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Найдорожчі автозапчастини, які продавались онлайн у 2024 році: оприлюднено рейтинг

Британський підрозділ eBay склав рейтинг найдорожчих автокомпонентів 2024 року, що продавались на інтернет-майданчику.  На першому місці опинився бензиновий двигун V10 від Audi R8. Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на eBay. У британському топ-10 більшість місць зайняли двигуни, і перше місце дісталося V10 5.2 від Audi R8 2012 року (16 567 фунтів стерлінгів). Також своїх […]

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Салат з хрумкими смаженими баклажанами та фетою — це треба скуштувати

Комбінація смаків в цьому рецепті дуже вдала. Ви це зрозумієте, коли скуштуєте салат. Баклажани та фета — дуже смачно. Кількість інгредієнтів можна брати на власний розсуд. Все залежить від того, скільки салату хочете приготувати. Інгредієнти Вам потрібні наступні компоненти: баклажани; червона цибуля; болгарський перець; часник; фета; соєвий соус; лимонний сік; олія; кукурудзяний крохмаль. Як приготувати […]

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Нацвідбір на Євробачення-2025: жеребкування фіналу та конкурсні пісні учасників

  У четвер, 23 січня, відбулася пресконференція представників Суспільного Мовлення та фіналістів Нацвідбору на Євробачення-2025. Під час західу, ведучими якого були Тимур Мірошниченко та Анна Тульєва, провели жеребкування, яке визначило порядок виступів у фіналі Нацвідбору. Крім того, учасники конкурсу презентували пісні, з якими змагатимуться за можливість представити Україну. Нагадаємо, що ім’я переможця Нацвідбору на Євробачення-2025 буде […]

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Мілевський влаштувався на роботу в Glovo. Уже встиг пожартувати

Екс-нападник київського «Динамо» і збірної України Артем Мілевський повідомив у своєму телеграм-каналі про нове працевлаштування. Епатажний футболіст, який зараз виступає за клуб IGNIS з Медіаліги, влаштувався в компанію Glovo, яка спеціалізується на швидкій доставці їжі. Більше яскравих фото із життя спортсменів у Telegram LIFESTYLE на «Взяли на роботу 😂😂😂😂😂 Доброго ранку», – написав Мілевський. […]

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Медики назвали 5 перших ознак появи каменів у нирках

  Сечокам’яна хвороба – серйозне хронічне захворювання, яке загрожує рецидивом і нестерпними болями. Справитися з проблемою легше, якщо вчасно розпізнати патологію. Медики назвали 5 перших ознак, що вказують на появу в нирках каменів. Як пояснив доктор Девід Паттерсон з клініки Mayo Clinic, каменями в нирках вважаються тверді відкладення, що утворюються в сечовивідній системі з мінералів […]

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I’m A Celeb’s Maura Higgins reveals nipple piercing in ‘no bra’ t-shirt

Woman with long red hair and brown top.

I’M A Celebrity star Maura Higgins has revealed she has her nipple pierced.

Love Island star Maura, 34, gave her fans a treat, in her ‘no bra’ top.

Maura Higgins with long red hair and a brown top.
Maura Higgins wowed in this sheer top[/caption]
Maura Higgins wearing a terracotta-colored top.
In the stunning snap she showed off her nipple piercing[/caption]
Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks leaving the London Palladium.
Maura is loved up with Towie star Pete Wicks[/caption]
Maura Higgins on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!
Maura recently wowed on I’m a Celebrity[/caption]

Maura – who is dating Towie legend Pete – is known for her daring style, and her latest pictures didn’t disappoint.

The model looked incredible in her sheer bra that left very little to the imagination.

The stunning photos revealed she had her left nipple pierced.

The intimate jewellery could be seen peeking through the sheer top.

The new snaps come as Maura once again faced a grilling over her relationship with Pete.

Last week, she faced an awkward moment on Loose Women when she was questioned over the status of their relationship.

The pair have been keen to keep their relationship a secret and have only given fans small snippets of information.

But in a recent interview on Loose Women, panellist Frankie Bridge wasted no time in asking her about her relationship with Pete.

After Frankie said that they made a good couple, Maura coyly replied: “Do we really? I never really thought about it.”

Going on, she said: “Not really much to tell, we spend time together, get on really well, and he is a great person.

“But there is nothing to tell.”

Meanwhile, in another recent interview Maura was asked whether she has a “terrible taste in men,”, and the Love Island star replied: “Yes.”

She went on to say “it would be lovely” to be in love, as she opened up to The Times about her dating life.

Maura continued to say she’s “happy now,” when asked whether or not she’s in love.

Maura Higgins on the Loose Women TV show.
Maura remained coy about her romance with Pete on Loose Women[/caption]

And on the topic of Pete, Maura shared: “I don’t feel like I need a man. But I’ll date, and I’ll see where something goes, and if it happens, it happens.”

