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Huge car brand suddenly SHUTS popular garage just years after neighbouring petrol station forced to close

A HUGE car brand has suddenly shut its popular garage just years after a neighbouring petrol station was forced to close.

Residents of Shepton Mallet in Somerset have been left distraught as their beloved garage in Haskins Retail Centre has shut.

This comes just a few years after it neighbouring Texaco petrol station also closed its doors for the last time.

The much-loved Honda retailer, Shepton Mallet Motors, offered everything from car servicing and repairs to MOT testing.

For Honda vehicle owners it also provided tyre and exhaust replacements too.

It was locals’ “one-stop” shop for all their motoring needs, reports Somerset Live.

One happy customer said: “Helpful and friendly staff displaying a high level of expertise.

“Took my car in with a electrical problem, which was diagnosed and repaired which was more complicated than first thought, but the technician persisted until it was fully sorted out.”

Whilst another said: “I’ve used this garage for many years. The staff are always friendly, helpful and professional.

“All of my sales and servicing dealings have been first class.”

The Haskins Retail centre is run by the Haskins family. It was launched by Jack Haskins in his small cottage in 1930.

Four generations later, it has evolved into a large shopping centre with a number of businesses on site.

Shepton Mallet Motors have been approached for comment.

This shock notice comes as Guildford Auto Servicing and Repairs Ltd announced it would be closing after just two years in business.

The family company, nestled in Guildford Surrey, is set to be replaced by flats.

The owner said: “They are building flats here so unfortunately we have to go.

“We are still here until the beginning of March. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do.”

Planning permission for the development of 19 residential units was actually granted by Guildford Borough Council on the 25th March 2021.

Ridgemount Garage is set to be developed following the demolition of Guildford Auto Servicing and Repairs.

The site will take up around 0.45 acres.

Photo of Shepton Mallet Motors Honda dealership.
Google Maps
The Honda garage in Shepton Mallet has closed its doors to the dismay of many residents[/caption]

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