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Costco Suffers “Biggest Satisfaction Slide” as Shoppers Favor Sam’s Club, New Survey Finds

A new consumer satisfaction survey is exposing which mega-retailers have the happiest customers—and the results speak for themselves. Data suggests that shoppers are abandoning Costco for rival Sam’s Club, a trend that’s also generated buzz on Reddit. In one thread, users called Costco "awful," "chaotic," and "a nightmare," compared with Sam’s Club, which was dubbed "far superior." See how Costco measures up against its competitors below.

RELATED: "Never Again" Buy Tires From Costco, Shoppers Say: "Simply Horrendous."

A new survey looks at consumer satisfaction.

Results from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Retail and Consumer Shipping Study 2025 found that overall customer satisfaction has increased by 0.4 percent, generating a score of 78.3 out of 100. However, some marquee brands, like Costco, experienced significant drops in their ACSI scores after failing to "invest in enhancing both their physical and digital experiences."

"Though there wasn’t much movement in retail customer satisfaction overall, we’re seeing a clear divide emerge between brands that are meeting the needs and expectations of younger consumers versus those that are falling behind," ACSI director of research emeritus Forrest Morgeson said in a press release.

"Factors like mobile shopping capabilities, website quality, and perceptions of value are becoming increasingly important, especially for the 18-25 age group, who expressed significantly lower satisfaction levels compared to older demographics," explained Morgeson.

Costco’s customer satisfaction rating dropped in 2024.

Of the 12 major supermarket chains, Costco suffered one of the "biggest satisfaction slides." The warehouse received an ACSI score of 81, a five percent drop from 2024. The significant decrease put Costco in seventh place among its competitors. But most importantly, it landed Costco behind rival Sam’s Club, whose ACSI score remains unchanged at 83.

Most grocers, including Wegmans and Walmart, saw either "satisfaction gains" or unchanged scores. The only chain whose ACSI score tanked more than Costco’s was BJ’s Wholesale Club, at six percent. A ranked list with corresponding ACSI scores can be referenced below:

  1. Trader Joe’s and Publix (tied at 84)
  2. Sam’s Club and Wegmans (tied at 83)
  3. H-E-B and Whole Foods (tied at 82)
  4. Costco (81)
  5. Ahold Delhaize and Krogers (tied at 78)
  6. BJ’s Wholesale Club (77)
  7. Walmart (75)
  8. Giant Eagle (74)

Additionally, when broken down by region, Costco was still left out of the pack. The Northeast favors Wegmans, while Sam’s Club takes the crown in the Midwest, according to the survey’s results. In the West, Trader Joe’s ranks highest. H-E-B and Publix are tied for first in the South.

RELATED: Costco Is Opening New Locations—Here's Where and When.

Meanwhile, Sam’s Club was recognized as a leader.

Sam’s Club, however, received high remarks from customers. The chain’s general merchandise ACSI score skyrocketed by five percent, coming in at 85. This, paired with its supermarket ACSI score of (83), put Sam’s Club at the top of the leaderboard overall.

"The company’s Scan & Go service, used regularly by one in three members, has helped customers skip checkout lines completely. Sam’s Club is also piloting technology to improve the receipt checking process to get customers out the door faster," per the press release.

In a Reddit thread comparing Sam’s Club to Costco, shoppers echoed similar sentiments.

"It's a nightmare just to walk in Costco whereas Sam's I was able to actually walk down the main aisle. The scan as you go option is more convenient for me and faster for Sam's. All around the vibe of the store is much calmer and less chaotic too," wrote one consumer.

"Costco still has a few items I prefer, but overall, the shopping experience at Sams is light years ahead of Costco," reads another comment with a lot of likes.

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Eating These Antioxidant-Rich Foods Could Prevent Gray Hair, New Study Finds

Although a natural—and inevitable—part of the aging process, no one looks forward to their hair going gray. Whether you’ve found a few rogue strands, or your roots are coming in completely gray, it can be a tough pill to swallow. Fortunately, there could be a natural cure on the horizon. A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Antioxidants suggests that a yellow-pigmented flavone called luteolin could delay your hair from aging—and it's found in a lot of the produce you're probably eating already.

RELATED: 3 Tips to Avoid Getting Gray Hair Prematurely, Naturopathic Doctor Reveals.

Luteolin was linked to retaining hair color, while other antioxidants didn’t prevent graying.

