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Headaches raise the odds of suicide as scientists pinpoint 2 types with the strongest link

HEADACHES increase the odds of suicide, a new study says.

While migraines and cluster headaches have already been linked to higher suicide risk, people with milder types, such as tension headaches, may also be affected.

Woman holding her head, appearing to have a headache.
Headaches are a risk factor for suicide, studies show[/caption]

People who had headaches were twice as likely to attempt suicide than those who did not get them.

The completed suicide risk was 40 per cent higher, the study showed.

US and Danish scientists compared nearly 120,000 people with a headache diagnosis to 600,000 people without one.

The team followed up with the participants after 15 years, between 1995 and 2020.

Among people with a headache disorder, 0.78 per cent had attempted suicide compared with 0.33 per cent in the non-headache group.

Some 0.21 per cent had completed suicide after 15 years, compared with 0.15 per cent in the non-headache group.

The increased risk of suicide was seen in all headache types.

But the strongest link was shown for trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) and post-traumatic headache. 

Post-traumatic headache disorder is a result of a brain injury, while TACs are a group of disorders including cluster headache and paroxysmal hermicrania.

Cluster headaches has already earned the nickname of ‘suicide headaches’ because the attacks are so severe.

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Around one in 1,000 people in the UK get them, with usually one side of the head affected around an eye.

Cluster headaches can be relentless, happening multiple times a day and potentially continuing for weeks or months.

They may stop for a while or there may be no gap between headaches, says the NHS.

The study findings, published in JAMA Network, can’t prove cause and effect but the authors described the link as “robust and persistent”.

Headaches are a common cause of work absences and can be linked with mood, anxiety and substance-use disorders – and the participants in this study also showed to have higher rates of such problems.

The researchers therefore called for treatment of headache disorders to include screening for signs of depression and suicidal thoughts.

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Ten types of headache and how to treat them

Tension headache

  • How common: 75 per cent of adults
  • Symptoms: tension on scalp, both sides, feels like a tight vice
  • Cause: stress, sleep problems, caffeine
  • Treatment: rest, relaxation, painkillers

Vision induced headache

  • How common: fairly common
  • Symptoms: tiredness or soreness behind the eyes
  • Cause: glasses, contact lenses, screens
  • Treatment: eye test, cutting down screen time


  • How common: 10million people in the UK
  • Symptoms: severe headache with throbbing on one side, sometimes with aura symptoms (visual or auditory disturbances)
  • Cause: genetics, menstrual cycle, caffeine, alcohol, stress, fatigue, smoking, anxiety, depression
  • Treatment: paracetamol, contraception, decrease caffeine intake, prescription medication

Cluster headache

  • How common: one in 1,000 people in the UK
  • Symptoms: severe headache usually on one side, around one eye, red watery eye, swollen eyelid or drooping of eye
  • Cause: unknown
  • Treatment: oxygen, triptans, beta blockers

Medication overuse headache

  • How common: one to two per cent of the UK population
  • Symptoms: dull, constant headache
  • Cause: frequent painkiller use
  • Treatment: alternative medications, decreasing painkiller use

Nerve pain headache

  • How common: eight in 100,000 people
  • Symptoms: sudden attack of severe, sharp, shooting facial pain that lasts from a few seconds to about two minutes
  • Cause: pressure by an artery, tumour, talking, smiling, chewing, head movements, multiple sclerosis, shingles
  • Treatment: prescription medication

Thunderclap headache

  • How common: 50 in 100,000 adults
  • Symptoms: severe pain out of the blue and can be accompanied by vomiting, fever, seizures and an altered mental state
  • Cause: brain bleed, blood clot, stroke, meningitis, encephalitis
  • Treatment: urgent care in A&E

Pressure headache

  • How common: fairly common
  • Symptoms: pulsating sensation that comes on quickly and lasts for short periods
  • Cause: coughing, exercise, sex, hypertension, space-occupying lesion
  • Treatment: GP appointment, avoiding triggers

Infection headache

  • How common: 60 to 100 per cent of people with infections
  • Symptoms: combined with symptoms like blocked sinuses
  • Cause: infection (e.g. flu, sinusitis), fever
  • Treatment: over-the-counter painkillers, antipyretics

Trauma headache

  • How common: 30 per cent of people with head injury
  • Symptoms: nausea, dizziness, lethargy
  • Cause: head injury
  • Treatment: paracetamol, avoid alcohol, rest


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The European sunshine spot just three hours from Dublin with outdoor activities, sandy beaches & €19.99 Ryanair flights

TAKE a look at the European sunshine spot with outdoor activities, stunning sandy beaches and Ryanair flights from just €19.99.

Mallorca is the biggest Balearic Islands located on the Mediterranean Sea, just off the coast of Spain – and it’s only three hours from Dublin.

Aerial view of Portals Nous beach in Mallorca, Spain.
Mallorca offers a great variety of activities for those who like to combine sports with adventure[/caption]
Stone stairway in Pollenca, Mallorca, leading to a chapel.
Getty - Contributor
The island boasts more caves than any other place in Europe[/caption]
Sailing boats racing in regatta.
The Puerto Portals is a gourmet treat to spot luxury yachts[/caption]

The Spanish island is famous for its beautiful, sandy beaches surrounded by crystal clear waters, rugged coves and picturesque villages.

It is a tourist hot spot, but holidaymakers can also opt to travel during the off-peak season with plenty to enjoy before the arrival of masses of package tourists.

Holidaymakers can enjoy the soft white sand beaches without the usual hustle and bustle.

With affordable flights travelling daily from Dublin Airport, visitors can fly for less than €19.99 with Ryanair.

Mallorca also offers a great variety of activities for those who like to combine sports with adventure.

The island boasts more caves than any other place in Europe.

Visitors can also take exciting walks through the caves or even take a balloon ride to explore the island’s stunning landscapes.

You can also dive into Mallorca’s wildlife, exploring shipwrecks, underwater caves and steep rugged rocks.

In addition to the glorious beaches and wild nightlife, the Balearic are known for their rich cultural history and scenic landscapes.

It is a great year-round destination, with temperatures reaching 20C over spring time.

Palma, its capital, is known for its iconic Palma Cathedral and the 14th-century Bellver Castle, both promising panoramic views.

A visit to the century-old Sóller train is a must-do in the Spanish capital so you can return to the early twentieth century over the 27-kilometre route.


Andratx, situated in the south-west of the island, is another hot spot of Mallorca.

It lies within one of the valleys of the Tramuntana mountains and is home to the ruins of the Trappist monastery La Trapa.

You should also visit the Puerto Portals, a gourmet treat to spot luxury yachts, exclusive boutiques, upscale terraces or restaurants.

It is a spot usually with a high concentration of famous faces such as Jim Carey and Paris Hilton.

The Balearics also offer excellent dining and a range of local wines.

And if you’re hoping to keep things affordable, pints in local pubs and bars can cost as little as €4.

Mallorca beach scene with turquoise water, rocky shore, and buildings on a hillside.
Mallorca is the biggest Balearic Islands located on the Mediterranean Sea[/caption]

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