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Подивіться на “величезну тінь” у Сахарі з космосу (фото)

Лавове поле Харудж у Лівії є унікальним геологічним утворенням, яке видно навіть із космосу завдяки своєму характерному вигляду — темній поверхні з золотистими відблисками. Лавове поле Харудж, розташоване у пустелі Сахара, є одним із найбільших на планеті, охоплюючи 44 000 квадратних кілометрів у центральній частині Лівії. Його вигляд із космосу нагадує темну пляму, поцятковану золотистими […]

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Білл Гейтс назвав помилкою своє розлучення з дружиною після 27 років шлюбу: що відомо

Фото з Instagram Білла Гейтса Американський мільярдер та філантроп Білл Гейт раптово заявив, що шкоду про розлучення зі своєю дружиною Меліндою майже чотири роки тому. Подружжя прожило в шлюбі 27 років та має трьох спільних дітей. В інтерв’ю The Time Гейтс згадав 45-річний шлюб своїх батьків та заговорив про Мелінду. Білл сказав, що намагався робити […]

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भारत के किस शहर को कहा जाता है ‘Banana City’, जानें

भारत विविधताओं का देश है, जहां की संस्कृति, अनूठी पंरपराएं, मान्यता, धर्म, ज्ञान और भाषाएं इसे अन्य देशों से अलग ...

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Ex-rugby star Gavin Henson reveals he has autism and rarely keeps in touch with former team-mates

Man in The Fox St Brides vest standing outside pub.

FORMER rugby star Gavin Henson says he has autism and rarely keeps in touch with his former team-mates.

The 42-year-old — who has two children with his singer ex Charlotte Church — admits he is “terrible as a friend”.

Henson, who won 33 caps for Wales, said: “They’re always wanting something from me.

“So it’s not really like a friendship, I suppose, with some of the ex-rugby boys. I’m a poor friend.

“I am on the autism spectrum, so that’s my excuse. It’s just the way I am, it’s nothing personal. I can be a little bit odd.

“It’s not like I’ve gone out and got a new friend.

“I struggle socialising that way, unless I’ve had a drink.”

Henson, who retired in 2019, also has two children with wife Katie and is “totally content” running a gastro pub in the Vale of Glamorgan.

With regards to being told he is “on the spectrum”, Henson added: “That makes a bit of sense.

“For coaches and players throughout the years, it probably makes sense to them.

“I think people found it hard to understand me.

“I’m a little bit different, obviously.

“And they always liked to try and mould you into the group and I learned how to do that, and fake that, to be a part of the team to fit in so that I’d play on the weekend.”

What is autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an incurable, lifelong developmental condition that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.

It affects around one in 100 people in the UK and is three to four times more common in boys than in girls.

Many people with ASD struggle to understand other people’s feelings and emotions, and they may have difficulty holding conversations.

When they are young, their language development may take longer and they can struggle to use facial expressions, using gestures to communicate instead.

They may also find it hard to connect with other people and to hold eye contact with unfamiliar individuals.

Many children with ASD like to follow a routine, and changes to this can cause distress.

Gavin Henson standing outside The Fox pub in St Brides Major.
The Times
Former rugby star Gavin Henson says he has autism[/caption]

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