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Білл Гейтс назвав помилку, про яку найбільше шкодує у своєму житті

  Білл Гейтс та Мелінда Гейтс були 27 років у шлюбі. І саме цього шлюбу стосується, як зазначав сам засновник Microsoft, найбільша його помилка. Хоча у нього були й інші невдачі, 69-річний бізнесмен сказав, що розлучення “на першому місці в списку”. 24 Канал із посиланням на Page Six розповідає докладніше. “Є й інші, але жодна […]

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16-річна донька Кідман, попри критику її модельного дебюту, стала лицем відомого бренду (фото)

Сандей Роуз Урбан — старша дочка Ніколь Кідман та Кіта Урбана Фото і відео IEngUa MiuMiu Донька акторки Ніколь Кідман та музиканта Кіта Урбана, Сандей Роуз знялася для кампейну «Duets» Miu Miu. Цю блискучу, особливо як для 16-річки, дівчина отримала попри те, що її жовтневий дебют на подіумі, для цього ж бренду, нещадно розкритикували в […]

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Hundreds of Brits sign up to travel to Kim Jong Un’s Benidorm-style resort in North Korea – despite dire tourist warning

HUNDREDS of Brits have signed up to visit the “North Korean Benidorm” when it opens – despite dire warnings to would-be tourists.

Kim Jong-un has struggled for years to launch his massive new beach resort, with the grand opening delayed again and again.

Kim Jong-Un toasting beers with a man at an outdoor cafe.
Kim Jong-Un apparently took inspiration from Spain’s Costa Blanca
Kim Jong-un and his daughter walking on a beach.
Pen News
Kim Jong-un and his daughter, Kim Ju-ae, taking in views at the resort[/caption]
Aerial view of Wonsan beach resort in North Korea.
Pen News
The resort is an enormous beach-front development[/caption] Map showing location of Wonsan beach resort in North Korea.

But the Wonsan-Kalma resort will finally welcome guests later this year – and now 250 Brits have signed up to be there.

This is despite a terrifying warning that a trip to the dictatorship could cost holidaymakers their lives.

Kim reportedly sent a fact-finding mission to Spain‘s Costa Blanca in 2017 to inspire his vanity-project resort – built at a former missile base – hence the “Benidorm” nickname.

Work kept stalling and the site was even overrun by homeless wanderers – known as “kotjebi” in North Korea – who filled the empty hotels with faeces.

Now, after years of delay, the ribbon will be cut this summer, with the first trips in July up for sale through Vostok Intur, a Russian travel agency.

And it seems Brits are keen.

Holiday planners On The Beach made a page for people who were interested, and it racked up more than 250 sign-ups within a month.

But campaigners warn that nobody’s safety is assured in Kim’s kingdom.

Greg Scarlatoiu, director of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, said a trip there would be unsafe and immoral.

He said: “The Wonsan-Kalma resort was built with forced labour. Vacationing there is morally and ethically wrong – it is truly an abomination.

“Having Russian nationals vacation there is testament to the pathetic isolation of both Russia and North Korea.”

Past tourists in the country have even lost their lives.

Greg gave the example of Otto Warmbier, an American student arrested on dubious charges during a trip to Pyongyang in 2016.

Accused of taking down a propaganda poster, he was detained for 17 months.

Interior view of a hotel lobby with multiple levels and balconies.
Pen News
Kim Jong-un touring the hotels in Wonsan[/caption]
Kim Jong-un and his daughter walking by an indoor pool at a hotel.
Pen News
Wonsan has a range of facilities including indoor swimming pools[/caption]
Satellite image of Kim Jong Un's Wonsan complex in North Korea, annotated with key locations.
Satellite images of the resort[/caption]

The treatment he received behind bars left him in a vegetative state, and he died after being released.

And he’s not the only one.

A South Korean tourist was shot and killed when he strayed too far from his resort in 2008, supposedly having entered a military area.

Others have spent years rotting in Kim’s prisons.

Greg said: “Even if foreign visitors are from Russia, their safety can never be guaranteed.

“The tragedy of Otto Warmbier continues to loom large. No one, not even Russian nationals, should travel to North Korea.”

The Foreign Office also warns against all non-essential travel to North Korea.

Its website cautions that “offences that would be considered trivial in other countries can incur very severe penalties in North Korea”.

One example would be “not paying sufficient respect, including not treating images of the current and former North Korean leaders with care”.

It notes that the regime has “previously arrested visitors with or without specified charges”.

There is no date set for when Western tourists will be actually be allowed in.

a group of children playing in the water with a green frisbee flying in the air
A group of children playing in the water in Wonsan
a large building with a swimming pool on top of it
Pen News
Construction was halted during the pandemic when homeless people moved into hotels and filled empty hotels with poo[/caption]

On The Beach said it was not currently offering holidays there and was “surprised” by the enthusiasm it received from Brits.

