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Avatar Fans Still Defending Korra Need To Watch a Scene Where She Got Owned By a Villain Toph Alone Could’ve Obliterated

Kuvira as a villain was an interesting take on an antagonist for Avatar Korra. Her final antagonist in the show, Kuvira was an echo of what Ozai was, but in many ways different, given that, unlike Ozai’s quest for power, Kuvira genuinely thought that her way of doing things would lead to a better world.

Kuvira in The Legend of Korra || Credit: Nickelodeon

There was also the fact that Korra was more often than not hopelessly outmatched by Kuvira, who used her powers creatively. There was also the fact that in the era where Kuvira was fighting Korra, she also had a lot more powers at her disposal (though that didn’t stop an old Toph from putting her in her place.)

Kuvira showed exactly what Korra needed to do to become a better Avatar

The Legend of Korra
The Legend of Korra || Credit: Nickelodeon

Korra was always a headstrong fighter who had issues dealing with the mellower side of things when it came to being an Avatar. Kuvira, in most of their fights, showed Korra precisely how the elements could be used. Korra opted to use more aggressive elements like Fire, while Kuvira used tactics and techniques that could be right of Aang and Iroh’s playbook. The antagonist was perhaps the second most versatile enemy that Korra had to fight, right behind the Red Lotus.

Korra managed to overcome what Kuvira through at her, but it stands to reason that her tenure as the Avatar might have been one of the most tumultuous in recent Avatar history, given that not only did she see the rise and fall of multiple ant-peace factions, but also lost the power to communicate with previous Avatars. This is bound to be a plot point in the upcoming Avatar: Seven Havens, which will follow the adventures of Korra’s successor.

Avatar: Seven Havens could see the Avatar cycle restored

A still from The Legend of Korra || Credit: Nickelodeon

It is often the case that the biggest failure of Avatars gone by is usually restored in the reign of the Avatar who comes after. Roku was unable to stop the Fire Nation, Aang did it. Aang failed to restore the Air Nomad, and Korra did it. Korra…well it seems she messed up a lot. The world is in disarray, to the point of the four-nations system collapsing. Avatars have been branded as enemies of humanity and hunted by spirits and humans alike.

The earth-bending Avatar that we will see in Seven Havens will probably fix the cycle and the world, coming into a unique situation, much like Aang’s. This would be the first Avatar since Aang to be born at a time when the four-nation system has been completely eradicated.

Aang lived in a time when there were no Air Nomads, and the Earthbending Avatar is going to live in a time when the entire concept has been eradicated in favor of the Havens system. How are these things going to be restored in just two seasons is beyond anyone, but given that the original creators are on board, there could be a lot in the cards for the Studio in general.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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