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I discovered one of the cheapest charity shops in the UK – designer bags go for £3 & there’s lovely winter coats for £2

A SAVVY shopper has claimed to have discovered the ‘cheapest charity shop ever’ – and there’s loads of bargains from just £1.

So if the cost of living crisis has made your purse feel tighter than ever before and you’re on a mission to save cash without scrimping on your wardrobe, then you’ve come to the right place.

Woman reviews a charity shop, questioning if it's the cheapest ever.
A bargain hunter has claimed to have found the ‘cheapest charity shop ever’[/caption]
Woman in a charity shop holding up a cream-colored shirt.
Prices are no more than £5 per item
Beige quilted jacket on a hanger in a charity shop.
This winter coat, which was originally from Sainsbury’s, was just £2

Not only will you find stunning coats for just £2 in this UK shop, but there’s even designer bags for only £3 too.

And if that wasn’t enough, nothing is priced at more than £5 – yes, you heard that correctly.

Lola Amuah, a bargain hunter from the UK, took to social media to give her followers a close-up look inside her favourite charity shop, leaving many open-mouthed.

As she stood outside the Save the Children store on Osmaston Road, in Derby city centre, the thrifting fan said: “Nothing is priced more than £5 in this shop.”

And it didn’t take long for Lola to get her hands on a huge haul of purse-friendly finds, including a stunning Zara blouse for just £2.

Not only this, but Lola and her husband also spotted a ‘pretty’ Tu quilted coat from Sainsbury’s, which is perfect for keeping warm in winter, also for only £2.

If that wasn’t enough, the charity shop enthusiasts also found a Harry Potter top for £1 and lots of bags for just £2 each. 

And if it’s luxury fashion you’re after, there’s plenty of that where this charity shop is concerned, as Lola also noticed an & Other Stories sweatshirt for £2, an Oliver Bonas blouse for £3 and even a silk dress, originally from Ted Baker, for just £5.

There was even gymwear too, as Lola beamed: “I spy Gymshark for £2.”

But that’s not all, as not only will you be able to give your wardrobe a refresh with these cheap finds, but you’ll also be able to upgrade your handbag collection too.

And if you thought that was it, think again, as it’s no surprise that Lola was even more overjoyed with her shopping trip when she spotted a brown leather Fiorelli bag for just £3 – which we think is a real bargain. 

Lola’s TikTok clip, which she posted under the username @lola_amuah, has clearly impressed many, as it has quickly racked up 117,100 views.

Top charity shop tips for bagging a bargain

Ross Dutton has been a manager for Crisis's charity shops for four years and currently runs the charity's Finsbury Park shop in London.

Choose your area – As a rule of thumb, the posher the area, the better quality the clothes that are donated.

Don’t hang around – If you see something you like, buy it, as it’ll likely be gone when you come back

Look out for cut-off labels – Some of your favourite high street stores will have deals with local charity shops to donate stock that isn’t sold during their own sales. Often part of the deal is that they need to cut the labels off the clothes.

Stay at home – While some charities have their own site, like Oxfam and Crisis. many also sell from dedicated eBay stores, such as British Heart Foundation and Scope. You won’t get the range of bargains that you would get in a physical store, but if you’re looking for something specific it may be worth checking online too.

Social media users were stunned by the ‘brilliant’ prices and were eager to express this in the comments. 

One person said: “Great prices.” 

Another added: “That first Zara shirt is gorgeous. I’m so jealous.” 

What a brilliant shop

TikTok user

A third commented: “It’s nice to see a charity shop not charging over the odds!” 

Meanwhile, someone else wrote: “Always good bargains in this one.” 

Not only this, but another charity shop fan recognised: “What a brilliant shop.”

At the same time, one secondhand shopper beamed: “Proof that secondhand is the new luxury!”

Floral dress on a hanger in a charity shop.
There’s even designer dresses for a fiver
Brown leather handbag held by a person.
Whilst this gorgeous bag was only £3

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