Zoe Harris, chief customer officer, said: “We’re always on the lookout for the next best thing when it comes to all-inclusive resorts in incredible destinations.

“We were intrigued whether Brits would be interested in the new Wonsan resort and so we set up a page where people could register their interest.

“We were surprised to see that more than 250 holidaymakers put their names down.

“I don’t envisage us Brits swapping Benidorm for a North Korean Benidorm anytime soon.

“But if the doors to the Wonsan resort are opened to British holidaymakers it looks like there will be some who want to experience it.”

Vostok Intur’s seven-night Wonsan itinerary includes four beach days, and costs about £1,500 all-in.

Departure dates on sale include July 7, August 4, and August 18.

The tour operator was contacted for comment.

Kim Jong-un and officials on a North Korean beach.
Pen News
Wonsan will welcome tourists from July[/caption]

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Men should get six paid weeks off when their baby is born, claims expert

SCOTTISH Secretary Ian Murray revealed he is to become the first UK Cabinet Minister to take full paternity leave when he becomes a dad for a second time.

The MP for Edinburgh South with his wife Mariam are expecting a brother or sister for their daughter Zola in the coming weeks.

Newborn baby girl covers her face while dad is holding her at a hospital room at at hospital Sant Pau from Barcelona"n
Dads play an important role in the first weeks of a newborn’s life
Carole Erskine
Head of Policy and Campaigns, Scotland
Carole Erskine insists Labour government needs to do much more for new parents

The Labour Government’s Make Work Pay agenda which delivers a series of day one rights of employment, including entitlement to Paternity Leave and Unpaid Parental Leave, which will benefit an additional 1.5million parents.

But currently one-in-five dads and partners that are eligible for paternity leave take no leave at all.

As a working mum of two, Carol Erskine welcomed Murray’s decision to take his full fortnight paternity leave entitlement — but insists his Labour government needs to do much more for new parents.

Her charity Pregnant Then Screwed helps support pregnant women and mothers facing loss of pay, navigating childcare and redundancies with up-to-date information about their employment rights.

But she firmly believes that dads also play an important role in the first weeks of a newborn’s life.

She said: “While it’s welcome that Iain Murray is doing this, I feel very disappointed it’s taken until 2025 before we have a cabinet minister actually taking their full entitlement of paternity leave.

“This says a lot about the work that needs to be done on paternity leave in the UK and how far we have to go to normalise the role of dads as caregivers.”

By law, an employer must pay statutory paternity to those eligible of £184.03 a week. But Pregnant Then Screwed wants to see that extended to six weeks leave paid at 90 per cent of salary.

She said: “We have worked with the Centre for Progressive Policy on how dads involvement in those first few weeks has a longer term impact on children.

“It can be really crucial for parents especially if mums have had a difficult birth, if you have a child that’s born prematurely.

“A growing number of women have a caesarean section now which means a six week recovery when you can’t drive, you have to really watch what you’re doing.

“Even a textbook term that goes as planned is still a massive upheaval to deal with a baby with little to no sleep.”

She adds: “We know as well that dads don’t want to be straight back after two weeks. They want to be more involved at home, but it comes down to if they can afford it.

“That’s why a lot of them end up taking two weeks holiday instead which means that they’re not actually getting an entitlement.”

Carol also believes that an increase of paternity leave will help more mums to return to the work place and therefore reduce the gender pay gap.

She explains: “Quite simply it means you will see more women return to work, which ultimately is better for the economy in the longer term.

“We know when there’s enhanced paternity leave it does reduce the gender pay gap.”

However, with businesses still reeling from the Labour Government’s National Insurance increase, which saw Sainsbury’s announce it will lay off 3,000 staff due to a “challenging cost environment”, will surely baulk at increased paternity pay?

Carol concedes: “We know if you are in a job where there might only be a small number of you then even to take two weeks off is quite ambitious.

“But it has been shown that dads who go back to work are more productive and also more likely to stay in that job.

“We’ve got to get out of that mindset and think how it is going to be beneficial longer term for society as well.

“There’s the whole issue with Scotland’s declining birth rate, it’s projected to be worse than the rest of the UK, so we need to be having more kids to help maintain our public services in the future.”

She adds: “But we have a long way to go, a recent study of all the European countries showed the UK at the bottom when it came to paternity leave.

“We’re not even talking about the Scandinavia countries but places like Romania, Latvia, Malta and Italy are all ahead of us.”

So while Carole praises Iain Murray for taking a step in the right direction as he prepares to welcome a new addition to his household, she now wants to see Labour do a whole lot more for other dads.

She said: “We are loudly applauding Ian for setting an example that we hope other members of government will follow.

“But we hope to see Labour address the challenges faced by all of the dads and partners who are unable to spend crucial time with their new families.”

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