free website stats program “A soldier on the good guys’ side”: Steve Carell Revealed What His Real Life Counterpart From ‘The Big Short’ Felt Despite Making a Billion Dollars in the Crisis – soka sardar

“A soldier on the good guys’ side”: Steve Carell Revealed What His Real Life Counterpart From ‘The Big Short’ Felt Despite Making a Billion Dollars in the Crisis

In the 2015 movie The Big Short, Steve Carell delivered a memorable performance as Mark Baum. Baum was a hedge fund manager who predicted the 2008 financial crisis and profited from betting against the housing market. The character was based on real-life financier Steve Eisman, who played a significant role in exposing the widespread corruption that led to the collapse of the economy.

Steve Carell in The Big Short
Steve Carell in The Big Short | Credit: Paramount Pictures

It is undeniable that people wanted to know what Mark Baum was actually like in real life and what he thinks about the movie. Carell revealed fascinating insights about his portrayal of the character, highlighting the internal conflict his character experienced.

Steve Carell revealed the real-life character Mark Baum’s ambiguous thoughts who foresaw the crisis

While The Big Short showcased the complications of the financial crisis, one of its standout points was the complexity of the individuals who foresaw the crisis. In a 2015 interview with Vulture, Steve Carell talked about what Eisman and the other three men’s motivations were. Carell said that they were not driven purely by greed, despite the financial gain, “I think he sees himself as a defender of justice and righteousness, while at the same time being conflicted.” The actor continued,

I really think he saw himself as a soldier on the good guy’s side. He’s very opinionated about bank fraud, and what they were up to, and I think he was and is very angry— you know, he’s an angry guy. Because he saw so much fraud around him.

Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling in The Big Short
Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling in The Big Short | Credit: Paramount Pictures

Eisman’s anger stemmed from his discovery of widespread fraud in the financial industry, which he felt was entirely ignored by those in power. According to Carell, Eisman was aware of how alone he was in seeing systematic issues that would ultimately bring down the economy, “The more he learned, the more incomprehensible it was to him.” Carell explained,

He felt very alone in that regard. I think he felt he was one of very few people who saw what was bad about the industry, and I think that helpes define him.

It seems like despite the opportunity to profit from the crisis, Eisman maintained a sense of moral clarity throughout the crisis. However, in the movie, Baum is portrayed as fearless and unapologetic, as someone whom you don’t want to pay sympathy for. Carell’s views emphasized his “soldier on the good guys’ side,” exposing the truth about the financial system.

Steve Eisman even gave on-set advice to Steve Carell and the other cast

During the filming of The Big Short, Eisman was an active presence on set. He offered Carell and the other actors advice to ensure their portrayal remained accurate. The Office actor recalled the filming scene in which his character, Baum becomes aware of the depth of the corruption in the CDO market. Carell said that Eisman approached the director Adam McKay and other actors with notes on how to improve the scene.

Brat Pitt in The Big Short
Brad Pitt in The Big Short | Credit: Paramount Pictures

Besides, Carell, Christian Bale, Brat Pitt, and Ryan Gosling were the main cast, playing the financial experts. The movie is based on the book by Michael Lewis. For Carell, the insights helped him deepen his portrayal. He showed that Eisman’s complex character was driven not just by anger but also by a certain exception, which took down the institution and caused much harm.

Ultimately, Carell’s portrayal of Eisman and the movie’s exploration of the ambiguity by those who profited from the crisis helped the movie to be recognized by the audience.

The Big Short is available to stream on Paramount+.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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