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Sinn Fein TD seeking ‘urgent’ High Court hearing against ‘unconstitutional’ attendance of junior ministers at Cabinet

A SINN Fein TD has launched High Court proceedings alleging the attendance of “super-junior” ministers at Cabinet is unconstitutional.

Deputy Patrick Daly moved an initial application on Tuesday seeking a “very urgent” hearing of an application for permission to pursue his claims in court.

Ms Justice Mary Rose Gearty allowed him to file his legal papers with the High Court and said she will hear the “leave” application on Wednesday.

Feichin McDonagh, senior counsel for Mr Daly, told the court the case relates to the Government’s recent appointment of three “ministers of state” with rights at Cabinet.

He said the three non-government super juniors cannot vote at Cabinet but have all other rights.

The recently-appointed juniors, aside from the chief whip, are Fine Gael’s Hildegarde Naughton, and Regional Independents Sean Canney and Noel Grealish.

Mr Daly wants the court to declare that their attendance at Cabinet is unconstitutional, said Mr McDonagh, appearing with barristers Brendan Hennessy and John Biggins.

He said there is legislation that permits the taoiseach to appoint ministers of state, but his client argues the Constitution precludes this.

Mr Daly wants declarations related to the constitutionality of the super junior appointments and is not looking for strike-down orders “at the moment”.

He said the case raises “very serious issues”.

The Co Kerry representative’s action is against the Taoiseach, Government, Attorney General and Ireland, who have not yet had an opportunity to respond to the claims in court.

Article 28 of the Constitution stipulates that the government “shall consist of not less than seven and not more than 15 members who shall be appointed by the president”.

Article 28.4.3° of the Constitution requires the maintenance of strict confidentiality regarding discussions at meetings of the Government except where the High Court determines that disclosure should be made.

Government ministers are appointed by the president of Ireland on the advice of the taoiseach and with the prior approval of the Dail.

Ministers of state attending Cabinet are appointed directly by the government on the nomination of the taoiseach.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin with the 35th Irish Government.
A Sinn Fein TD has launched High Court proceedings alleging the attendance of ‘super-junior’ ministers at Cabinet is unconstitutional
Not known, clear with picture desk

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You can stay in the hotel from the Benidorm TV show this summer for £60 each

FANS of ITV’s Benidorm can stay in the exact hotel this summer with lagoon-style pool and swim-up bar.

The Solana resort from the show is actually the Sol Pelicanos Ocas in Benidorm.

Sherrie Hewson and Tim Healy as Joyce and Lesley in Benidorm.
Tiger Aspect Productions
The Solana hotel is actually filmed at the Sol Pelicanos Ocas in Benidorm – and you can stay there[/caption]
Aerial view of a resort pool area in Benidorm, Spain.
The Sol Pelicanos Ocas has hundreds of apartments over two buildings, some with balconies and terraces[/caption]

Unlike most TV shows that are filmed away from their on-screen location, the Sol Pelicanos Ocas is actually in Benidorm.

The ITV series filmed between the months of March and June for over a decade before the show ended in 2018, and now you can book your summer holiday there.

The Sol Pelicanos Ocas has 783 rooms spread across two apartment buildings.

There are two pools, one of which is the lagoon-style swimming pool with a swim-up bar which featured heavily on Benidorm.

Alongside it are three hot tubs, a swim-up bar and plenty of loungers.

The complex has two buffet restaurants where you can grab breakfast, lunch and dinner, and for drinks, there are five bars so you won’t struggle to get a cocktail.

For the kids there’s a playground, watersports in the pool, archery, and table tennis. There’s also an entertainment programme for children and a kids’ club with a ball pit.

Sadly Neptune’s karaoke bar isn’t actually in the hotel – instead it’s over the road and is called Morgan’s Tavern.

Pool with columns and swim-up bar at a resort in Benidorm, Spain.
The lagoon pool with palm trees and a swim-up bar are a main attraction from the show[/caption]
Three people by a swimming pool.
The hotel two minutes away from Levante Beach where you can swim and bodyboard[/caption]

Unlike the series that sees Madge Garvey cause chaos on her mobility scooter, the hotel does not allow them anywhere within the hotel.

