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California Building Code Update Enhances Wildfire Resilience for Safer Homes

Recent updates to the California Building Code will consolidate wildfire resilience requirements into one central location, making it easier for builders and local officials to navigate the code and requirements for building in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).
🏡 Why it matters:
✔️ Stronger building codes help protect homes from wildfires.
✔️ Homes built under CA’s wildfire codes are 40% more likely to survive.
✔️ Even older homes benefit when they’re near fire-resistant new builds.

The new code takes effect January 1, 2026. In the meantime, all Californians can take steps to harden their homes against wildfires. To learn more, check out this post by (tag) OFSM or visit ReadyforWildfire.org.
#WildfireSafety #HomeResilience #ReadyForWildfire #WildfirePreparedness

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