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Love Island in fakery row as fans convinced Ronnie and Harriett NEVER split  and have secret gameplan

LOVE Island is in a new fakery row as fans are convinced that Ronnie and Harriett NEVER split.

Viewers reckon that Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint have got a secret gameplan, with the pair having set their sights on winning £50,000.

Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint from ITV2 Love Island All Stars.
In tonight’s episode, Harriett and Ronnie had a chat about potentially rekindling things
Ronnie Vint from ITV2's Love Island All Stars.
Ronnie said that Harriett has ‘always been the one’ and expressed how much he wants to make her his girlfriend in the future
A man and woman sitting on a couch, talking.
The former couple had a chat on the terrace

Fans think the couple “never split up” and have entered the All Stars villa with the sole purpose of rekindling their romance on television so they can win the show and take home the prize money.

The popular pair shot to fame last summer when they starred in the summer series of the hit reality-dating show.

Winning each other’s hearts, and the hearts of the nation, Harriett and Ronnie left the villa together but they split just weeks later after he was accused of cheating.

And now that the former couple are back in each other’s lives after both signing up for Love Island: All Stars, fans think something fishy is going on.

In tonight’s episode, the former couple chatted about possibly rekindling their romance.

Ronnie said that Harriett has “always been the one” and expressed how much he wants to make her his girlfriend in the future.

“Ronnie and Harriett are playing this so well, they clearly never split up. #LoveIsland,” penned one person.

Another added: “Tbh ronnie and Harriet just came to scam us of 50k tbh #LoveIsland.”

“I’m not buying Ronnie’s sudden realisation of love for Harriet. They either planned this or he’s seen a potential win with Harriet,” penned a third.


A fourth said: “harriet and Ronnie have just come to scam you guys.”

While a fifth penned: “harriett and ronnie are the biggest scammers actually this is so bad.”

This comes after we revealed that Ronnie secretly snogged Harriett BEFORE they both entered the All Stars villa.

A source said: “Ronnie was desperate to win Harriett back just weeks ago after they shared a secret snog at a celeb-packed party.

“He has always felt there was unfinished business between them and he became fixated on finally making her his girlfriend.

Who are the 2025 Love Island All Stars couples so far?

Throughout the series the couples will chop and change as each recoupling happens

“Despite their break-up, they never fully cut each other off and were texting daily in the lead-up to Christmas.

“He boasted to pals about how smitten he was so it’s no wonder he’s now seemingly got a one-track mind on getting back with Harriett now she’s made her villa entrance.” 

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