portugal amid tributes for ‘genuine gentleman’

AN IRISHMAN has passed away suddenly in Portugal after taking ill while holidaying with his wife.

Dad-of-two Padraic Staunton, 67, is believed to have fallen ill on Thursday January 16 while cycling with his wife Brenda during the break away.

Family members travelled over to the sun spot to be by Brenda’s side earlier this week as arrangements were made to bring Padraic’s remains home, according to the Meath Chronicle.

It has been confirmed that the retired pharmacist, who was living in Athboy in Co Meath but originally hailed from Louisburgh in Mayo, will be laid to rest next week.

A notice online said Padraic died “unexpectedly while in Portugal“.

It added: “Loving son of the late Joe and Breege and beloved brother of the late Anne O’Donnell, and son-in-law of the late Paddy Clifford.

“Sadly missed and remembered with love by his loving wife Brenda (née Clifford, Sligo), son Colm and his wife Aoife, daughter Emer and her husband Jono, brothers Tom, Joseph, and John, sisters Mary, Mairead, and Therese, mother-in-law Kitty Clifford, uncles Paddy, John, & Joe and aunts Margaret & Claire.”

The notice added that Padraic would be lovingly missed and remembered by his “brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, cousins, the extended Clifford, Staunton and Mc Myler families, colleagues, neighbours, and a wide circle of friends.”

Padraic will rest in repose at Mullen’s Funeral Home on O’Growney St in Athboy on Sunday from 6pm until 9pm.

And he will continue in repose at Sweeney’s Funeral Home in his native Louisburgh on Monday from 5pm to 8pm.

The funeral will arrive to St Patrick’s Church in Louisburgh at 11:30am on Tuesday for a service at 12 noon, with private cremation to follow.

Mourners flocked to pay tribute to Padraic since his sudden death earlier this month, with pals and former customers remembering him as a “genuine gentleman” who was “always there” for others.

A neighbour said: “We were privileged to have Padraic as a neighbour.

“A kind, gentle, solid, reliable man with a caring strength who appeared for us as a family in our own dark days.

“He always had a smile and words of reassurance. He will be greatly missed and our heart goes out to Brenda, the children and the extended family.”

Another mourner said: “Heartbroken on the untimely passing of Padraic. He was the pillar of Athboy community. Always a smile and willing to help. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.”

He was a friend to so many people that came through the door.”


A third added: “Padraic was a gentleman whose kindness knew no bounds. I know he will be deeply missed by all who knew him.”

One person told how the sheer number of condolences left for the beloved family man “is a testament to his popularity”.

Another mourner admitted that it was a “great shock” to get the news of Padraic’s passing.

They said: “A really true gentleman and always a pleasure to meet Padraic either on land, pier or sea.

“He will be missed by many but the memories we have of Padraic will always bring a smile to us.”

A former colleague described Padraic as “an absolute gentleman”, adding: “He had a quick wit and his knowledge on so many things taught me so much in my time there and I have some great memories.

“He was a friend to so many people that came through the door and always took the time to help and offer advice.

“He really made a mark on the town of Athboy and surrounding areas and will be sadly missed by so many people.”

Portrait of Padraic Staunton.
Padraic Staunton sadly passed away earlier this month

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‘Dunnes Stores have upped clothing game SO MUCH’ – I tried basic top that should be in ‘every’ wardrobe and it’s only €6

DUNNES Stores fans are scrambling to get their hands on staple tops for just €6 – and they come in three gorgeous colours.

The Scoop Neck Polyamide Vest has landed in stores across the country and is also available to buy online.

Woman wearing a black square-neck bodysuit and black jeans.
Shoppers can’t get enough of these basic tops in Dunnes Stores
Woman wearing a light beige tank top and black pants.
The sleek tops come in three colours
Woman in black tank top.
A Dunnes Stores fan rated the top on TikTok

The cute tops are available in black, grey or a neutral stone shade.

Dunnes Stores chiefs said the top has a fitted shape.

They said: “An essential in any wardrobe, this polyamide vest is half-lined to under the bust, and is created in soft, stretch fabric with a scoop neck.

“In a fitted shape, this is perfect for layering or wearing alone.”

The sleek tops are a bargain €6 and range in sizes XS to XXL.

Ellen, who posts under @ellen_porterr, took to TikTok to rate the must-have basic.

She showed off the scoop neck vest in black.

Ellen said: “I don’t know what Dunnes have done lately, but they have upped their game so much, it’s unbelievable.

“I got this top last weekend in Dunnes for €6 and it is genuinely such a good basic piece to have in your wardrobe. I’m obsessed with it.”

The style lover told how there’s a selection of the tops in stores.

She said: “I love the material. They also have different styles. They have long-sleeved ones as well. I picked up a few of them.”

