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How to tackle waste of the Irish food staple bread – from simple yet delicious recipes to storage tips and tricks

NO country goes wild for bread quite like Ireland during a time of crisis.

Last week shelves in nearly every supermarket were cleared out ahead of destructive Storm Eowyn’s arrival.

Happy woman kneading bread dough in a bowl.
Bread is an Irish food staple
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Loaves of bread on a wooden table.
You can make various recipes with leftover bread
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Sales manager for Too Good To Go Ireland, Machaela O’Leary, said: “Bread is a staple in almost every Irish household, but it’s also one of the most commonly wasted foods with 41 per cent of people reporting they throw away bread, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.”

But there are a number of ways that you can prolong the shelf life of the bread.

Here, Too Good To Go has shared practical and sustainable tips to help households make the most of their bread and reduce waste...


CLOTH bags are the best option for storing bread to retain its goodness longer.

A surprising tip is to put a potato in the bag as well, which prevents the loaf from drying out as quickly.

Toaster and bread bin on a kitchen counter.
A bread bin helps to extend the shelf life
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Wherever you store your bread, make sure it’s dark, dry and fairly cool – a bread box is the ideal place and can be bought for a good price at many stores.

You should clean out any bread bins or cupboards regularly for mould.

If you have made your own bread, let it cool fully before slicing it and then packaging or freezing it.


YOU can freeze bread for up to three months – just make sure it’s in a clean, sealed bag.

Almost every type of bread can be frozen, to extend its shelf life considerably.

Hand removing bag of frozen baguettes from freezer drawer.
Bread can remain frozen to extend the shelf life
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Toasting from frozen is actually the best way to avoid unnecessary waste, by using what you need as and when.

Thawing bread is as just easy as freezing it. To thaw it, you can remove it from the freezer and let it defrost on your counter for between one and three hours.

Or, you can thaw it in the fridge overnight while keeping it in its packaging.


THERE are many recipes that incorporate bread and help you to use it before it goes out of date.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, everyone was making banana bread – and this is a very simple and fast way to bake.

Baked banana bread in a loaf pan.
You can make a banana bread with leftovers
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The quick bake is perfect for using up two different types of food that might be going out of date – bread and bananas.

Or, you can make a range of bread bakes or frittatas filled with whatever you want, which can also be made in the air fryer.


KICK-START your weekend brunch with some homemade French toast.

All you need is some cupboard staples such as eggs, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon and a bit of butter and salt and hey presto! A planet (and budget) friendly brunch.

French toast on a plate.
You can use your expiring bread to make French toast
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And you can even be adventurous with it, adding in whatever ingredients you want.

You can add fruit for a sweet and healthy meal, or chocolate chips and even Nutella to start your day on a sugar rush.


BREAD and butter pudding is a favourite for many, available in many stores and restaurants across Ireland and England.

But did you know it is super simple to make?

Close-up of Uzbek bread pudding with raisins and custard.
Homemade Uzbek bread pudding with cardamom, pear, raisins and custard
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All you need is your stale bread, milk, eggs, sugar, lemon, sultanas, butter, double cream and vanilla.

It is commonly regarded as a comfort food and is so simple to make – what’s to lose?

And you can play around with the recipe and add different ingredients to sweeten it up or make it savoury.


MAKE your mouth feel like it’s the middle of summer by whipping up a classic Tuscan Panzanella salad.

Perfect for leftover sourdough or ciabatta, blend some basil in a food processor with capers and olive oil.

Transfer half of the herby oil to a bowl, add the bread and mix, then set aside. Place the tomatoes in a bowl and lightly squash them.

Mix with the olives, onion slices and a drizzle of olive oil. Add the bread, the herby oil and the vinegar, and mix well.

Summer tomato panzanella in a white bowl.
Summer Tomato Panzanella
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‘Your style is incredible’ gush fans as RTE star Arthur Gourounlian stuns in ‘fabulous’ outfit on Dancing With The Stars

RTE star Arthur Gourounlian has wowed fans as he stepped out in a “fabulous” outfit on Dancing With The Stars.

The celebrity judge was back on air last night for another episode of the hit RTE show.

Portrait of a man with long curly hair wearing a red patterned shirt and necklace.
Arthur was back on air last night for another episode of Dancing With The Stars[/caption]
Man with long hair walking backstage wearing a patterned shirt and gray pants.
Arthur’s fans all shared their love for his outfit[/caption]

Arthur was joined by his co-judges Loraine BarryBrian Redmond and Karen Byrne, to critique the nine famous faces competing for the glitterball.

