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I’ve lost seven STONE and this is my ‘magic’ go-to easy filling snack – you can make it in the air fryer too

A WOMAN who has lost more than seven stone in weight has shared her “magic” go-to snack.

Terri Lowe is also known as the ‘Air Fryer Queen’, and for good reason, as almost all of her recipes can be made in the device.

Woman holding air fryer with small dishes inside.
Terri, who has lost more than seven stone in weight, has shared her “magic” recipe for a go-to quick breakfast or snack
Woman demonstrating how to make air fryer grilled cheese and carrot fries.
The ‘Air Fryer Queen’ looks virtually unrecognisable these days
Person separating an egg yolk into a glass bowl.
She began by cracking an egg into two separate bowls, before whisking it up[/caption]
Air fryer on a kitchen counter.
The eggy, cheese recipe can be cooked in just eight minutes in the air fryer[/caption]

And in a recent video on her TikTok page, Terri – who has lost a whopping 100lbs (7 stone 1lb) – revealed her new “obsession”.

She began with two dishes, into which she put two eggs each, before whisking them up with a fork and ensuring they’re fully mixed up.

“Okay, here’s where the magic happens,” she said.

“If you like onion, you’re gonna add some onion. I love onion.

“And then we’re gonna add some cheese.”

She then added in some cheese to the mix – using a spicy grated cheese herself but pointing out you can use “whatever cheese you want”.

“Each of these have about 15 to 20 grams of protein because of the cheese and the egg,” Terri explained.

Once she’d added the cheese, she put both the dishes into the air fryer, and cooked for 8 minutes at 180C.

Taking them out, Terri admitted she “couldn’t wait to eat this”, as she showed how they’d been transformed into an eggy, cheesy treat that can be enjoyed in the morning or as a quick snack.

“Eggs in the air fryer – so easy, so delicious!” she added in the caption.

“High-protein, low effort, and ready in under 15 minutes.”

And people in the comments section were quick to praise Terri for sharing the recipe.

“Making this right now! Your videos have really inspired me,” one wrote.

“Trying! I’m going to mix some cottage cheese in there too for even more protein and some bacon bits!” another said.

“Looks GREAT!” a third gushed.

While others were more impressed with the fact Terri had put her ceramic bowls straight into the air fryer.

Rise of the air fryer

Air fryers have maintained their spot the most popular kitchen gadget in the UK last year.

Annual sales figures from Lakeland show sales of air fryers were up 1,175% on last year – when they were already soaring in popularity – as households continue their efforts to save energy on standard ovens.

The retailer said: “In previous years, their popularity could be attributed to consumers seeking healthier cooking options and fast cooking times.

“However, with the cost-of-living crisis continuing, air fryers have a renewed appeal as an efficient alternative to oven cooking.”

The only other products that “shaped the year” were heated airers – with sales up 51% – and heated textiles, such as heated throws and ponchos, Lakeland said, again as households brought in gadgets as an alternative to expensive dryers and central and electric heaters.

“No idea that you could put those dishes in there!” one admitted.

“I’ve got the same dishes.”

“I am the only one who didn’t know you could Put dishes in the air fryer?” another asked.

“I didn’t even know that I could put bowls in the air fryer!” a third said.

To which Terri replied: “Me either!! Just found out!”

Woman holding an air fryer with small bowls of food inside.
Terri left over people stunned as she showed how she used the same ceramic bowls for every stage of the recipe – even putting them in the air fryer

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