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Two PSNI officers injured after ‘suspected stolen vehicle’ rammed in Newry as cops issues urgent plea

TWO members of the Police Service of Northern Ireland have been injured after their vehicle was rammed in Newry, Co Down.

The shocking incident occurred in the Belfast Road area at around 11:20pm on Friday, January 24.

Police Service of Northern Ireland emblem on a brick wall.
Two PSNI officers were injured in Newry
Liam McBurney/PA Wire

The cops were alerted to a “suspected stolen vehicle” which was parked in the forecourt of a garage in the area, where the car was used as a weapon against them.

The officers attempted to speak with the occupants of the car, where the “driver accelerated and collided” with one of the vehicles, which caused extensive damage and injures to the two officers inside.

It was reported that the suspected stolen car was a blue Mazda Demio, which was later located in the Bessbrook area.

Inspector Alastair MacDonald said: “Two call signs attended, and when officers attempted to speak with the occupants, the driver accelerated and collided with one of the vehicles, causing extensive damage and injuries to the two officers inside.

“The suspected stolen car, a blue Mazda Demio, was later located in the Bessbrook area.

“This vehicle was, in effect, used as a weapon against our officers. It is unacceptable that those working to keep their community safe should be targeted in this way.

“We’re thankful that our colleagues don’t appear, at this stage, to have suffered significant injury, but the outcome could have been much worse.”

The officers’ vehicle “sustained such significant damage” that it had to be recovered from the scene and will be off the road for repairs.

Mr MacDonald added that the vehicle being damage “impacts on the local community”.

He stated: “Those responsible should expect to be brought before the courts to face the consequences of their actions.”

The Police Service of Northern Ireland are currently appealing for information, including dashcam or other footage to make available for the cops as they investigate the incident.

This can be done by calling 101, quoting reference 2932 of 24/1/25.


In a separate incident, a second police vehicle was rammed by a silver van in the Dobsons Way of Bessbrook, just after 2:30am this morning.

Fortunately for the officers, there were no reports of any injuries or severe damage caused to the police vehicle.

He added: “Thankfully, there are no reports of any injuries, or any serious damage to the police vehicle. 

“Our enquiries are ongoing and I would ask anyone with information that could assist us to contact 101, quoting reference 142 of 25/1/25.”

Alternatively, both reports can be submitted online by using their non-emergency reporting form.

This can be found on

Rammed police car.
The suspected stolen car was a blue Mazda Demio

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