Using a mouse model, researchers administered luteolin, hesperetin, and diosmetin to evaluate which of these antioxidants has the strongest "anti-graying effects." The treatments were given internally and externally; however, the method of delivery didn’t make a difference in which antioxidant was the clear winner.

Luteolin was the only antioxidant that prevented gray hair, which authors note was "surprising." Mice who were treated with luteolin retained their natural black hair, while their peers (treated with hesperetin and diosmetin) came out of the experiment with a full gray coat.

The press release explains it well: "Luteolin's anti-graying effects are closely linked to its influence on endothelins—proteins that play a crucial role in cellular communication. In the study, luteolin treatments preserved the expression of endothelins and their receptor. This preservation supports healthy signaling pathways, preventing the decline in melanocyte activity that typically accompanies graying."

"Interestingly, luteolin had limited effects on hair cycles, indicating that its primary impact is on pigmentation rather than hair growth or shedding," Nagoya University researcher and study author Masashi Kato said in the release. "This targeted action makes luteolin a particularly intriguing candidate for addressing age-related hair graying.

RELATED: Plastic Surgeon Reveals the No. 1 Anti-Aging Supplement.

How do you add more luteolin to your diet?

If you eat salads for lunch or regularly cook with onions and peppers, chances are you’re already following a high-luteolin diet. Vegetables are rich in luteolin, as are some citrus fruits. Using the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Database, Intake Health has released a comprehensive list of luteolin-rich foods, ranked by their density levels:

  • Radicchio
  • Sweet green peppers
  • Serrano peppers
  • Green hot chili peppers
  • Chicory greens
  • Celery
  • Lemon
  • Pumpkin
  • Red leaf lettuce
  • Artichoke
  • Kohlrabi
  • Jalapeno peppers
  • Sweet yellow peppers
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Green leaf lettuce
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Sweet red peppers
  • Navel oranges

Luteolin is also available in supplement form, both for topical and oral use. But as with any new medication or supplement, speak with your healthcare provider before making any changes.

RELATED: If You’re Going Gray, Avoid This 1 Common Hair Mistake.

The takeaway:

The study paves a hopeful path toward what could be a natural preventive for graying hair. However, more research—including human assessments—is needed.

Nevertheless, Nagoya University researcher and study author Takumi Kagawa is excited about what this discovery could mean for the future of anti-aging hair. "It would be interesting to investigate whether luteolin's anti-aging effects could also be applicable to other age-related changes, including balding," Kagawa said in the release.

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Celebrity Pregnancy Announcements and Baby Births of 2025: Gisele Bundchen and More Stars

Let the baby boom of 2025 begin! The year is already filled with announcements from celebrities about pregnancies and baby births. January kicked off with Teddy Swims revealing that he and girlfriend Raiche Wright are expecting their first child together. The following day, Ronda Rousey revealed that she had given birth to her second child...

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Поштова служба США тимчасово припинила приймати посилки з Китаю

Поштова служба Сполучених Штатів у вівторок увечері оголосила, що тимчасово, до подальшого повідомлення, призупиняє прийом посилок, які надсилаються до США з Китаю та Гонконгу. Про це повідомляє CBS News, передає Укрінформ. Призупинення набуло чинності негайно після публікації оголошення на сайті відомства. Водночас відправка листів та листівок із Китаю до США здійснюватиметься як зазвичай, безперешкодно. Про причини […]

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Audi змінює підхід до назв моделей

Компанія Audi почне називати свої моделі по-новому. Спочатку німецький автовиробник мав намір надавати машинам з електричними силовими установками лише парні індекси, а тим, які оснащені ДВЗ (включно з гібридами), непарні. Але більше така система найменувань не застосовуватиметься. Відтепер числова послідовність від 1 до 8 вказуватиме на розмір моделі та її позиціювання в лінійці. Раніше, відповідно […]

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Що робити при алкогольному отруєнні

Правила першої допомоги та симптоми, за яких треба викликати швидку. Що таке алкогольне отруєння Середньостатистична здорова печінка здатна знешкоджувати і виводити тільки 30 мл чистого алкоголю кожні 90 хвилин. Якщо ви випиваєте більше, в крові накопичуються продукти розпаду спирту. Разом з кровотоком вони відправляються гуляти по тілу, завдаючи шкоди внутрішнім органам, в тому числі серцю […]

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