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Kelsey Parker breaks silence on ‘shocking feud’ with Tom’s former bandmate Max George after claims he ‘deeply hurt’ her

KELSEY Parker has broken her silence on reports she is entangled in a ‘shocking secret feud’ with her ex-husband Tom’s The Wanted bandmate Max George.

Tom was just 32 when he was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour in 2020 before passing away in March 2022.

Kelsey Parker in a black and white 60s-style outfit.
Kelsey Parker on her exclusive shoot with Fabulous
Mark Hayman
Tom and Kelsey Parker at the Pride of Britain Awards.
Kelsey’s husband, The Wanted’s Tom Parker, passed away aged 33, less than two years after being diagnose with a terminal brain tumour
Getty Images
Max George and Tom Parker in a selfie.
The Wanted’s Max George shared his plans to support Tom’s family after his passing but reports say he has distanced himself from the Parkers[/caption]

Kelsey, 34, has just announced she is expecting her third child with new partner tree surgeon Will Lindsay. Speaking exclusively to Fabulous about the alleged ‘strained’ friendship with Max and claims she’s been left ‘deeply hurt’ by him she said:

“There’s no feud on my part. I’m a busy woman. I’ve got two kids. I’m growing a baby. I’ve not got the time for falling out with people and having feuds. It really ain’t a bit of me.”

While the band rallied around Kelsey in the early days and Max even gave a heart-wrenching eulogy at Tom’s funeral in April 2023, they have not remained as close as the years have gone on.

While Kelsey has been dealing with her own grief as well as raising her and Tom’s two kids, Aurelia, five, and Bodhi, four, Max has had battles of his own.

The 36-year-old had to undergo urgent heart surgery after being diagnosed with a block.

He had to be fitted with a pacemaker and was so scared he was going to die that he wrote his will.

“We’re both having hard times. Obviously, I wish Max all the wellness in the world, because I wouldn’t want anyone to go through any ill health or anything,” Kelsey added.

“When you’ve lost someone you realise there are much bigger things to get upset [about].

“But there’s no feud on my behalf.”

Meanwhile she revealed that Tom’s other The Wanted bandmates rushed to congratulate her on expecting a baby.

“Jay [McGuinness] was so excited. He can’t wait for the baby and Siva [Kaneswaran] messaged me and congratulated me too, which was nice,” she said.

“Everyone has been really kind and is pleased for me.”

Kelsey is still close to her late husband’s family including his mum, Noreen, who was thrilled by the news that she was expecting.

In an interview last week with OK! Magazine, she said: “We’ve all been through so much together.

“But I’m here and bringing another baby into the world.”

When Tom passed away, his mum Noreen said: ‘Whatever you choose to do, I will support you.’

Kelsey Parker

Tom’s family were equally supportive of her getting together with her new partner, Will, who lost his dad when he was young.

Speaking to Fabulous last month, she said: “I met Will on a night out. We were both out with friends.

“He didn’t know who I was and when I told him about Tom, he was so understanding, it didn’t freak him out.”

While Kelsey admitted she was terrified of the reaction from the public after she announced her new relationship, she felt confident it was the right thing to do, having had Tom’s blessing as well as his family’s.

“When Tom passed away, his mum Noreen said: ‘Whatever you choose to do, I will support you’,” she revealed.

“I’m so close to her and she really likes Will. We Facetime each other all the time and she was down last week with Tom’s dad Nigel.”

Pallbearers carrying a coffin at a funeral.
Max George and former bandmate Jay McGuiness acted as pallbearers at Tom’s funeral[/caption]
A woman in a floral dress laughs as a man in a gray suit embraces her.
Kelsey has since found happiness with tree surgeon Will Lindsay, with the pair expecting their first child together
Tom Parker's wife Kelsey with their two children.
Kelsey shares children Aurelia, now five, and Bodhi, now four, with her late husband Tom

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I’m 20 and just got given my first council house for £97 a week – trolls moan their tax pays for my home, but I work too

A YOUNG woman was thrilled to get her own council home but trolls were quick to try and ruin it for her.

