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5 «секретів» приготування дерунів без борошна та яєць

0 Для деяких кулінарів приготування дерунів без борошна та яєць стало своєрідним відкриттям, адже у кухарській спільноті склалася думка, що ці інгредієнти дуже важливі. Подробиці Але насправді найніжніші та найпишніші деруни ті, які приготовлені без борошна та яєць. Перша хитрість полягає у виборі картоплі. Кращими вважаються бульби з жовтою м’якоттю: картопля більш щільна, крохмаляста, менше […]

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‘Threatening messages’ sent between boys, both 15, before one ‘stabbed & killed on way to lessons’ in Sheffield

THREATENING messages were allegedly sent between two boys before a 15-year-old died in a stabbing attack.

The victim, named in reports as Harvey Willgoose, was stabbed at All Saints Catholic High School in Granville Road, Sheffield, at about 12.17pm on Monday.

Photo of Harvey Willgoose.
Sheffield school stab victim Harvey Willgoose[/caption]
Photo of Harvey Willgoose.
Harvey was named locally as the teen who died in the tragedy
Floral tributes and a handwritten note left outside a school after a stabbing.
Floral tributes outside the school in Sheffield[/caption]
Ambulance at hospital with person in protective suit.
Police forensics officers and an ambulance at the scene on Monday night[/caption]

Horrified pupils watched on when he was knifed three times in a school courtyard.

Teachers raced to give emergency first aid as the school was put in
lockdown and an air ambulance flew in.

The lad was taken to hospital but he died soon after arrival.

A 15-year-old pupil was detained by police and taken into custody.

He was last night being quizzed on suspicion of murder.

The stabbing happened at 12.17pm as pupils moved between classes at All Saints Catholic High School in Sheffield.

It was claimed the pair had exchanged threatening messages before the incident.

And it came after the school went into lockdown last Wednesday
after a pupil was alleged to have taken a blade in.

One furious parent said: “How can the school have allowed this to happen today?”

Sheffield Heeley Labour MP Louise Haigh said: “Serious questions will have to be answered.”

A fellow pupil paid tribute to the killed teenager.

The 17-year-old said: “He was such a lovely lad, he was cheeky, but was lovely.

“He would make your day better hearing him down that hallway. Teachers loved him, students loved him, everyone loved him.”

A neighbour of the victim, standing beside a shrine of flowers and
candles outside his family home, said: “He went to school this morning and has not come home.

“He always seemed to have a smile on his face. So sad.”

Another neighbour said: “He and his dad were huge Sheffield United
fans. It is just too awful for words.”

South Yorkshire Police’s Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield
said: “We know that what has happened will cause significant distress
and concern.

“Our officers will remain on scene and in the local area to offer reassurance to parents, staff and local residents as our
investigation continues.”

South Yorkshire mayor Oliver Coppard said: “This morning a
teenage boy went to school like thousands of others across South Yorkshire but won’t come home.

“A young man who was a member of our community, with his
whole life ahead of him.

“My love, my thoughts and my prayers are with his family and friends, and the whole community of All Saints Catholic High School.”

PM Sir Keir Starmer said: “My heart goes out to the family and
loved ones of the boy, the staff and students at the school, and the
entire community of Sheffield.

“They are grieving the needless loss of a young life and the nation mourns with them.

“Our schools should be places of safety and learning, not violence and fear.

“Tonight a young boy should be returning to the love and safety of
his family.

“We stand and work together against the devastating consequences of knife crime, so no more families know this tragic loss.”

A police officer outside All Saints Catholic High School, on Granville Road in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, after a 15-year-old boy died following a stabbing incident at the school. Picture date: Monday February 3, 2025. PA Photo. See PA story POLICE Sheffield. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire
A police officer outside All Saints Catholic High School
Forensic officer at a crime scene.
CSI cops scouring the area for evidence[/caption]
Aerial view of police and ambulance vehicles outside a school building.
© YappApp
Harvey was pronounced dead despite the best efforts of emergency services[/caption]
Aerial view of a police scene at All Saints Catholic High School in Sheffield, UK, following a reported stabbing.
Emergency services responded to calls from the scene at 12.17pm on Monday[/caption]
Flowers left near a school following a stabbing.
Flowers were left in Harvey’s memory[/caption]

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Brian Murphy’s Hi-de-Hi! actor wife pays heartbreaking tribute to her 70s comedy legend husband after he dies aged 92

BRIAN Murphy’s Hi-de-Hi! actor wife has paid a heartbreaking tribute to her 70s legend husband, after he died aged 92.

In the touching statement, Linda Regan wrote: “My love for you will never die. RIP sweetheart.”

A man and woman kissing.
Linda shared a snap of the pair kissing[/caption]

She also shared a picture of the pair kissing.

Brian, who was was best known for his role in the 1970s British sitcoms Man About the House and George and Mildred, died aged 92 in Kent on Sunday morning.

Murphy’s friend and agent Thomas Bowington described him as a “joyful and profoundly good-hearted man”.

He also paid tribute to his “talent and humanity”.

The late star was born on the Isle of Wight in 1932.

His career began in the 1950s when he became a member of the pioneering Theatre Workshop.

Murphy worked closely with theatre director Joan Littlewood throughout his early career.

But he is best known for his role in Man About the House.

The sitcom followed the trials and tribulations created by one man and two women flat-sharing in the 70s.

Photo of Linda Regan and Brian Murphy.

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До успіху “Мавки” у 2024 році не дотягнувся жоден фільм: натомість результати зборів у прокаті доволі втішні

Анімаційний фільм “Мавка. Лісова пісня”, знятий за твором Лесі Українки, у 2023 році зібрав у прокаті $20 мільйонів. Поки що саме ця стрічка є безсумнівним лідером. Та траплялися в українському кінематографі й інші вдалі проєкти. За даними дистриб’юторів, протягом минулого року збори в кінотеатрах склали більш як 222 мільйони гривень. Це стосовно українського кінопродукту. Від […]

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Віра в Парижі: Брежнєва на фотоспогаді з Тижня моди засвітила оголені стегна в боді (фото)

Співачка провела красивий тиждень у Парижі Усі фото з Instagram Співачка Віра Брежнєва поділилася з підписниками спогадами з Парижа, де вона відвідала Тиждень моди. На своїй офіційній сторінці в Instagram вонаопублікувалакілька елегантних фото. В кадрі Брежнєва позує в гримерці в чорному боді, демонструючи стрункі оголені ноги, поки їй роблять макіяж.   Грайлива Віра посвітила стрункою […]

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Досвідчені городники розповіли, чому не варто використовувати тирсу на городі

Як тільки спритні садівники не використовують дерев’яну тирсу. І як замінник обприскувачу для туалету, спалюють, щоб отримати корисне добриво, а також як дешевий відлякувач для городніх шкідників. Разом з корисними властивостями тирса може нашкодити городу, якщо її неправильно використовувати на ділянці. Волога Тирса, якщо вона ще свіжа, активно втримує вологу. Це шкідливо, якщо літо дощове. […]

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