Most people come off Love Island and do everything they can to cash in on their new found fame and social media followers.
But 2016 Liana Isadora ended up taking a rather different approach following a difficult stint on the show and ended up coming offline completely.

Four years after disappearing without a trace, the 29-year-old popped back up on TikTok – revealing she is now a mum.
Liana has now revealed why she chose to take a step back and in her first chat in years, told us how much her life has now changed.
Gone are her long blonde hair extensions, fake lashes and lip filler – and instead there is a young mum who has embraced, who is finally happy in her own skin.
She told us: “After the show, it didn’t really impact my life that much because I didn’t really have the most fortunate time on there.”
Liana was coupled up with Adam Maxted on the show but they were separated when they were voted, by the rest of the contestants, as one of the weakest couples.
She was then coupled with Tom Powell before they got the boot.
She continued: “I went back to my normal life and then had a toxic relationship and I got quite wrapped up in the life of partying and drinking for a few years.
“It was very superficial. It was kind of overnight, I think it was in covid that something just clicked.
“I think it was the start of 2021 I just completely came off social media and it’s been just over four years since I have been on.
“It just kind of clicked and I thought, what am I doing with my life, I need to have a reset. I felt a bit lost, obviously covid hit and everyone was having a bit of an existential crisis so i just came off socials – deleted everything.”
Liana revealed she had no plans to go off radar for four years, but really enjoyed the break.
During that time she started dating her now boyfriend and they had a baby together last July.
She says she felt ‘destined to be mother’ and dreamt of it even before she applied for the dating show.
“In those fours years, there was a lot of self improvement, a lot of healing and a lot of personal growth and reflection,” she explained.
“I don’t really drink anymore, maybe the odd glass of wine. I am very much a stay at home mum now, focused on my child. We have a quiet life, we go travelling every now and then to different countries. I am much more happy and content now that I have taken a step back from the person I was.”

Noticeably her appearance has also dramatically changed and she’s a far cry from the blonde bombshell who entered the villa all those years ago.
She told us: “I have calmed down on my looks, obviously when I went on the show i was young and thought it was quite cool the surgeries, the crazy tan, the bleach blonde hair, the huge lip filler, the big lashes, all those things I’ve lost along the way of going ghost and coming back as a more refined, natural version of myself.
“I never thought there would be a day where I would just be so happy in my own skin and content just walking away make-up free with my natural skin tone, which I used to absolutely hate. I feel my best without all that unnecessary b**llshit.”
Liana is turning 30 this year and is reflective about her younger self, saying: “When I look back I just wish I could give her a hug, that girl who went on the show, I was a bit out there, i was a bit crazy but i also think i was very naive. I have a lot of compassion for my younger self, especially now I have a daughter.
“I was on a TV show at a time where mental health wasn’t really a big thing, now with Love Island, it’s probably crazy the checks and all the stuff they do surrounding it.
“I feel like I was thrown to the wolves, I have come a long way in the past nine years and in the past four years especially with taking time out completely from social media.”
She concluded about her welcome return: “I have come back a better person.”