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‘More female victims’ of ‘arrogant’ gym perv Shane Flynn go to cops as new concerns raised with gardai during trial

NEW concerns about the behaviour of perv gym owner Shane Flynn were raised with Gardai during his trial, The Irish Sun on ­Sunday can reveal.

The group of women — from all over Ireland — were waiting to see the outcome of his case before deciding to make a formal complaint.

Shane Flynn of St. Loman's holding a Gaelic football.
New concerns about the behaviour of perv gym owner Shane Flynn were raised with Gardai during his trial
Bodybuilder posing with hands behind head.
The personal trainer received a 28-month sentence for ­sexually assaulting a woman in January 2021
Social Media Collect
Shane Flynn at his sentencing hearing.
Creep Flynn sexually assaulted the woman as she was receiving treatment for back pain

But they will not be ­making any statements after the personal trainer, 35, who ran the NGS Gym and ­Rehabilitation Clinic in Mullingar, Co Westmeath, received a 28-month sentence for ­sexually assaulting a woman in January 2021.

Creep Flynn — who had 34,000 followers on Instagram — sexually assaulted the woman as she was receiving treatment for back pain.

The women who raised concerns with cops during the trial were separate to the 37 women Flynn secretly recorded when they were changing at his gym from July 2018 until August 2020.

He positioned his laptop so he could see them undressing and covertly recorded them when they were receiving treatment from him.

A source told The Irish Sun on Sunday: “Gardai met with a number of women who came forward when Flynn’s trial started last ­October.

“They all had serious ­concerns about his behaviour and if he had not been ­convicted of sexual assault, they would have made formal complaints. There is a lot of admiration for the woman who went to court because she didn’t want other women to be ­targeted by Flynn.

“Thankfully justice has ­prevailed and Flynn has been prosecuted for a very ­serious offence and his despicable behaviour has been exposed.”

Gardai have encouraged any other women who may have been sexually assaulted or secretly recorded by Flynn to come forward.

The Irish Sun on Sunday can also reveal that the perv received ­some support from a millionaire businessman ­during his trial at Mullingar Circuit Criminal Court.

The source added: “The businessman was at court for a lot of the hearings.


“Flynn comes across as very arrogant and even when he was being interviewed by Gardai about the offences, he thought he was clever.

“But due to the nature of the evidence gathered, the Gardai were always two steps ahead of him.”

Flynn, who won four county championships with St Loman’s GAA club, appeared on RTE show Special ­Forces: Ultimate Hell Week in 2019.

Ahead of the programme, he said: “I’m the type of leader that thrives on pressure.


“If someone with a weaker personality says that Shane Flynn is very cocky, I can’t do anything about that. I’ve got to keep driving on who I am.”

Following his conviction, Judge Ronan Munro said Flynn’s ­victim had “made the world a safer place” over her decision to come forward.

After completing his ­sentence, Flynn must remain under probation supervision for one year and complete a ­sexual offending treatment.

But Judge Munro also told the court how his exploitation of his victim’s vulnerability was “particularly insidious”.


In a moving victim impact statement to the court, his ­victim said: “After this ­happened to me I completely lost my spark and became increasingly anxious. He entered a not guilty plea when all along he has been guilty.

“Shane Flynn tried to lie about the entire assault and portray me as the person who was wrong, the person who crossed the line when in fact it was him. It’s the most ­vulnerable position I have ever been in my life.”

The probe into Flynn was run by the ­Gardai’s ­Divisional Protective Services team in Meath and Westmeath.

NGS Gym & Rehabilitation Clinic in Mullingar.
Flynn ran the NGS Gym and ­Rehabilitation Clinic in Mullingar, Co Westmeath
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Last person to see missing Irish teen Amy Fitzpatrick in ‘never be found’ fear as she tells of anger over case

THE last person to see missing Irish teen Amy Fitzpatrick says she hasn’t spoken to Spanish cops in 17 years and cried: “I fear she will never be found.”

Ashley Rose was 13 when she waved goodbye to her pal outside her house on the Costa Del Sol as Amy began the short walk home at 10pm on New Year’s Day 2008 — only never to see her again.

Photo of Amy Fitzpatrick, a missing Irish girl.
Amy Fitzpatrick went missing on New Year’s Day in Spain in 2008
Photo of Amy Fitzpatrick and a friend.
Ashley Rose was 13 when she waved goodbye to her pal outside her house on the Costa Del Sol
Ashley Rose and her mother Debbie Rose standing outside their home.
Now the 30-year-old mum has told of her anger at the way Amy’s case has been treated in Spain

Yesterday, the 30-year-old mum told of her anger at the way Amy’s case has been treated in Spain.

