free website stats program Gladiator Sabre reveals moment fellow star was left humiliated by contenders – soka sardar

Gladiator Sabre reveals moment fellow star was left humiliated by contenders

THE new season of Gladiators is well under way – and this week it was time for a the sizzling quarter finals.

The reboot of the classic 90s show  has re-energised Saturday nights since it stormed back onto telly for series two.

Gladiators Season 2,18-01-2025,1,Sabre,*** UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL 00:00:01 14-01-2025 ***,© Hungry Bear Media Ltd,David MacCormack
Sabre gives her take on this week’s powderkeg instalment

And each week we have the inside scoop as our very own Scottish superstar Sabre gives her hot takes on the show, straight after the episodes air.

The Scots weightlifter turned TV star, real name Sheli McCoy, is a firm favourite with fans – and is proud to be only female Gladiator that does every single event.

Here she gives her verdict on episode five.


Quarterfinals has a HIT and it would seem these contenders are coming out with the fire of a thousand suns.

A moment for Legend losing TWICE on Hang Tough!

I bet we’ll hear the legendary excuses in the locker room for the next six months.

Dynamite nailed it…he is delusional at this stage.

Who’s tipped the scale for this week’s awards?


It’s Hammer’s time to shine.

WOW…now that’s an entrance! 


It has to be new boy Hammer.

Hammer is a human wrecking ball in the arena – less a warrior, more a walking earthquake.

Armed with a hammer the size of a small horse, he doesn’t fight battles; he ends them.

With a jawline carved from granite and a sense of humour as dry as the Colosseum sands, he’s as likely to crush contenders as he is to crack jokes – usually both at the same time.


It’s Joe.

He’s just here living his best life and we all loved the energy he brought and how hard he fought to the end.

Message to all contenders – be more like Joe, you can’t teach heart like that.

There were some unreal scenes on Saturday, and this isn’t even the peak of the epic battle for the title.

My only question is, Can YOU feel the power?

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