unique visitors counter Beru Could Bring the Most Required Change to ‘Solo Leveling’ After A-1 Pictures Sucked the Shadow Soldiers’ Personalities Out – soka sardar

Beru Could Bring the Most Required Change to ‘Solo Leveling’ After A-1 Pictures Sucked the Shadow Soldiers’ Personalities Out

Spoiler Alert !!!
This article contains spoilers for Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 12 and the Solo Leveling manhwa.

Solo Leveling is shaping up to be one of 2025’s most phenomenal anime. With every subsequent release, fans continue to be impressed by A-1 Pictures’ dedication to the adaptation of their favorite series.

Solo Leveling's Protagonist, Sung Jinwoo
Sung Jinwoo from Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 1 | Credits: A-1 Pictures

While the anime watchers are having fun watching Sung Jinwoo massacring his enemies, manhwa readers can’t help but blame the makers for their lifeless depiction of the Shadow Army. However, Jinwoo’s newest shadow can help A-1 Pictures change that.

The anime’s shadows feel lifeless and pale

Igris and Iron standing behind Jinwoo
Igris and Iron with Jinwoo from Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 6 | Credits: A-1 Pictures

All of us know by now that Sung Jinwoo, the protagonist of Solo Leveling is a necromancer, meaning that he can extract the souls of fallen enemies and turn them into shadow soldiers. He commands these shadow soldiers in battle and uses them to deal with small fry.

The issue manhwa fans have with the anime adaptation is that A-1 Pictures, the studio responsible for the adaptation insists on depicting the shadows as mindless entities.

Their sole purpose in the anime is to charge towards the enemy, and guard Sung Jinwoo. Once the battle is won, they retreat into the shadows. They lack any personality whatsoever, and this behavior does great injustice to their manhwa counterparts.

In the Solo Leveling manhwa, the shadow soldiers feel like actual characters and have varying personalities.

love jin woo’s shadow army
byu/crunchyyes insololeveling

Every soldier has a unique personality. For example, Igris, whenever summoned, promptly kneels in front of Sung Jinwoo. The reason is that Igris is a knight, and knights always bow to their kings.

Even when Jinwoo asks him to stop doing so, he insists on it and continues to show respect to his king.

Jinwoo naming IRON moments after extracting the shadow
Jinwoo and Iron from Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 2 | Credits: A-1 Pictures

It’s the same with Iron, who is like the unruly brother. Whenever he takes down an enemy, he makes it a point to drag the enemy’s corpse with him, so that his fellow soldiers can witness his glory.

In all honesty, Iron is perhaps the only shadow in the Solo Leveling anime that has a personality. In the anime, he roars with pride whenever he accomplishes something.

In Solo Leveling’s Season 2 Episode 6 titled “Don’t Look Down on My Guys”, Iron tries to use his “Taunting” skill against Kargalgan’s army, and when it doesn’t work, he is visibly pissed and wipes them out in an instant.

Such moments are rare in the manga, and the one mentioned above was the last we saw of Iron’s personality. Jinwoo’s shadows are beloved by the manhwa fans for their distinct personalities. The manhwa leans into their quirks, dedicating a few panels to them.

Fans are starting to pick up on the fact that the shadows in Solo Leveling’s anime are plain and boring, and one particular shadow can help A-1 Pictures change this perception.

Solo Leveling needs Beru’s personality

The Ant King heading towards the Korean hunting team on jeju island.
The Ant King from Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 11 | Credits: A-1 Pictures

Enter Beru. Beru is the shadow of the fearsome Ant King, whom Sung Jinwoo managed to extract after their battle on Jeju Island. Beru is a unique shadow — Jinwoo’s first General-Class shadow, and for a while, the only one in his army who could speak.

This trait of his is what Solo Leveling needs the most right now.

Fans of the manhwa are familiar with Beru’s adoration for Jinwoo. The ant goes to great heights to praise Jinwoo, addressing him as “My Liege”, and constantly hyping him up.

He would constantly state that serving Jinwoo was an honor for him, and this personality of his only got more interesting when he started to watch Korean Dramas.

Jinwoo in Kargalgan's dungeon
Jinwoo in Kargalgan’s dungeon from Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 6 | Credits: A-1 Pictures

You read that right people. Beru is a huge fan of Korean dramas and inculcates several aspects of the dramas into his speech and behavior. He admires Jinwoo greatly and cries when his liege is sad.

He is also very protective of Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling manhwa. He goes to great lengths to protect his liege and even takes on a monarch. Beru gets mad when someone touches Jinwoo and he is very vocal about it.

If A-1 Pictures can adapt even a part of Beru’s manhwa personality in Solo Leveling’s Season 3, it would bring some much-needed energy and personality into the currently plain and boring shadow army.

Solo Leveling is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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