free web tracker Wheel Of Time Season 3 Confirms [SPOILER] Can Channel, Setting Up Another Key Storyline From The Books – soka sardar 191283

Wheel Of Time Season 3 Confirms [SPOILER] Can Channel, Setting Up Another Key Storyline From The Books

This article contains spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 3, episode 5.The Wheel of Time has just confirmed Mat Cauthon’s little sister, Bode, can channel – setting up a subplot from the books. The “One Power” is The Wheel of Time‘s version of magic, and its use is pretty controversial; only women can safely channel, but even they are hated by the dreaded Whitecloaks. The Whitecloaks consider the One Power to be a weapon of the Dark One, meaning they believe all who use it are his pawns – even the Aes Sedai. They will not suffer a witch to live.

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