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I lifted a hidden compartment in my washing machine & it was COVERED in mould – check yours it could be making you sick

THE washing machine is one of the hardest-working appliances in any household, but to ensure it performs at its best, a little regular maintenance is key.  

Many people overlook certain hidden areas of their washing machine, yet keeping these spots clean and well-maintained is essential for prolonging its lifespan and ensuring it runs efficiently.  

Clothes in a laundry basket next to a washing machine.
The washing machine is one of the most used devices in the house[/caption]
Person removing a hidden compartment from a washing machine.
The cleaning fan removes the hidden compartment from the inside of the washing machine[/caption]

And one cleaning fan shared a hidden compartment in the washing machine that she found was covered in mould. 

The woman, who goes by the name of ‘cleaner_tyna’ on TikTok, shared a video on her social media account showing her followers where to clean. 

She captioned it: “Maintain your washing machine. The most random things might be the cause of our skin issues.”

The hidden compartment is the drum paddle which is found inside the washing machine.

She lifted it up and found lots of dirt that had gathered underneath it, before then scraping the dirt to the side and using an electric toothbrush and soapy water to clean the drum. 

Tyna believes that by cleaning this area, you can help to prevent eczema. 

Her video gained a lot of attention, with many rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts. 

One asked: “How did you take it off though?”

To which Tyna replied: “I searched my model up on YouTube, all I needed was a small screwdriver to press in the metal tags but the challenge was getting them back in.” 

Another said: “Or you could just clean your washing machine with a cleaner once a month.”

And Tyna replied: “I have done, I’m trying not to put any chemicals in my machine now because of eczema flare ups but the inside looked like this…the machine is around eight years old though.”

A third asked: “Do we not drum clean?” 

And Tyna commented: “Yes, hot washes with white vinegar.” 

Cleaning a moldy washing machine detergent dispenser.
She uses an electric toothbrush to scrub the dirt away

According to Curry’s website, experts say that you should first identify the cause of a smelling washing machine.

They suggest cleaning door seals, the detergent drawer, the washing machine drum, and the washing machine filter.

More winter laundry tips

Tackling laundry in the winter can be a challenge, but these handy tips can help you stay on top of it:

  • Use a Dehumidifier: Place a dehumidifier in your drying area to speed up the drying process and prevent dampness.
  • Spin Cycle Boost: Run an extra spin cycle on your washing machine to remove excess water from clothes, reducing drying time.
  • Indoor Drying Rack: Invest in a good-quality indoor drying rack and position it near a radiator or in a well-ventilated room.
  • Tumble Dryer Balls: Add tumble dryer balls to your dryer to help clothes dry faster and reduce static cling.
  • Space-Saving Hangers: Use space-saving hangers or a retractable washing line to maximise indoor drying space.
  • Microfibre Towels: Lay microfibre towels over your drying rack to absorb extra moisture from hanging clothes.
  • Partially Dry Outside: On dry days, hang clothes outside for a short period before bringing them in to finish drying.

These hacks can help you keep your laundry routine efficient and your clothes fresh, even during the colder months.

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