The 44-year-old took to his Instagram after last night’s show to share some snaps of his sensational TV look.

The dad-of-two told how his outfit was “a bold, vintage-inspired ensemble with a mix of retro and modern elements”.

Arthur donned a red and cream geometric-patterned button-up shirt with a wide collar, which he said is “reminiscent of 1970s fashion”.

The TV star tucked the statement shirt into high-waisted, wide-leg grey trousers, adding a “sophisticated, slightly oversized silhouette”.

He opted to style his outfit with a pair of chunky brown platform shoes which complimented the “vintage aesthetic” and added “height and a statement finish”.

The celebrity choreographer completed the TV look with multiple rings and layered necklaces.

He captioned his post: “SHOW FIVE @dwtsirl. Dedication Week. Oh, my, Oh, my, it was so emotional tonight.

Everyone danced their heart out to the floor. Seriously, WOW.

Arthur’s fans and friends all raced to the comments to share their love for his outfit.

Lottie said: “Absolutely stunning wouldn’t expect anything less your style is incredible each week Arthur.”

Denise wrote: “Handsome you rock everything you put on.”

Ross commented: “Best so far.”

Jacqueline gushed: “Fabulous.”

Another added: “Looking great as always.”


Arthur recently caught his daughter Blake creating “chaos” on her own.

The Dancing With The Stars judge and his hubby Brian Dowling often share their day-to-day life at home with their daughters Blake, 2, and eight-month-old Blu.

Arthur took to Instagram and posted a hilarious video of Blake.

The 44-year-old explained how he heard “silence” coming from the playroom at 9am this morning and became suspicious.

He joked that his heart was “pounding” as he braced himself for the “chaos that awaited” him as he cautiously entered the room to see what she was up to.

Arthur found Blake sitting on Blu’s changing table covered in Sudocrem.

Blake looked up at Arthur innocently as he quickly ran her a bath to clean up her mess.

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Який кефір використовувати, щоб спекти смачні оладки

0 Якщо хочеться саме оладок, а не плоских коржиків, то зверніть увагу на кефір або кисле молоко. Бабусі знають, як порадувати онуків. А щоб онуки (і не тільки) справді раділи, візьміть для замішування тіста за цим рецептом гарячий кефір. Для приготування потрібно: 2 яйця; 2 ст. л. цукру; 500 мл кефіру; 500 гр борошна; ½ […]

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Проблеми з нігтями, які говорять про наявні захворювання

Поздовжні борозни, жовті, білі або ламкі нігті: за зміною стану нігтьових пластин часто стоять нешкідливі причини. Але деякі симптоми можуть вказувати на такі захворювання, як грибок нігтів, псоріаз або навіть рак шкіри. Потріскані або ламкі нігті. Часте миття посуду руками без рукавичок, використання засобів для зняття лаку або незахищеного поводження з миючими засобами, роблять нігті […]

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Біженців у Німеччині можуть залишити без виплат: як зміняться правила для українців після виборів

Українським біженцям розповіли, що на них чекає після виборів у Німеччині. Про це пише DW. Християнські демократи, які мають високі шанси очолити майбутній уряд Німеччини, у своїй програмі критикують високі соціальні виплати українським біженцям. Одне з обіцянок у передвиборчій програмі блоку консервативних партій Німеччини – Християнсько-демократичного союзу (ХДС) та баварського Християнсько-соціального союзу (ХСС) викладене лаконічно, але недвозначно: “Працевлаштувати […]

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Періс Хілтон у чорному прозорому максі поблищала на хіднику музичної премії

фото з Instagram Американська світська левиця та бізнесвумен Періс Хілтон у гламурному луці з’явилася на Pre-Grammy Gala у Лос-Анджелесі. 43-річна зірка навідалася на щорічний захід у блискучій напівпрозорій сукні. Хілтон одягла вбрання з довгими рукавами від бренду New Arrivals by Ilyaz Ozel. Зокрема, вона вибрала модель Darja, яка вирізняється виразними підплічниками. Сукня повністю вкрита кристалами. […]

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На Марсі знайшли загадкову квадратну структуру: Маск хоче відправити туди астронавтів

Фото: NASA   На одному зі знімків супутника NASA видно об’єкт, який нагадує руїни загублених цивілізацій. Глава компанії SpaceX Ілон Маск заявив, що на Марс необхідно відправити астронавтів, щоб дослідити загадкову «квадратну структуру». Її помітила на поверхні Червоної планети міжпланетна станція NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, пише Daily Mail. Знімок завірусився в мережі після того, як […]

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