The hotel is handily a two minute walk to Levante Beach where you can swim, bodyboard, and jet ski in the water.

We found results for £299pp based on a seven night stay from Bristol to Alicante with breakfast included.

But if you just want to book the stay yourself, Loveholidays has rooms from £64 a night – working out £32 each, although the cheapest summer deal we can find is £120 a night in May or October.

For another £55, you can upgrade to half board. All inclusive at the hotel is an extra £165 which could include all meals, drinks and snacks.

Old Benidorm, which is a whitewashed town, is less than half an hour away by foot. But there are plenty of buses and taxis that will take you there to explore tapas bars, shops and see the San Jaime church.

Lots of guests have booked the hotel purely for the “Benidorm (series) experience”.

Poolside bar at a resort in Benidorm, Spain.
Mateo’s swim-up bar is a real hut in the swimming pool[/caption]
Three men at a bar; one in a green shirt, one in a black tank top, and one in a wig and green shirt.
Lots of guests have booked the hotel purely for the “Benidorm (series) experience”[/caption]

Another was really impressed, they wrote: “Originally Booked as a ‘Tick for the list of things we said we would do’…. This turned out to be a surprise Gem of a stay!”

A third said: “As fans of the TV series there was only one part of the pool we wanted to relax by.”

We found all these holiday homes you can stay in that appeared in UK television shows.

These are seven real-life sets from television shows that are completely free to visit.

Panoramic view of Levante beach in Benidorm, Spain.
Levante Beach is filled with sunbeds and has a palm tree lined promenade[/caption]

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Як зробити кисломолочний сир із кефіру

Зробити ніжний кисломолочний сир у домашніх умовах дуже просто, адже знадобиться лише один інгредієнт. Цей рецепт використовувався не один десяток років господинями різних поколінь, щоб урізноманітнити сімейне меню та побалувати сім’ю смачними закусками та десертами. Подробиці Як готувати Для приготування потрібно заморозити пакет кефіру. Чим він жирніший, тим краще. Не купуйте кефір, жирність якого нижче […]

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Вчені назвали 5 корисних властивостей гарбузового насіння для здоров’я

  Вчені назвали п’ять позитивних фактів про користь гарбузового насіння. Їх рекомендується вживати вагітним жінкам і діабетикам, до того ж, даний продукт покращує здоров’я простати. Насіння позитивно впливає на роботу серцевого м’яза через що міститься в них магнію. Відбувається регулювання кров’яного тиску і зниження ризику інфаркту. Олія з насіння гарбуза виводить “поганий” холестерин ЛПНЩ і […]

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Які автомобілі з Німеччини вирізняються найкращою якістю

Коли мова заходить про якість і довговічність техніки, багато хто згадує продукцію з Німеччини. Німці завжди приділяли велику увагу своїй репутації, створюючи товари, що заслуговують на похвалу. Проте, з розвитком технологій та змін у суспільстві, де панує культура споживання, виробники все більше орієнтуються на швидке оновлення продукції, а не на довговічність. Попри це, багато споживачів […]

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Через аномальну спеку до 2100 року може загинути понад 2 млн європейців, – дослідження

Висока температура повітря може вбити на 50% більше людей у Європі до кінця століття. Кількість загиблих від сильної спеки, за прогнозами дослідників, перевищить кількість врятованих від м’якого холоду, пише The Guardian. За словами вчених, 8 тисяч людей помиратимуть щороку через “субоптимальні температури” навіть за найоптимістичнішого сценарію скорочення забруднення, яке нагріває планету. Однак найгірший сценарій, який розглянули науковці, показав […]

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“День з дітьми, як три робочих”: Григорій Решетнік “поскаржився” на нащадків, але ні слова вдячності дружині Христині

Григорій Решетнік поскаржився в Інстаграмі на день, проведений з трьома дітьми без пильного ока дружини. На думку ведучого, подібну практику слід зараховувати неначе це на один день, а цілих 3: “Цікаво, скільки разів слово “тато” я почув сьогодні?” Та насправді буркотіння татуся – це лише ззовні. В середині Григорій був вдоволений тим, що почувався потрібним, […]

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