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Man Utd academy kid, 14, sends Marcus Rashford sweet message praising classy gesture days before Aston Villa move

A 14-YEAR-OLD Manchester United academy star sent Marcus Rashford a sweet message after the forward joined Aston Villa on loan.

JJ Gabriel is part of the youth set-up at United – where Rashford also progressed through the ranks.

Marcus Rashford signing a contract for Aston Villa.
Marcus Rashford signed for Aston Villa on loan until the end of the season[/caption]
Two boys holding Manchester United jerseys with Ronaldo 7 and Gabriel 10 on the back.
JJ Gabriel praised Rashford for his classy gesture at the training ground

And he revealed a classy gesture from the £325,000-a-week forward just days before he sealed his exit to Villa Park.

Commenting on the post confirming Rashford’s switch, teenage sensation Gabriel dubbed ‘Kid Messi’ replied: “All the best thanks for taking pens with me [the] other day.”

The youngster, who signed for United alongside Cristiano Ronaldo Jr in 2022, finished off the comment with a clapping hands emoji.

Plenty of fans picked up on the remark and praised Rashford for his behaviour.

One said: “That’s actually quite wholesome.”

Another wrote: “They all really looked up to him.”

And a third added: “Very wholesome. I wish nothing but Marcus the best at Aston Villa.”

Wayne Rooney revealed he saw Rashford training alone when he went to Carrington to watch his son Kai in action for the United youngsters.


And the club legend was left with second-hand embarrassment as Rashford worked out in close proximity to the juniors’ pitches.

Rooney told the Stick to Football podcast: “I went into Carrington on Sunday to take my kids to game day and Marcus Rashford was out on the training pitch with the fitness coach.

“But he was right over towards where the parents were walking past for the kids’ games.

“I looked at him thinking how embarrassing it must be for him as parents walked past. He’s there and all the parents are walking past him.”

After his public fall-out with Ruben Amorim in which he was exiled from the squad and told he would never play for United again, Rashford eventually completed his departure to Villa Park on Sunday night.

Villa agreed to cover 75 per cent of Rashford’s mammoth wages – a stumbling block for other interested clubs – and have an option to make the transfer permanent for £40million at the end of the season.

Graphic showing terms of Rashford's Aston Villa loan: Rashford to keep £325,000-a-week wages, Man Utd to cover 25% of salary, Aston Villa get £40m buy option.

Upon arriving at his new club, the forward said: “I would like to thank Manchester United and Aston Villa for making this loan deal happen.

“I was lucky to have a few clubs approach me but Aston Villa was an easy decision.

“I really admire the way that Aston Villa have been playing this season, and the managers’ ambitions.

“I just want to play football and am excited to get started.

“I wish everyone at Manchester United all the best for the rest of the season.”

Marcus Rashford of Manchester United at a press conference.
Rashford was training alone at times before his departure to Villa Park[/caption]

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Shakira may have won a Grammy but it’s her sons’ reactions caught ON camera that steal show

SHAKIRA was cheered on by her biggest and most adorable fans at the Grammys – her beloved sons. 

The singer took home the award for Best Latin Pop Album for Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran (Woman Don’t Cry Anymore) on Sunday evening, and her sons, Milan, 11, and Sasha, 9, were quick to jump up in delight to celebrate.

Shakira walking backstage at the Grammy Awards with her two sons.
Shakira was supported by her two sons on Sunday night[/caption]
Shakira performing onstage in a gold sequined outfit.
The star dazzled on stage with a performance and picking up the award[/caption]
Shakira hugging two people after winning a Grammy award.
The two boys stole the show as they shared in her joy

The iconic singer wasted no time in wrapping her kids up in a hug as they jumped up and down, with the sweet moment being caught on camera before she took to the stage. 

Shakira then celebrated them in her acceptance speech, telling them: “Milan and Sasha, who are here with me, I’m so proud of you guys, of your kind hearts. 

“Thank you so much for supporting me the way you do. I love you.” 

The boys then completely stole the show by blowing their mom a kiss from their seats, melting the hearts of those watching at home. 

Later that evening, Shakira took to the stage for a performance, bringing the house down with a classically high-energy dance routine in a sparkling gold catsuit.

Milan and Sasha were suitably dressed up at the event, taking to the red carpet with their mom in matching silver and black suits.

After the event, they were seen gripping on to her hands as they made their way backstage – with Shakira smiling as they did so.

Shakira’s win comes after the star took seven years away from the spotlight.

Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran was her big return to music, and tracked her very public break-up from her longtime love.

Former Barcelona player Gerard Piqué and Shakira announced their break-up in 2022 after 11 years together.

She also found herself in trouble with tax authorities in Spain who demanded they fork out a staggering £50million.

Declaring herself a “wounded She Wolf” in an interview with Rolling Stone, she was determined to see the bright side by turning her heartache into art.

And now she took home a Grammy.

Shakira performing on stage with backup dancers.
The singer’s return to music after seven years proved to be a massive success[/caption]
Shakira at the Grammy Awards.
The Mega Agency
The star is looking towards a bright future after a rough few years[/caption]
Shakira performing onstage at an awards show.
Shakira dazzled audiences with her performance[/caption]

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