The TikToker urged people to run to Dunnes Stores before the tops sell out.

She added: “I’m a size extra small. But if you’re looking for good basics, I think it’s time that you guys go to Dunnes. Like, right now.”

Dunnes Stores bosses have also released the ultimate jacket for spring.

Lauren, who posts under @laurenegerton, took to TikTok to show off her “pretty” find.

She said: “A great little find from Dunnes Stores! I absolutely adore the colour khaki so it had my name written all over it. These are still currently in Dunnes Stores.”

The Boucle Biker Jacket has landed in Dunnes Stores across the country and is also available online.

Lauren continued: “I am addicted to the colour khaki, and the one thing I will never do is apologise for it.

“Okay, some people like to buy chocolate. I like to buy khaki green. Have you seen this in Dunnes?”

Screenshot of a young woman pointing to her chest.
The TikToker bagged the top in different colours
the outside of a store called dunnes stores
The tops are available in stores and online
Garrett White - Commissioned by The Sun Dublin

Why police were called to first Dunnes Stores opening

BETWEEN the weekly food shops and bargain fashion - Dunnes Stores is a staple retailer in Irish households.

But this wasn’t always the case, and when the initial branch of the shop opened its doors in 1944 it caused quite the stir 

On March 31 of the year, Ben Dunne opened the first ever Dunnes Stores on St Patrick’s Street in Co Cork

Locals quickly learned of the grand opening and flooded into the store in what the retailer’s archives recall as a “shopping frenzy.”

The bargain clothing on sale inside the new store at “pre-war prices” was one of the factors cited for the buzz. 

During the chaos a window was forced in and Gardai were called to the scene. 

Cops worked to deal with the eager crowds and keep shoppers calm and safe before they made it into the store for their first Dunnes experience.

Fast forward some 80 years, the business now employs over 18,000 people and although an opening of a Dunnes branch hasn’t caused quite as much stir since the very first one, it has cemented its place as one of the nation’s leading retailers

Dunnes Stores now has 138 stores across Europe:

  • 118 in the Republic of Ireland,
  • 15 in Northern Ireland
  • Five stores in Spain

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BYD обігнала Mercedes за прибутками — її авто коштують втричі дешевше

BYD показав рекордні доходи від продажу авто в Китаї. За річними прибутками китайський бренд майже втричі випередив американську Tesla і на 27% – Mercedes-Benz. Китайський бренд BYD не тільки продає більше автомобілів, ніж його закордонні конкуренти, але й заробляє більше на цих продажах. Як пише CarNewsChina, за даними китайської компанії Sina Finance, BYD посів перше місце серед автовиробників у Китаї за доходами від продажу автомобілів […]

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Артеріальна гіпертонія: як захистити себе від цієї згубної хвороби

Від артеріальної гіпертонії страждають мільйони людей. Її вважають небезпечною, так як захворювання здатне викликати серцевий напад і інсульт. Чи можна від неї захиститися? Ми зібрали найефективніші методи захисту від згубної хвороби. Що таке артеріальна гіпертонія Це високий артеріальний тиск. Виявити хворобу треба якомога раніше, інакше це може викликати серйозні наслідки. Недарма існує такий термін як […]

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5 “секретів”, які не дадуть картоплю перетворити на «кашу»

Хитрощі дозволять приготувати рум’яні, пружні картопляні брусочки, які всередині дуже м’які та смачні. Є п’ять нюансів, на які слід звернути увагу при приготуванні смаженої картоплі, якщо кулінар не хоче, щоб її творіння перетворилося на «кашу». Інгредієнт Найголовніший інгредієнт – картопля. Найкраща страва виходить із молодої картоплі, яку буквально недавно викопали із землі. Волога Нарізані шматочки […]

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“Менше жерти і більше рухатись”: Алла Костромічова в купальнику повідомила свою вагу через 1,5 року після пологів

Фото Nina B Модель Алла Костромічова поділилася у Instagram приємною для себе новиною: через півтора року після народження доньки Аврори вона повернулася до своєї «довагітної ваги». У сторіс жінка похизувалася фігурою у купальнику. Алла похвалилася своїм поверненням до 55 кіло   «А хто у нас ходив до спортзали і мало жер, хто молодець? Я молодець. […]

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Температура океану б’є рекорди спеки вже 450 днів поспіль

За останні чотири десятиліття швидкість, з якою глобальні океани поглинають тепло, різко зросла. Нещодавнє дослідження показує, що темпи нагрівання океану зросли в чотири рази з кінця 1980-х років. Протягом цього раннього періоду температура підвищувалася приблизно на 0,06°C (0,11°F) за десятиліття. Сьогодні ця швидкість підскочила до 0,27°C (0,49°F) за десятиліття. Це прискорення пропонує чітке пояснення безпрецедентної спеки […]

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