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Experts Raise Alarm on The Most Lethal Disease in America: “It’s Killing Every 34 Seconds”

New data released by the American Heart Association has all eyes on heart disease, which remains the most lethal disease in the United States.

The organization published its annual update, the 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update, on Monday, January 27, in the peer-reviewed journal, Circulation. In it, experts warned that heart disease still kills more Americans than any other disease—and its risk factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure—continue to rise throughout our population.

One of the most alarming statistics cited? Every 34 seconds, someone in the U.S. dies of cardiovascular disease. That's 2,500 people every single day.

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Why Cardiovascular Disease Is So Lethal

As the American Heart Association explains, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which includes heart disease (the #1 killer in the U.S.), and stroke (#5), claims more American lives every year than cancer (#2) and accidental deaths (#3) combined.

The 2025 report shows that, while there has been a leveling out since a major spike during the COVID-19 pandemic, CVD deaths are still on the rise. The latest stats available from 2022 show that there were 941,652 CVD deaths in America, up more than 10,000 from the year prior (931,578 in 2021).

The growing prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes has experts concerned that this trend may continue if risk factors aren't properly addressed and treated.

"Although we have made a lot of progress against cardiovascular disease in the past few decades, there is a lot more work that remains to be done," wrote American Heart Association volunteer Dhruv S. Kazi, M.D., M.Sc., M.S., FAHA, the head of health economics and associate director of the Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Center for Outcomes Research in Cardiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and associate professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

"If recent trends continue, hypertension and obesity will each affect more than 180 million U.S. adults by 2050, whereas the prevalence of diabetes will climb to more than 80 million. And over the same time period, we expect to see a 300% increase health care costs related to cardiovascular disease."

Related: The Best & Worst Supplements for Heart Health

A Closer Look at the Risk Factors

Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes were all cited by the American Heart Association as major risk factors for heart disease.

Obesity, experts warn, is the largest concern. "In the update, we noted calculations that found excess weight contributes to as many as 1,300 additional deaths per day in the U.S., nearly 500,000 per year," said American Heart Association volunteer and vice-chair of the Association’s statistical update writing committee Latha P. Palaniappan, M.D., M.S., FAHA, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University.

"It lowers life expectancy by as much as 2.4 years compared to a healthy weight."

Indeed, nearly 72% of U.S. adults have an unhealthy weight (a body mass index greater than or equal to 25), with 42% classified as obese (a BMI greater than or equal to 30). Black women have the highest rate at 57.9%, and as many as 40% of U.S. children are classified as overweight or obese.

When it comes to high blood pressure, nearly 47% of adults have it, with Black women having the highest rate at 58.4%.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, with Hispanic men having the highest rate at 14.5%.

The two bright spots? Tobacco use, overall, has seen declines, with only 11% of adults in the U.S. using the products, and rates of high school students smoking or using e-cigarettes down since 2022.

"Another positive trend over the years has been a reduction in the rates of high cholesterol. That’s likely thanks, in part, to increased awareness about the dietary and lifestyle factors that impact cholesterol levels, along with the availability of medications and better clinical control,” said Keith Churchwell, M.D., FAHA, the volunteer president of the American Heart Association.

Still, Dr. Palaniappan warns that obesity must be taken seriously. "It’s alarming to note that excess weight now costs us even more lives than smoking–as smoking rates have actually fallen in recent years. Being overweight is the new smoking when it comes to health threats."

What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

Advancements in medications and treatments offer hope to mitigate these risk factors throughout the U.S. Drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy have revolutionized the treatment of diabetes and obesity. However, they're not widely available to all.

“The disparities in risk and outcomes call for tailored interventions among high-risk populations,” Dr. Kazi said. “Simply discovering breakthrough therapies isn’t going to be enough–we have to ensure that these therapies are accessible and affordable to people who need them most.”

Churchwell agreed that stopping "these risk factors in their tracks" and keeping people healthy throughout their whole lives is the best way to prevent CVD from taking more American lives.

