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‘The best feeling’ says Rosanna Davison as she reveals ‘before & after’ of major hair transformation

ROSANNA Davison has revealed her latest hair transformation with an amazing “before and after” compilation.

The former Miss World is renowned for her luscious blonde locks and today she gave fans an exclusive look inside her extensive hair regime.

Long, straight blonde hair extensions.
Rosanna Davison showed off her latest hair transformation
Long blonde wavy hair.
Rosanna got some incredible blonde extensions and a full head of highlights
Woman taking a selfie in a hair salon.
Rosanna shared the process on her Instagram

Rosanna took to Instagram to share the process of removing her lengthy extensions.

The 40-year-old showed off her natural, darker toned hair colour and even captured a snap of the her original hair length.

The Dublin beauty looked happy as ever as she sat in a hairdressers and posed with her brand new platinum blonde locks.

The mum-of-three wrote in her caption: “All done. New set of @goldfeverhair.”

Rosanna then explained how her previous hair extensions had been taken out the day before and she was given a full head of bright blonde highlights.

Her hairstylist then dyed her extensions to match the shade she had used and fitted the first layer to her head.

This morning, Rosanna returned to the hair salon to get the final few layers of her extensions fitted – as she emphasised it was an extremely “long process”.

The beauty queen then shared the incredible “before and after” results to her page.

The first picture showed Rosanna’s natural dark blonde hair, with a brunette root.

Her hair texture was much thinner without the extensions and her ends had a strawberry blonde colour.

After her hair stylist was finished revamping her locks the results were fabulous.

Rosanna’s hair was now extra voluminous with increased length and a gorgeous platinum blonde shine.

Her hair was also immaculately curled and styled to perfection.

But it’s not all glamour and beauty in the Davison household.

Last week, Rosanna shared the honest reality of “mum life” with a hilarious post about the aftermath of lunchtime with toddlers.


The TV star has three kids under the age of four and has always been open about her struggles with motherhood.

Rosanna took to social media to share a snippet of herself discovering a piece of her toddler’s food in her bra.

The Irish star humorously captioned the post: “Mum life: finding a bit of biscuit in your bra and eating it anyways.”

In the short clip, the model could be seen walking down her hallway at home while scrolling through social media.


The doting mum then stopped dead in her tracks and gave a confused look as she began to pat her chest.

She then reached into her top and pulled out a piece of biscuit which had fallen in there.

The Dublin native hilariously stared at the food before shrugging her shoulders and throwing it into her mouth.

Rosanna jokingly confessed: “Bits of cracker and toast have been found in my bra, bed and even in the shower.”

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