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15 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Kanye West reveals Bianca Censori encouraged his autism diagnosis and ‘Bully’ album inspired by son Saint
Kanye West shared that he has been diagnosed with autism, following Bianca Censori’s doubts of being bipolar. During his appearance on the “Download” podcast, the rapper revealed that his wife encouraged him to get evaluated as well as the inspiration behind his forthcoming album “Bully.” Watch the full video to learn more about Kanye’s interview. ...
15 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Mum, 52, found dead in Ballymun home with stab wounds & blind cord around neck, court told as man, 40, denies murder
THE body of mother-of-two Lisa Thompson was found inside the door of her home with multiple stab wounds to the chest and a window blind cord wrapped around the neck, a murder trial jury is to hear.
It was during the opening of the trial of Brian McHugh that counsel for the State said the 12 jurors will also hear that a mixed DNA profile was found on the blind cord, to which the accused man couldn’t be excluded as a minor contributor.
McHugh, 40, with an address at Cairn Court, Poppintree, Ballymun, has pleaded not guilty at the Central Criminal Court to murdering Thompson, 52, at Sandyhill Gardens, Ballymun in Dublin 11 on May 9, 2022.
Opening the prosecution’s case, Fiona Murphy SC said the court will hear evidence from the deceased’s neighbour Rachel Barton, who will say that she heard a lot of banging around 2am on May 9.
Ms Murphy said: “She will say she looked out her window and saw a man in Ms Thompson’s back garden.”
Ms Barton, the court heard, will also testify that the man put three bags in the back of a dark green jeep, which then drove towards the main road.
Ms Murphy said the trial will hear that Damien Geraghty later found Ms Thompson’s remains inside the door of the property around 3pm that afternoon.
She had numerous wounds to the chest, a bloody mouth and nose, and a window blind cord was wrapped around the neck.
The barrister further stated that the blind cord was retrieved and sent for forensic examination.
Counsel said there was a mixed DNA profile on the cord and Ms Thompson couldn’t be excluded as a major contributor, while the accused couldn’t be excluded as a minor contributor.
Ms Murphy also said a woman who owned a grey Hyundai Tucson is seen on CCTV footage pulling up at a nearby laneway at 1.24am on 9 May and a man – who the prosecution say is Mr McHugh – is seen getting out and approaching the front door of Lisa Thompson’s house.
At 2.50am the man is seen leaving the area, carrying something in his hands and getting back into the vehicle which was waiting nearby.
The car is seen at a petrol station in Finglas and a man the prosecution say is Mr McHugh is seen showing certain items to the cashier.
Items belonging to Ms Thompson, including her driving licence, house keys and medication, were found nearby.
Mr McHugh’s home was searched and items were seized including jewellery linked to Ms Thompson.
The trial continues before Ms Justice Karen O’Connor and a jury of eight men and four women.
It is expected to last three weeks.
Lisa Thompson was found with stab wounds and a blind cord around her neck, the court heard
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