Luckily, there are plenty of well-researched and science-backed methods you can use to reduce your risk of heart disease, such as adopting a heart-healthy diet, getting active, prioritizing sleep, and mitigating stress.

For the best and most personalized advice, consult with your doctor.

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Про що може попереджати біль в шиї

0 Майже кожен хоча б раз відчував біль в шиї. Неправильна організація робочого місця, малорухлива робота, стреси – звичайні речі, від яких шия починає спочатку як би поскрипувати, а потім боліти. Шия, як відомо, з’єднує голову з тілом, тому до хворобливих відчуттів в ній слід поставитися з особливою увагою. Через шию проходять лімфатичні судини, великі […]

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Туреччина запропонувала ЄС створити газовий хаб для заміни російського газу

Туреччина пропонує Європі створити газовий хаб, щоб допомогти замінити російський газ. Про це посол Туреччини в ЄС Фарук Каймакчі в інтерв’ю Politico. За словами дипломата, співпраця в галузі енергетики посідатиме центральне місце у порядку денному налагодження відносин Туреччини з ЄС. Після припинення транзиту через Україну турецький маршрут залишився єдиним для поставок російського газу в Європу. […]

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Голубці по-одеськи

0 Розкажу вам сьогодні про рецепт лінивих голубців, страва виходить дуже смачною і корисною! Цей рецепт я довго шукала і нарешті він у мене! Інгредієнти: Фарш свиногов’яжий 1,5 кг Гарбуз 500 г Цибуля 250 г Капуста 500 г Рис 200 г Яйця 2 шт. Спеції, сіль, сушена цибуля, суміш перців, сушений кріп, сушена петрушка Олія […]

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Alfa Romeo передумала переходити на електромобілі

Італійська марка Alfa Romeo раніше планувала стати повністю електричною до 2027 року, але тепер плани переглянуто. Електрифікація автомобілів знову відкладається. Alfa Romeo стала однією з останніх марок, яка відмовилась від початкового плану позбутись двигунів внутрішнього згоряння.   Італійський бренд, що входить до складу автомобільної групи Stellantis, мав намір вивести повністю електричний автомобіль у Північній Америці до 2027 року, […]

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Чоловіку в магазині техніки підказали 3 ознаки, що мікрохвильовка скоро “склеїть ласти” – наша вже на межі

Якщо у вас на кухні є мікрохвильова піч і ви сумніваєтесь, чи вона справно працює, зверніть увагу на три ознаки, які свідчать про те, що незабаром знадобиться ремонт. Без мікрохвильової печі важко уявити повсякденне життя, адже це справжній помічник для всіх жителів дому. Вона швидко розігріє їжу, розморозить продукти та навіть допоможе приготувати улюблену страву. […]

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ITV News star in epic blunder live on-air as she struggles to pronounce sportsman’s name

ITV News presenter Faye Barker struggled to get her words out when she was confronted with one tricky to pronounce surname.

The broadcaster was presenting ITV News live on air when she highlighted sports news, but then struggled to pronounce Alexander Zverev‘s surname.

Faye Barker on ITV News
ITV News star Faye Barker made the blunder live on air
Alexander Zverev playing a backhand in a tennis match.
Faye Barker struggled to pronounce German tennis star Alexander Zverev’s name[/caption]

Speaking to the camera, Faye said: “Finally tennis number one Jannik Sinner has won his second consecutive Australian Open title.”

As she went on to describe how the Italian beat Zverev she stumbled over the name, before apologising and adding “Sorry got that wrong!”

She then brushed over it as she continued with the news, but the clip didn’t get forgotten quickly.

Shared online, the blunder has already been published on X.

The announcement came after the German tennis star lost in straight sets to Italian Jannik Sinner.

Before the match took place the German star was heckled by a woman from the crowd.

While he was walking to the microphone, a person yelled: “Australia believes Olya and Brenda!

