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Urgent alert for thousands of commuters as Irish Rail warn of disruption due to Storm Eowyn

AN URGENT warning has been issued for thousands of commuters – as many routes are experiencing some disruption due to the impact of Storm Eowyn.

As many public transport services are slowly resuming operations across the country, Irish Rail services have resumed, but some routes remain closed or delayed.

a train that has the number 22 307 on it
Several services are affected by the disruptive Storm Eowyn event

Storm Eowyn has caused catastrophic damage across the country, bringing down trees and powerlines.

Thousands of households across the country are still without power and water supplies.

After the red warnings were lifted, many people were itching to get their weekend back on track after being derailed by the disruptive weather event.

Several Irish Rail routes have reopened after the weather event, but significant disruption remains due to power outages or damage to the tracks.

The affected rail services are:

  • Westport/Ballina to Heuston
  • Connolly to Belfast
  • Sligo to Connolly

Due to the disruption, bus transfers are in place but they are currently limited.

No bus transfers are operating from Enfield/Kilcock.

A spokesperson for Irish Rail revealed that the disruption is mainly due to “a major power outage from Storm Eowyn”.

They stated that it is affecting the operation and monitoring of automatic level crossings on both routes, as well as fallen trees remaining on the Sligo/Westport lines.

Despite most Irish Rail services operating again, customers are reminded that the Dublin’s Connolly to Drogheda/Howth line is closed for planned rail works.

This means that the Northside DART, Northern Commuter and Dublin/Belfast services are currently not operating for the weekend and will resume on Monday.

Customers are urged not to undertake any travel without checking that services are operational; this can be done on the Irish Rail website or their social media pages for updates.

Affected customers with bookings will be automatically refunded.


Elsewhere, holidaymakers heading to Dublin Airport have faced some “mayhem” due to a road closure after the Terminal 2 facade was damage during Storm Eowyn yesterday.

Ireland’s top airport was severely hit by the storm, with flights in and out of the capital severely impacted.

But despite Storm Eowyn passing passengers were still being hit by travel chaos as traffic to parts of Dublin Airport was at a “standstill”.

Dublin Airport announced that due to Storm Eowyn damage, the underpass road leading to Terminal 1 Departures and the T1 short-term car park was closed.

The closure affected the main route to Terminal 1, but diversions were in place to ensure passengers can still access both T1 and the car park.

Airport officials confirmed that the road has reopened this morning, so the disruption for passengers should be short-lived.

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Вчені розповіли, як уникнути смерті після 40 років

Основною причиною передчасної смерті в усьому світі є серцево-судинні захворювання. Їх жертвами найчастіше стають люди старше 40 років. Вчені з Європейського товариства кардіологів провели дослідження, в якому взяли участь 500 тисяч осіб старше 40 років. До моменту початку роботи у деяких з них вже були діагностовані захворювання серцево-судинної системи або їх високий ризик. Фахівці вивчали […]

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Як правильно варити перловку без замочування

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Новий Peugeot 3008 зібрав вже понад 100 000 замовлень

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“Був заряд, розумієте?”: Леся Нікітюк більше не вивозить шоу “Хто зверху?” та йде з проєкту

З 2018 року Леся Нікітюк була незамінною ведучою розважального шоу “Хто зверху?” Спочатку веселили українців з телеекранів разом із Сергієм Притулою. Останній рік ведуча працювала у парі з Богданом Шелудяком. Тепер же написала в Інстаграм-сторіз: “Напевно, уже й мені час залишати шоу “Хто зверху?” Леся Нікітюк покидає Новий канал Відчувається, що Леся страшенно сумуватиме за […]

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