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The kinkiest towns and cities in the UK revealed thanks to Britons’ X-rated search histories… is yours on the list?

YOU might live in one of the UK’s kinkiest towns. 

Monthly searches for various popular sex toys and accessories – including ‘fleshlight’ and ‘anal beads’ – have been analysed across cities and towns in the UK.

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New research has unearthed the kinkiest areas of the UK ahead of Valentine’s Day
Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds at a Wrexham AFC press conference.
Wrexham, which had a Hollywood takeover in 2021 thanks to Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, is home to some of the kinkiest Brits[/caption]

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many people might be thinking of how to create the most romantic date ever.

But it turns out, a number of kinky Brits have other, wilder ideas in mind on how to spend the day (or night). 

Manchester is the kinkiest place in the UK, with one in 71 residents making X-rated searches every month, according to findings by the search experts at Didgeheads.

The favourite sex toys among Mancunians are ‘fleshlights’, with a total of 1,310 average monthly searches.

That’s followed by ‘rose toys’, which has an average of 890 monthly searches. Searches for ‘butt plugs’ follow shortly with around 730 a month.

Croydon in London comes in second, with 1,287 average kinky searches per 100,000 people every month.

Like the residents of Manchester, they’re looking up fleshlights, rose toys and butt plugs. 

Norwich is the third kinkiest city in the UK, and Wrexham is fourth. 

The people of Wrexham have more outlandish searches than elsewhere.

In the historic town, which had a Hollywood takeover when actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought its football club in 2021, one in every 90 residents looking up ‘anal beads,’ ‘chastity belts,’ and ‘sex swings’.

Newcastle upon Tyne ranks fifth, with Geordies loving fleshlights, rose toys, butt plugs AND chastity belts. 

The sixth kinkiest place in the UK is Bury, while Dartford is seventh and Dunfermline in Scotland is eighth. 

The residents of Plymouth are the ninth kinkiest in Great Britain.

And taking the mighty tenth spot is Wellingborough in Northamptonshire.

“Interestingly, none of the capitals in the United Kingdom’s countries made the top 10 ranking,” says Jessica Redman, CEO at Didgeheads.

“Edinburgh was the closest, in 34th place, while London came in 80th, Belfast in 129th and Cardiff in 154th. 

“While most of the cities and towns shared the same favourite accessories – ‘fleshlights,’ ‘rose toys,’ and ‘butt plugs’ – it was interesting to observe that some places have other preferences.

“These include ‘sex swings,’ and ‘chastity belts.’ 

“This shows Brits are willing to explore their sexual side this Valentine’s Day, experimenting with different sex toys and ultimately having fun.”

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