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6 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on The turn-key house on Irish market for €1.9m branded ‘one of Ireland’s most alluring homes’ that comes with major perks
TAKE a look at “one of Ireland’s most alluring homes by the sea” that has entered the Irish market for a whopping €1.9 million.
Located on the beautiful coast of Co Wicklow, the elegant pad is perfect for a big family who wants to relocate to one of the most sought-after areas in Ireland.
The gorgeous coastal home has entered the marketEstate agent publicity images The property is situated in a highly sought-after area in Co WicklowEstate agent publicity images Estate agent publicity images It has a movie room[/caption]
The property is situated in the sought-after area of Rathnew – a prime location for private housing with proximity to the beach.
Wicklow town is only minutes from the property, and it offers a vast range of amenities and facilities, including supermarkets, local shops, restaurants, bars, cafes, childcare facilities, leisure centres and gyms.
And it’s one of the prime locations for excellent schools, providing top-quality education for children.
There are buses and trains that provide connections to Dublin, Gorey, and Wexford.
Commuters will appreciate the quick access from the property to the motorway, taking less than 45 minutes to reach the heart of the capital.
The five-star property features secluded grounds and an electronic gated entrance, providing extra privacy and security for the owners.
Entering the beautiful property, you are greeted by a spacious and bright hallway with access to a open-plan living/kitchen room, a dining room, bedroom suites, bathrooms and a home office.
And there is also access to a fabulous movie room, games room, a bar, and a home gym with jacuzzi tubs.
The living area features gorgeous tiled flooring, large windows overlooking the gardens, a fireplace, built-in storage units, a TV and a hanging light.
The kitchen comes with gorgeous grey wooden units, white marble countertops, integrated appliances, a large fridge and an island with a breakfast bar and a wine fridge.
And there’s a small dining area with a large round table, seating up to six people.
The dining room is near the kitchen and features a large dining table that seats up to 16 people and extra lounging area with fabulous arts to look at.
The bar is right beside this and features an elegant and dark room to drink, the perfect space for socialising with your friends or colleagues.
The movie room is one of the many fabulous perks the property offers, providing 18 comfortable chairs and a large screen to watch your favourite flicks.
And there’s quick access to the games room, providing three entertainments of choice – ice hockey, football and pool.
The six bedroom suites offer a spacious room with a double bed, a vanity table, and large windows overlooking the property and the beautiful coast.
The suites come with a walk-in wardrobe with fitted storage units and a fully-tiled ensuite bathroom with a bath, a shower unit, a toilet, a wash hand basin and a heated towel rail.
The property has attractive gardens and patios surrounding the lodge, providing comfortable lounging and dining furniture with BBQ facilities.
And it also comes with an enclosed outdoor hot tub, perfect for summer evenings.
The property features wired broadband connections, satellite TV and oil-fired central heating.
The BER rating for the property is B2.
Homeowners will love the elegant bar roomEstate agent publicity images There are six bedroom suites with a walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite bathroomEstate agent publicity images The bathrooms are beautifulEstate agent publicity images The garden is gorgeous and lushEstate agent publicity images
6 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on Спорткар для сім’ї: новий заряджений універсал BMW показали на перших фото
Фото: BMW | BMW M3 Touring CS тестують на Нюрбургрингу Універсал BMW M3 Touring CS отримає 550-сильну турбошістку. Спортивне сімейне авто зможе розганятися до сотні за 3,4 с і розвивати 290-300 км/год. Новий BMW M3 Touring стане ще швидшим. Зарядженому універсалу готують потужнішу версію CS. Сімейний спорткар презентують цього року, а поки на сторінці […]
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