“Australia believes Olya and Brenda!”

The heckle was referencing the two women – Olya Sharypova and Brenda Patea – who have accused him of domestic violence.

During his speech, he did not mention the protests of the person, but did address it later.

He said: “I believe there are no more accusations. There haven’t been for, what, nine months now.  

“Good for her. I think she was the only one in the stadium who believed anything in that moment. If that’s the case, good for her.

“I think I’ve done everything I can, and I’m not about to open that subject again.”

Alexander Zverev of Germany playing tennis.
Alexander Zverev lost against Italian tennis star Jannik Sinner at the Australian Open grand slam[/caption]
Alexander Zverev at a press conference.
Zverev also spoke out in a post match interview after being heckled in the crowd[/caption]

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Mum buys and builds 11-year-old a new bed but makes the biggest, basic DIY error – can you spot it?

SHE splashed out on a £195 new bed for her 11-year-old son.

And while Kimmay thought she’d done a great job as she put the furniture together, she soon realised she’d made an epic mistake.

Woman in a car announcing that part 2 is coming today.
Kimmay decided to buy her son a new bed from Argos, and put it up on her own
An eleven-year-old's new loft bed with a built-in desk.
But she soon realised she’d made a pretty big error in doing so[/caption]
A high loft bed in a child's bedroom.
With the bed so high up it was touching the bottom of the ceiling light

She took to TikTok to share a video documenting the hilarious error, as she showed just how close the ceiling light and lampshade was to the mattress of the high sleeper bed, which she’d purchased from Argos.

“So I should have maybe measured the bed before I even bought it, let alone put it up,” she began.

“But I can tell you this I am NOT taking this down!

“It took me all day to build it.”

But she wasn’t going to make her son sleep with the bed like that, so had been thinking about different ways she could make it work.

One solution she’d come up with was to cut the bottom part of the “stilts” the bed was sitting on.

“Would that solve the problem?” she sighed.

“Because I really don’t want to take it down!”

Kimmay added that she didn’t think she could even get the bed down if she wanted to, as she guessed she probably “put it up wrong”.

She concluded the video by saying she was “gonna just chop things off” until she made it work.

People in the comments section were quick to offer their suggestions, with many saying she should just pay an electrician to come and move the light.

“Pay electrician to move the light, will cost about £100,” one wrote.

“Just get electrician to move the light fitting,” another added.

“Best just buying a light that is flat to the ceiling, probs £10 B&Q,” a third suggested.

“Won’t cost much for a electrician to move the light,” someone else added.

While others agreed with Kimmay’s idea to fix the situation, or came up with other ideas.

Most popular DIY jobs homeowners love to do

  1. Paint walls          
  2. New carpet        
  3. Paint fence        
  4. Paint ceilings     
  5. Wallpapering    
  6. Paint skirting boards      
  7. New light fitting               
  8. Re-grout/replace bathroom tiles                
  9. Hang curtains/blinds      
  10. Paint/oil interior doors         
  11. Paint a shed            
  12. Paint stairs                 
  13. New plug sockets            
  14. New hard flooring                    
  15. New front door         
  16. Update kitchen sink            
  17. Replace kitchen worktops                   
  18. Hang shelves    
  19. Change/update doorknobs         
  20. Paint/upcycle garden furniture

“Yes trim the legs, we did this to our IKEA loft bed,” one wrote.

“What about the desk? It will be to low if you chop the legs off,” another warned.

“Get spot lights!” a third said.

To which Kimmay replied that she “will if my plan doesn’t work”.

In another TikTok, she shared an update from outside Screwfix as she waited for the “little tools” she had ordered to pick up.

“Today’s the day that I either fix it, it goes terribly wrong or it’s just a proper laugh,” she added.

“And I’m really, I am actually looking forward to it!”

A person points out a poorly installed bunk bed with a desk underneath.
She said she was thinking about chopping off the bottom of the bed stilts to make it fit[/caption]

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