She said: “The way the Spanish police have treated this case from the start is an absolute disgrace.

“They are convinced Amy ran away from home, is still alive somewhere and that is the end of it. They have no interest looking for her or trying to find out where she is buried.

“Everyone who knew Amy is convinced she is dead and that something terrible happened.

“But the Spanish police are not interested. If Amy was Spanish they would move heaven and earth to find her.

“They are treating her case as a missing person — they should be upgrading it to a murder probe.

“Over the past few years, they were given information from the local criminal underworld that Amy’s remains were buried in one of the stable blocks at the old racetrack in Fuengirola.

“But they ignored this tip-off and never bothered searching the racetrack. They had nothing to lose in searching for her body and if they didn’t find her, at least they would know she is not there.”

Spanish cops are said to be dubious about the tip-off and have yet to carry out a full-scale dig of the area near the racecourse.

Ashley said it is also incredible the police have only interviewed her once despite being the last person to see Amy alive — and it was 17 years ago.


She continued: “Can you believe they have not been in contact with me during all that time?

“They spoke to me when I was a kid — 13 years of age — and never bothered to call me years later to see as an adult if I remembered any more.

“Like most people who knew Amy, I believed that she was killed and that her whole murder is being covered up.

“I have my own suspicions about what happened to her and who did it but I am not going to start naming names.


“The police should be all over this and the people responsible for Amy’s disappearance and murder should not get away with it.”

Spanish police said the file on Amy’s case is still open but they are still treating her disappearance as a missing person’s inquiry.

However, Amy’s dad Christopher Fitzpatrick, his sister Christine Keegan and the Irish Government have been trying to put pressure on the Spanish government to treat Amy’s case as murder.

Amy had lived with her mother Audrey, stepfather Dave Mahon and late bro Dean in Calahonda, halfway between Fuengirola and Marbella, when she went missing.

Ashley Rose and her mother Debbie Rose sitting on a couch.
Ashley said it is incredible the police have only interviewed her once
Audrey Fitzpatrick and Dave McMahon, mother and stepfather of missing Amy Fitzpatrick, during a search.
Amy had lived with her mother Audrey, stepfather Dave Mahon and late bro Dean in Calahonda
Photo of Amy Fitzpatrick.
Spanish police said the file on Amy’s case is still open but they are still treating her disappearance as a missing person’s inquiry

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Ці “здорові” продукти містять більше цукру, ніж ви думаєте

  Думаєте, що їсте здорову їжу? Можливо, ви не враховуєте прихований цукор, який є в багатьох продуктах. Він ховається всюди в нашому раціоні. Йогурт Купуючи його, уникайте ароматизованих або нежирних сортів, так як у них, як правило, міститься більше цукру, ніж в простому йогурті. “Шукайте йогурти, що містять не більше 20 г цукру в одній […]

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Салат з яблук та болгарського перцю – хрустко та смачно

Якщо ви звикли їсти окремо яблука та окремо болгарський перець, спробуйте об’єднати їх в салат. Це смачно, оригінально та дуже хрустко. Інгредієнти Для приготування потрібні наступні продукти: яблука – 5 шт.; болгарський перець – 2 шт.; червона цибуля – 3 невеликі шт.; рослинна олія – 6 ст.л.; яблучний оцет – 3 ст.л.; натуральний йогурт – […]

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“Переступила через себе”: Наталка Денисенко розказала, як пережила зйомки сцени з оголеними грудьми

Акторка Наталка Денисенко поділилася враженнями від перших зйомок у повному метрі. В інтерв‘ю Elle актриса також розказала про головну роль та виклики у фільмі «Коли ти вийдеш заміж», зокрема сцену, де довелося оголити груди. «Я вже знімалася в повнометражних фільмах, хоча більша частина моїх робіт — це серіали. Однак цей фільм — перша моя головна […]

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Mercedes-Benz Zetros в Україні перетворили на дорожню комбіновану машину

Цей великовантажний повнопривідний самоскид Mercedes-Benz Zetros 4042 (6×6) став базою для дорожньої комбінованої машини, яку нещодавно показало вітчизняне підприємство ВКК «Спецмаш». У кузові був встановлений солепіскорозкидач з досить ємним бункером для сухих антиожеледних реагентів. Зазначимо, що вантажівки Mercedes-Benz Zetros, розроблені для важких умов експлуатації, раніше практично не поставлялися на наш ринок. Ситуація змінилася із початком […]

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