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Три поради, як дбайливо прати кросівки

Прання кросівок, особливо білих чи навіть світлих, це обов’язкова процедура. Але перед тим, як відправити взуття у пральну машинку, переконайтеся, що воно належної якості. В іншому разі після декількох разів кросівки зіпсуються. 3 правила прання кросівок Якщо рекомендують, що прати в машинці не варто, то це означає, що лише ручне прання дозволено. Не треба нехтувати […]

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‘He’s not really kicked on’ – Mark Selby shocked ‘full package’ snooker star still searching for first ranking title

MARK SELBY has revealed his shock at one snooker star’s failure to kick on after showing early signs of promise.

Zhou Yuelong made a big impression early on in his career by winning the World Amateur Championship at the age of 16.

Mark Selby at a snooker match.
Mark Selby is shocked Zhou Yuelong has not won more titles[/caption]
Zhou Yuelong of China at the Shanghai Snooker Masters.
The Chinese star made a big impression early in his career

He turned professional after that victory and went on to win the World Cup in 2015 alongside Yan Bingtao.

Zhou, 27, also finished as a runner-up in three ranking events and is world No32, but Selby thought his ability would have led him to even bigger heights.

Selby told The Metro: “Zhou Yuelong years ago when I watched him I thought for his age he had the complete game, an old head on young shoulders.

“He’s not really kicked on. I know he’s not 70-odd in the rankings, he’s still hovering around outside the 16, but I thought he’d do a lot better than what he’s done so far.

“I just thought he was the one who stood out, for me, and he’s not really kicked on. He’s still got time on his side though, and I’m sure he’ll do something at some stage.

“Especially with the other Chinese boys doing well, I think it pushes them on.”

It has been a successful year for Chinese players with three players winning ranking events.

Ding Junhui won the International Championship while Xiau Guodong and Lei Peifan claimed victory at the Wuhan Open and Scottish Open respectively.


Zhang Anda also had a moment in the spotlight after hitting a stunning 147 at the UK Championship.

Ding and Zhang are both ranked in the top ten in the world too, with six Chinese stars ranked higher than Zhou.

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Cardiac Surgeon Reveals the Top 3 Supplements for Heart Health

The American Heart Association (AHA) predicts that at least 60 percent of U.S. adults will be affected by cardiovascular disease—conditions including coronary heart disease, heart failure, heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure, stroke, vascular disease, and congenital heart defects—by the year 2050.

"The landscape of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. is seeing the arrival of a near-perfect storm," said Dhruv S. Kazi, MD, vice chair of the AHA advisory writing group. "The last decade has seen a surge of cardiovascular risk factors such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, each of which raises the risks of developing heart disease and stroke."

Of course, the most obvious way to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease is to eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly. But cardiac surgeon Jeremy London, MD, says a few specific supplements are also great for heart health. Read on for his three recommendations.

1. CoQ10​

A close up of someone pouring CoQ10 supplement capsules into their hand

First up on London's list, which he shared in a recent TikTok video, is CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10, a "powerful antioxidant."

"But more importantly, it is a cofactor for the production of ATP, which is the energy currency of our cells," he explains. "This improves the strength of the heart, as well as the overall efficiency of the heart function."

Backing up London's point is a 2022 meta-analysis published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

As Best Life previously reported, the researchers reviewed nearly 900 randomized controlled trials to analyze the connection between micronutrients and heart disease risk. They concluded that three supplements reduced cardiovascular and diabetes risk, including CoQ10.

​2. Omega-3s

Bottle of omega 3 fish oil capsules pouring into hand

Omega-3s, found in fish oil supplements, were also included in the 2022 study, and the AHA has recommended this for heart health for over 20 years.

"This is a power anti-inflammatory that can help control your lipid level and your overall cholesterol panel," London notes. "In addition, it can assist in maintaining a healthy blood pressure."

To get this nutrient from your diet, Cleveland Clinic explains that the two most essential forms of omega-3s your body needs are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), both of which are found in fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring.

ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is the form of omega-3 found in plants like chia seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, and edamame. However, a smaller amount of ALA converts to EPA and DHA in your body.

​3. Magnesium

magnesium supplements in wooden spoon

Finally, London recommends magnesium for heart health.

"Interestingly, this is the most common electrolyte deficiency that we see," he shares. "Magnesium helps control heart rate and heart rhythm, and because magnesium relaxes smooth muscle cells, it can help maintain a healthy blood pressure as well."

Again, science supports London's advice. A 2018 study published in the journal Nutrients found that magnesium was associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

Researchers attributed this to the "improved glucose and insulin metabolism and antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties" of the supplement, as Best Life previously wrote.

​Some supplements should be avoided.

older man talking to young female doctor, heart health risks

Before taking any new supplement, always speak with your healthcare provider. For example, CoQ10 supplements can interact with anticoagulant medications like Coumadin.

However, there are some supplements touted for their heart health benefits that are known to be risky.

Doctors previously told Best Life that red yeast rice containing monacolin K can interact with other medications, and garlic supplements can often exasperate the effects of blood thinners and blood pressure and cholesterol drugs.

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Ідея для апетитного гарніру — картопляне-кабачкове асорті в молоці

З овочів виходить смачний гарнір, якщо їх вдало поєднати за смаками та приправити спеціями. Спробуйте приготувати кабачки з картоплею у духовці. Як це зробити, читайте далі. Інгредієнти Для приготування потрібні: кабачки — 3 шт.; картопля — 300 г; яйця — 2 шт.; смалець — 1 ст.л.; тертий сир — 1 ст.л.; молоко — 2 скл.; […]

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Чим небезпечний низький гемоглобін: пояснює лікар

Терапевт: низький гемоглобін говорить про наявність анемії, порушень у роботі серця. Лікар пояснила, в чому полягає небезпека низьких показників гемоглобіну – насиченого залізом білка еритроцитів, що міститься в кров’яних клітинах. За словами медика, його знижена концентрація в крові відображає нестачу заліза, що є ознакою залізодефіцитної анемії. Іншими ознаками анемії, які можна помітити у вигляді людини, […]

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Пес Лукашенка надзюрив на дільниці, де голосував господар (ВІДЕО)

Фото: Газета.ру Собака Лукашенко Лукашенко 26 січня прийшов на дільницю разом зі своїм шпіцом Умкою, на вході пес помітив стіну. Пес Олександра Лукашенка надзюрив на виборчій дільниці, на якій голосував його господар. Лукашенко 26 січня прийшов на дільницю разом зі своїм шпіцом Умкою. На вході пес помітив стіну. Цей епізод потрапив у трансляцію білоруських каналів. […]

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Наступника Skoda Kodiaq «представили» на рендері

Наступник флагманського позашляховика Skoda Kodiaq з’явився на неофіційному рендерному зображенні. Новий Skoda Kodiaq дебютував лише наприкінці 2023 року, але йому вже готують заміну. Це має бути семимісний електричний позашляховик. Британське видання Auto Express вирішило зробити ескізи того, як може виглядати повністю нова модель.  Дизайн  За основу, швидше за все, буде взято концепт Vision 7S та стиль […]

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