Amber Portia, 20, will be moving into her new-build council house soon and took to social media to show it off.

A teal kitchen in a council house.
The 20-year-old got herself a council house after just six weeks on the waiting list[/caption]
Young woman describes her experience moving into council housing.
Amber was trolled for getting her house but she explained why she was a priority[/caption]

The council flat, which was in a newly built property, had a huge bedroom, along with a bathroom with a bath and shower, and an open-plan kitchen and living room.

Amber said: “First look at my council flat as a 20-year-old who lives on their own.”

“Bedroom, massive, really nice daylight in it.

“Sexy little bathroom with a bath, in a new build. Madness!”

There was also a huge airing cupboard for extra storage and an open-planned kitchen and living room.

“Kitchen is absolutely huge,” she continued. “You’ve got space for a washing machine, oven, fridge, freezer, and built-in bins.”

In total Amber said the place would cost her just £97 a week in rent and she was chuffed to start her life in the new home.

But people were quick to try and ruin it for Amber with one writing: “Meanwhile I can’t get one for 6 years.”

Another penned: “For those of us working day in, day out – you’re welcome.”

“I work full time but thank you,” said Amber.

Bathroom with sink, bathtub, and shower.
The swanky new-build cost her just £97 a week[/caption]
Hallway of a new council house.
Now she had to focus on making it her home[/caption]

In another video, Amber explained her situation a little bit more adding that she was a care leaver so the council had to home her.

She said: “As a care leaver, you get a council flat a lot easier than a lot of other people cause they do not want to make you homeless, cause they’re your legal guardian.”

While many stay in care until 18, there is the option to stay until 21, hence Amber has her home now at 20 years old.

She was put on the bidding list and stayed on there for six weeks until she was accepted into her property.

For those complaining they couldn’t get a council house for their family Amber explained that while her new home was gorgeous it wasn’t suitable for children.

How can I get a council house?

To apply for a council home, you need to fill out and hand in an application to your local authority.

To find your local authority, simply use the Government’s council locator tool on its website.

Once you have access to your local council’s website, it should offer you guidelines on how to complete your application.

After applying, you’ll most likely have to join a waiting list.

Bear in mind, even if you are put on a waiting list, this doesn’t guarantee you a council house offer.

Your council should also offer you advice on how to stay in your current home and solve any issues you might have, such as problems with a private landlord or mortgage.

You are eligible to apply for council housing if you are a British citizen living in the UK providing have not lived abroad recently.

Each council has its own local rules about who qualifies to go on the housing register in its area, but it is based on “points” or a “banding” system.

For example, you’re likely to be offered housing first if you:

  • are homeless
  • live in cramped conditions
  • have a medical condition made worse by your current home
  • are seeking to escape domestic violence

Once you are high enough on a council’s waiting list, it will contact you when a property is available.

Some councils let people apply at the age of 18, while others let you apply even sooner at 16-year-olds.

EU workers and their families and refugees may also be eligible.

A council house is reached through a points system, so depending on your housing needs, you may be considered low priority.

The council will contact you about any available property once you are high enough on the waiting list.

There is no limit on how long you can expect to be on the waiting list.

“It  is a third floor flat and it’s a one bed,” she continued.

“It’s massive, it’s lovely for me, but it won’t be suitable for children; it won’t be suitable for older people because of the stairs.

“It’s very subject to your situation.”

Despite some of the negative comments on the video shared to her TikTok account @amberleaf444 many congratulated Amber on her home.

One person wrote: “People can be so negative without even considering a person’s situation. Happy you now have your own safe little haven!”

Another commented: “Perfect flat, so much potential, hope you will be very happy there.”

“Congrats, it’s a lovely looking place, hope you get settled in quickly and enjoy your space,” penned a third.

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Пишні пончики з улюбленої начинкою

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Як правильно пити чай та каву з медом

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