It comes after Pete did an interview with The Times himself, and revealed why he has never been in a long term romance.

He said: “[Settling down] is the bit I just can’t do.

“The minute a relationship gets to the point where I seem to be having an impact on someone’s life, it scares the shit out of me.”

Speaking about past relationships, Pete added: “Yeah. Over the years, people have tried to understand me, but if you don’t understand yourself, it’s very difficult for anyone else to understand you.”

Meanwhile, the couple have been enjoying a string of cosy dates and trips away.

Maura recently posted from the exclusive Sheesh restaurant in Chigwell, a known date spot for the Towie cast.

Maura Higgins, Love Island contestant, leaving Global Radio.
Maura recently insisted ‘I don’t need a man’[/caption]

This was followed by a trip to the Soho Farmhouse in Oxfordshire, where rooms start from £295 per night as well as an annual membership of £2,750.

I’m a Celebrity star Maura and Pete also shared a glimpse inside their last holiday, a £243 a night lakehouse break.

The reality TV couple jetted to Maura’s native Ireland for the festive period and stayed at the Glasson Lakehouse Spa & Golf Club.

Maura Higgins at the Argylle premiere.
Maura said she didn’t have good taste in men in a recent interview[/caption]
Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks at the BAFTA Television Awards.
Maura and Pete were first rumoured to be dating in August last year[/caption]

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I’m 6’3 & trolled for ‘dating my child’ – we are stared & shouted at in the street but I don’t care, I love my 4’9 girl

A COUPLE have opened up on getting constantly stared and shouted at in the street as a result of their height difference. 

After years of dating men, Lizzy Jade Groombridge, who is known online as Lizzy Long Legs, has now ditched ‘short Kings’ for her ‘short Queen’ – her new girlfriend, Candie Dixon.

A tall woman hugging a shorter woman.
A content creator has revealed that she is 6ft 3″ tall, whilst her girlfriend is just 4ft 9″[/caption]
Two women kissing.
Lizzy Jade Groombridge, who is known online as Lizzy Long Legs, claimed that people will stop and stare and hurl abuse at the couple when they’re out together in public[/caption]

But since getting together, with Lizzy standing at 6ft 3″ tall and Candie a significantly shorter 4ft 9″, the pair’s height difference often attracts unwanted attention.

The women, who live in Cornwall, UK, first met in Costa Coffee after speaking on social media, and started off as best mates. 

But they soon realised there was something more and now they’re happily in love.

Revealing all to Truly, on an episode of Love Don’t Judge, the women opened up on the judgement they regularly face. 

Lizzy confessed: “People tend to glare, whisper amongst themselves.”

To which Candie explained: “I’m holding hands with someone who is so much taller than me. And I kind of get nervous sometimes because I think, do they think that I’m your daughter because of the height?” 

Not only is Lizzy shouted at in public, called a ‘Green Giant’ by haters, and forced to tell people ‘she’s not my child’, but she even has her height tattooed on her hand in an attempt to stop people asking how tall she is. 

But it appeared that content creator Candie may struggle with the comments slightly more than Lizzy, as she revealed: “I’m getting a bit fed up of the comments online.

“Every time we go out, people stare at us. It’s really frustrating.”

Agreeing, Lizzy added: “I think it’s a projection of men’s insecurities over a woman being so much taller.

“That can emasculate them and make them feel insecure so they project that.

“We often get stared at but we don’t care. It doesn’t matter what they think.” 

Celebrity couples with height differences

  • Zendaya (5’10”) and Tom Holland (5’8″)
  • Cameron Diaz (5’9″) and Benji Madden (5’6″)
  • Eniko Parrish (5’7″) and Kevin Hart (5’4″)
  • Gwendoline Christie (6’3″) and Giles Deacon (6′)
  • Tina Fey (5’5″) and Jeff Richmond (5’2″)
  • Nicole Kidman (5’11”) and Keith Urban (5’10”)
  • Helen Lasichanh (5’11”) and Pharrell Williams (5’9″)
  • Erin Darke (5’7″) and Daniel Radcliffe (5’5″)

Lizzy explained that she thinks the trolls have their “own issues they need to work on” and should “stop projecting” on others.

As a result, she’s on a mission not to let them get her down, as she beamed: “It doesn’t stop me. I still wear heels.

Every time we go out, people stare at us. It’s really frustrating


“Now, I’m comfortable in who I am.”

Despite receiving judgement from haters on a regular basis, YouTube users were keen to support Lizzie and Candie, and eagerly flocked to the comments to praise their relationship. 

One person said: “I adore their style against trolls & haters! YOU GO GIRLS!

Another added: “You both seem happy and that’s all that matters.” 

A third commented: “If the two girls have that strong bond and care for each other that’s all that matters.” 

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